IRCaBot 2.1.0
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orignal to be able to send Ack datagram with the same nonce back
orignal to calculate RTO and window size
orignal current UDP tunnels are not usable for wireguard tunnels
orignal or even "options" sections
dr|z3d enjoy the latest + update, now with compressed (but not obfuscated/mangled) javascript in the console and snark.
dr|z3d uncompressed js still available from git.
zzz seems like that should be at the application layer?
zzz most application protocols have nonces or seq. nums in there already
orignal I would prefer to have a way to add service information without toucking the payload
orignal see, we implement a generic UDP tunnels without any knoledge about an app
orignal all it needs to do is to deliver UDP packets to other side
orignal an app shouldn't care about badidth, congestion, etc.
orignal *banwidth
orignal so, if we had an options section it would helpp a lot
zzz any udp app has to care about bandwidth/congestion
zzz the replies may not even come back in datagram2. in bittorrent dht, the requests are repliable but the responses are raw
orignal for example wireguard
orignal yes there are many combination
orignal that's why having option sections would be nice
orignal maybe required reponse time
orignal basically our problem is that we can't identify when one of tunnels died and swithc to another
zzz wireguard has congestion control in it, right?
zzz it just "feels" like the wrong layer to me
zzz but we can definitely add an options section
zzz just in case
zzz if a flag is set, then there's an options mapping
orignal it does
orignal but it knows nothing about i2p specific problem
orignal like dying routers
orignal do you have this flag yet?
orignal then tell me how are we supposed to solve dead tunnels issue?
orignal with datagrams
orignal we do it well in streaming
zzz please explain it more
orignal but we always have acks there
orignal you pick you OB and remote lease
orignal you keep sening packets through this pair
orignal and one intemediate router can't make it anymore
orignal how would you know it?
orignal in streaming if we don't have ack we swicth to another
orignal ofc the algorithm is more complicated but conceptually it's like this
zzz with ratchet acks. It's done at the ratchets layer, so it works for both streaming and datagrams
orignal but in case of datagrams we can keep sening packet to nowhere for a long time
zzz depends how often you request a ratchet ack
zzz streaming doesn't know about tunnels anyway (at least for us)
zzz added
orignal how often do you send ratchets acks? once in 30 seconds?
orignal I mean ack request
orignal to make it righht you need to know RTO
zzz 60s
orignal if your traffic is heavy you should switch tunnels 10+ times during this 60s
orignal I would say you need to request it every few hundreds milliseconds but it relayy depends on RTI
zzz it's a tradeoff of recognition vs bandwidth, you can't ever make it perfect and only lose one packet before switching
zzz we could add a I2CP flag bit so streaming could ask ratchet to request an ack
zzz don't know what the criterion would be though
orignal well I keep asking about this flag for many years ))
zzz you know my answer, write a proposal ))
zzz throw in a 'switch tunnels' flag while you're at it
dr|z3d *crickets*
orignal well it's your idea now ))
dr|z3d you need flagellating, orignal
dr|z3d error 500 on git.idk, eyedeekay
eyedeekay Just figuring out what I can delete...
eyedeekay it's back
dr|z3d latest + in a good enough state to also be pushed to the release update channel.
dr|z3d well this is fine, using all available vcores on a system to minify js,css and html files in our javadocs.
dr|z3d s/fine/fun
dr|z3d single script, single pass, all resources processed in parallel.
dr|z3d anyways, work in progress with the "new" jquery search javadoc: 2dqk3vhpjfofoplabbywryxuaucm6k5z5vqalphfpacijlnbltrq.b32.i2p