IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d I'll answer for you: "yes, looks like shit". :)
dr|z3d all of the snark themes with console counterparts were borked, missing css resources that broke the UI in subtle and not so subtle ways. fixed in the latest git commit. if you're using standaline, please test and report any issues. thanks!
dr|z3d tbh, I'm surprised no one noticed before.
dr|z3d latest standalone build with theme fixes: skank.i2p/installers/
orignal I don't care
orignal about UI
dr|z3d I know, you've told me before. but a broken UI is something to care about. :)
orignal zzz, how is I2CP "switch tunnles" going?
uop23ip dr|z3d, only standalone or dev router also? looks fine here
dr|z3d issue was with standalone, uop23ip
dr|z3d standalone requires various (console) resources mapped to the war file, and some were missing.
dr|z3d there may be some residual issues now that various deprecated html4 properties have been removed, mostly relating to alignment/centering of content.
dr|z3d the next build arriving in a minute or 3 will fix the ones I just noticed.
uop23ip fast as always, thanks
dr|z3d you're welcome.
dr|z3d Blinded message
orignal make I2CP great again
dr|z3d yeah, orignal
dr|z3d *** laughs ***
dr|z3d you don't suffer from tourettes do you?
dr|z3d zzz: do we know how much of apps/routerconsole/java/src/edu/internet2/ndt/locale we're actually using? mostly looks like dead wood, string-wise.
zzz no and we've never put those up on transifex, we'd have to scrub it if we did
zzz and why do they all have country codes on them? that seems wrong
dr|z3d if you were going to put them on transifex, they could probably use being po files.
dr|z3d anyways, most of the strings in there look like they're not used in our UI.
zzz not without a rewrite
zzz the english should be the default, not en_US
zzz not sure it works at all for a non-translated language, or for a translated one but wrong country. have you tested it?
dr|z3d when I looked briefly, it looks like there are no inline native strings.. might be wrong, but it appears there are just codes which then get looked up via the translations.
dr|z3d haven't tested that scenario, no.
zzz right. properties-style translations is key/value, like in android
zzz like syndie was before I switched it
dr|z3d the source is also not the best, formatting-wise. I've reformatted it so comments don't flow over several lines, one word per line.
dr|z3d and then there's a ton of code that looks like it's unused, public static String mailTo being just one method of many.
zzz sure, it's a mess, originally designed for swing, then hacked by vuze to spoof all the swing stuff so it would work differently, then we took it
zzz I didn't take much time to rip out the unused parts
zzz ah, one mystery solved, we rename all the properties files in build.xml to strip the countries and make english the default
StormyCloud This teamwork makes me proud <3
zzz lol
StormyCloud How is everyone doing this wonderful day
zzz ducky. playoff weekend
zzz dr|z3d, the 2nd status box is the one that's translated by tcpbw100, it seems like the only strings seen normally are "inbound test..." and "outbound test...", everything else would be translated error messages
StormyCloud zzz, who you rooting for?
dr|z3d yeah, that sounds about right. so we could just replace all of those messsages with a generic "Test failed, please try again" or somesuch?
dr|z3d with some general advice about checking cables, firewalls, etc.
zzz StormyCloud, my team's out, just hoping for good games, maybe the Lions would be my pick, getting pretty sick of KC
zzz dr|z3d, if they've implemented good error msgs dunno why you'd want to rip them all out
StormyCloud facts, Im rooting for the lions too. They kept games fun this year
dr|z3d that's a valid point, zzz, but it's conditional upon the error messages being good. I'm not sure that's a given.
zzz well, look in the english file and decide for yourself
dr|z3d just one example: inboundWrongMessage = C2S throughput test: Received wrong type of the message
dr|z3d if that's good, I'll eat your hat.
dr|z3d excLoss = Excessive packet loss is impacting your performance, check the auto-negotiate function on your local PC and network switch
dr|z3d middleboxModifyingMss = Information: Network Middlebox is modifying MSS variable
zzz sure but w/o a specific msg we would be unable to fix any bugs reported
zzz it's not just a message for the user, but a pointer to the problem
dr|z3d ok, well I think we could probably lose at least 60% of those messages while still retaining debugging hooks.
dr|z3d I mean, this section looks like a refugee from the last century:
dr|z3d found100mbps = 100 Mbps FastEthernet link found.
dr|z3d found10gbps = 10 Gbps 10 GigEthernet/OC-192 link found.
dr|z3d found10mbps = 10 Mbps Ethernet link found.
dr|z3d found1gbps = 1 Gbps GigabitEthernet link found.
dr|z3d found2.4gbps = 2.4 Gbps OC-48 link found.
