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orignal gents, how can I move snark's conent and setting to another box?
orignal I want to try seeding 24/7 and see what would hapen
snex You can but you have to be very careful
snex It seems very finicky
snex Basically shut down all torrents then copy over the i2pconfig.d folder to the new one and make sure all the .torrent files and data are in the same place
snex i2psnark.config.d is the folder*
dr|z3d close snark, copy the i2psnarl folder, start snark on new box.
dr|z3d and what snex said re location.
dr|z3d location including the username you're running snark from.
orignal but I don't want to copy snark folder I need to build it there I guess
orignal username is the same
snex As long as the config.d and the data all match up you should be good
dr|z3d just pull the torrents again, orignal
dr|z3d then you don't have to worry about location or anything else. just unpack the standalone wherever you want it.
dr|z3d copy over the existing .torrent files and away you go.
dr|z3d feel free to try Snark+ if you haven't already.
orignal I don't want to pull
orignal I want unly seed
dr|z3d have you got the content on the new host?
dr|z3d if so, and you don't want to migrate settings, delete the existing .torrent files and recreate them.
dr|z3d (on the new host)
orignal I want to keep seeding from another box like before
dr|z3d sure, as long as you have the content on the new host, just create the torrents and you're seeding as soon as they start.
dr|z3d if you do try Snark+, be sure to enable the filter bar in the configs.
dr|z3d also enjoy the interstitial.
dr|z3d I bet you never noticed that, snex...
dr|z3d 1.7MB/s down peak, testing standalone.
snex Is that on snark or what
snex What is an interstitial
dr|z3d there are some very fast hosts handling the + torrent seeding.
dr|z3d check the url, you'll see what an interstitial is.
dr|z3d (it won't interrupt snark)
snex I only see the chimp gif as always. I haven’t updated
dr|z3d that's your interstitial.
dr|z3d not a gif, hell no. :)
snex Also I can’t even reach snark via that url I have everything on different hosts lol
dr|z3d well, :8002/ then from wherever you access it. that's your interstitial which is essentially a "please wait" style banner.
snex That was there as long as I remember
dr|z3d it serves to preload the default theme's resources.
dr|z3d ok, then you did see it. my bad.
dr|z3d an appropriate mascot, though some may disagree.
RN I don't forward port 8002, no wonder I never see the monkey
snex So then how do you manage snark at all
RN aside from the little one in the progress windown
RN[forwarded version of 7657]/i2psnark/
RN are you just talking about the standalone one?
RN (yes this is an I2P+ router)
snex Yes but even the built in one has the management page
RN is there some place to click to bring that up?
RN I think one of the stable diffusions I was playing with ran on port 8000 by default
snex i2phost:8002
RN port 7657 (7667) are ssh forwarded, port 8002 is not
snex Right so how can you use snark at all
RN and there is a Canon I2P running on this local host, so I'd a port conflict if Canon uses 8002
RN I go to[forwarded 7657]/snark
RN where [forwarded 7657] is replaced by the local end of the ssh port forward to that machine's port 7657
RN or I can just open the (forwarded) router console and click 'torrents' link in the side bar
RN when you say management page, you mean the main snark web interface? where it lists the torrents, has buttons for pasting magnet,etc
RN I have never used a port number 8002 to bring up that interface
RN just the links from the console, or the url from the history in the url bar
dr|z3d cheeky monkey interstitial is standalone only.
RN thanks for stopping me from goning down some rabit hole looking for 8002
dr|z3d 8002 is standalone default port.
RN and thanks for the attempt to confuse me snax
RN that's what I suspected. snax was helpfully reading from a completely different book trolling me to thinking we were on the same page
dr|z3d watch him, he's dangerous.
RN yup
RN he likes the abuse
RN ;)
snex I could have sworn embedded snark also ran on 8002
dr|z3d snark in the console runs on the console port.
cumlord Any idea why so finicky? Changing the file names to what it wants seems to work most of the time
dr|z3d torrents are linked to the location they're saved to.
dr|z3d i2psnark.config.d per-torrent files can be edited.
cumlord Ah ok I didn’t know about that
cumlord I think I have 2-3 multi file torrents ran through renamer, that work in embedded but not in standalone, maybe that’s why
dr|z3d if the directories in there were less random, would be easier. but it is what it is.
dr|z3d there's another side project for you snex..
dr|z3d when a torrent is stopped, ui option to permit relocation of the storage location per torrent.
dr|z3d and perhaps a button/feature to globally reassign the location of torrents.
dr|z3d another 25% or so shaved off the svg graphs in the dark theme in the latest + dev update.
dr|z3d maybe there's some useful optimizations for svg graphs you can glean from this, zzz: cake.i2p/file/C9Yw6ulyis_LsdLtI2D79TuowI2msVQMEbtcBRrkq_iOAplTalUv/bw.combined.svg
dr|z3d 4 days worth of data + legend @ 387x233: cost: ~7.3KB
zzz thx, but whatever hacks you're doing to jfree probably aren't applicable to the puker, and aggressive output minimization really isn't a design goal over here
dr|z3d it's up to you of course, but I'm sure there are various optimizations to puker you can make to output smaller files. mostly it's just grouping, removing inline styles and clip-paths, and migrating those to css classes.
dr|z3d switching from rgb[a] to #hex also helps, losing [stroke-]opacity values and encoding those into the hex values instead.
zzz sure but I have to keep rrd4j optimizations in rrd4j code and svg optimizations in svg code to maintain the svg code as a general-purpose maintainable lib and put it up on github with a straight face
dr|z3d downsampling in rrd4j also probably helps for longer timeframes.
zzz already did the former
dr|z3d "with a straight face" haha
zzz whats the encoding for 4 byte hex, is it argb or rgba?
dr|z3d latter.
dr|z3d black at 50 opacity = #0008 for example.
zzz thx, that's worth doing
zzz but there's no easy way in a general-purpose lib to gather common styles, define them in css at the front, and reference them later, that's misery
orignal another question
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