dr|z3d found45mbps = 45 Mbps T3/DS3 link found.
dr|z3d found622mbps = 622 Mbps OC-12 link found.
dr|z3d foundDialup = Dial-up modem link found.
dr|z3d foundDsl = Cable modem/DSL/T1 link found.
dr|z3d fullDuplex = Full duplex Fast Ethernet subnet
dr|z3d if we only had a handful of strings to deal with, we could probably make them both intelligible to the end user *and* useful for debugging.
zzz sure, it's just a lot of work for very little gain
zzz the one easy improvement I see is to check for "inbound/outbound test..." and translate them in our bundle
zzz to avoid the mess of cleaning up the properties file just to translate those two in more languages
dr|z3d yeah, you're probably right re what it buys us. not much.
dr|z3d re error messages, we could just pump something out in the logs and tell the user to refer to those when filing a bug. that could help streamline things.
orignal is it possible for snark to use multiple local destinations?
orignal remember that a signle dest is limited by 16 IB
zzz not in standalone, but you can do multiple instances in the console, there's a howto on zzz.i2p somewhere
zzz for standalone just run two instances with different web ports
dr|z3d 16 IB, infinite OB.
orignal ofc I mean standalone
orignal say I need to share 100K torrents
orignal yes I can run multiple instances snark
orignal but I though it migth have a built-in blanacing or something
orignal e.g. if a dest is too busy torrent can be moved to another automatically
zzz nope
dr|z3d supporting multiple dests would be handy, sure, but it's not on zzz's TODO list :)
zzz would be a big mess
dr|z3d so I've ripped out all the e-mail related code in the bandwidth tester, seems to be fine without it, compiles at least.
zzz looks like the only translated strings that could even theoretically get to our UI are about a dozen from showStatus() calls
zzz all the ones setting _sErrMsg just go to logs
dr|z3d that was kind of what I was driving at :)
dr|z3d "kind of"
zzz sure, but you were guessing, I'm providing real info
dr|z3d *pat pat* good boy
dr|z3d dunno whether we use the details button, still, that was removed in error, so restored in latest commit.
dr|z3d you might find pulling the i2p+ b/w code and merging that helps, dunno. source is a lot less easier to navigate from where I'm sitting.
dr|z3d *lot easier
dr|z3d lot less easier lol.
zzz sorry, your new coding style is hideous
zzz and ofc I'm not reformatting 3rd party code, that makes any merging of upstream changes impossible
dr|z3d not really, not if you ignore the whitespace changes in your merge process.
zzz tried commenting out some stuff but now it doesn't run any tests
dr|z3d the translation strings?
zzz no,
dr|z3d what did you comment out?
zzz too much apparently
dr|z3d you could try with just the email stuff and work from there?
dr|z3d (no issues running the test without the e-mail stuff here)
dr|z3d I'm looking at the jbutton stuff, I don't think we use any of that?
zzz remember it's all faked by the fake swing classes
zzz some of the fake swing stuff is used to store info in, it's super messy
dr|z3d ok, guess I'll leave it alone then. the e-mail button and method, easy win, notwithstanding.
zzz if I get it to stop NPEing I'll give you my diff
zzz mlab keeps giving me a test server hostname that doesn't resolve
zzz seems like we should retry
zzz super annoying
dr|z3d hmm, not seeing that here, would be annoying++
zzz oh they hand out IPs too but we don't use them
zzz more things to fix
dr|z3d the choice of test servers seems to be less than optimal, however. you'd hope they select a server in the same continent as the requesting host, but no.
dr|z3d looks good, looks like you've got rid of a chunk of useless.
dr|z3d for future reference, you can pastebin diffs on cake for syntax highlighting: cake.i2p/view/Ae2eJP5sqs_eellYQzLIdYVvngFV1aDOYLY5gH7AJ_68cDqEa1gk/Ae2eJP5sqs.txt
zzz I named it bw.diff, it should know
dr|z3d it doesn't care about the name, first thing. name it whatever you like, and give it a different name after the event, no issue. but you have to a) use the /pastebin feature and b) select the filetype from the dropdown. if you use the pastebin, you (or anyone else) can change the filetype post-upload.
zzz oh i get it, upload and pastebin are two different things, the home page is upload. I probably used to know that...
zzz StormyCloud, idk just announced in the forum that you're going to take over git hosting for us. Thank you!!!!!
StormyCloud Of course , always happy to help out
itsjustme hello :)
dr|z3d sup ijm
dr|z3d zzz: :)
itsjustme not too much. How about yourself? long time now see
dr|z3d usual shizzle dizzle, ijm :)