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dr|z3d ah, then you probably want a redirect to something useful like notbob.i2p eyedeekay, so then it's *obvious* it's working. :)
dr|z3d you know, a page with links to click and stuff that takes you further into the network...
eyedeekay I guess so, the idea was that visiting the local page wouldn't be railroading anybody onto any particular path while still providing useful feedback
dr|z3d maybe the proxy.i2p placeholder page is also due an update.
eyedeekay Possibly but I've not actually seen it as a "placeholder" exactly, don't applications sometimes request proxy.i2p to check if the proxy is ready?
dr|z3d possible, but I'm not aware of any. proxy.i2p's main use is to serve proxy error resources.
dr|z3d but you're right, placeholder isn't the right word, it's a simple 200 response that indicates the proxy's up and running, which is fine if you know what it is, but potentially confusing for new users if they're expecting it to "do things".
zzz we serve the error page CSS from the proxy.i2p address. the "OK" line is served at proxy.i2p root, for anybody silly enough to fetch it
dr|z3d sure, so probably what eyedeekay wants is some sort of landing page for his addon, not that.
eyedeekay There is a landing page for the addon but it only triggers on the first visit to about:blank, limitation of the API, dude would have had to open at least one new tab to see it
zzz dunno what his addon is or why he's pointing to proxy.i2p, that doesn't sound right and that's not something designed to be overridden by a 'landing page'
zzz sure you could fetch it behind the scenes and check for 200 to verify proxy is up, but I doubt it tells you you have tunnels, and shouldn't be part of some user-visible flow
eyedeekay I'm pointing at proxy.i2p *because* of the OK line, the extension doesn't have visibility into the Hidden Service Manager and it needs to know when the proxy is ready, proxy.i2p is pretty much the only way it can check
eyedeekay Making it the page that the browser opens by default was clearly a questionable decision but the background checks also exist
zzz the "OK" line isn't even translated, and it's not indicative of "ready", if by that you mean tunnels, but sure, it tells you it's started at least
zzz I put the "OK" response in just for anybody poking around, it's better than a 404, but it's not a documented API or behavior
eyedeekay It's enough to guess that it belongs to I2P and that the port is open, which is more-or-less what the extension needs to know. It can talk to i2pcontrol too, but i2pcontrol isn't on by default so it uses the OK line for the background proxy readiness checks
zzz certainly wasn't intended as a fancy 'landing page', it's brief and untranslated and not even html, it's just text
RN LOL cumlord
zzz if you're actually looking for "OK" in the text, rather than checking for 200, that sounds pretty fragile
eyedeekay IIRC I'm looking for 200, but it had occurred to me that it may be valuable to actually match the whole text, I don't just want "any old HTTP proxy on 4444" but rather an "I2P HTTP Proxy" specifically
eyedeekay Did not seem worth litigating though
eyedeekay or working that hard, since it would have to match i2pd
dr|z3d if it's browser addon specific, then a landing page that tells the user they've installed your addon with curated links and some sort of backend test to determine if it can reach a site.
dr|z3d use ajax or fetch to check for response, present that to the user when successful as "I2P network is up and running" or whatever,
eyedeekay Yeah that part's a simple fix, I just have to point them at about:blank instead of proxy.i2p in the i2p.plugins.firefox config
eyedeekay The extension already does that dr|zed, on the homepage(Which triggers on the first visit to about:blank) and in the dropdown menu
dr|z3d ok, if you've already got it covered, great.
dr|z3d you could just rip off the firefox landing page (links only) and add checkmarks to the various curated links to indicate they're up. plenty of options.
eyedeekay Yeah this is lterally one line of config in i2p.plugins.firefox where I chose to open proxy.i2p first instead of about:blank
cumlord RN I swear I read that like 3 times trying to figure out what was going on lmao
eyedeekay I'm not trying to XHR to a bunch of curated sites on first launch, that sounds like a recipe to piss people of
eyedeekay But a list is OK, as are some packaged bookmarks
zzz I assume i2pd doesn't locally respond to proxy.i2p, again, it's not part of any spec
zzz iirc
cumlord What about a shortlist of official sites like the project site, forum, postman mail etc
zzz if you want a real "landing" page, implement an about:i2p and mimic the console home page, that's not the proxy's job to serve up something pretty at proxy.i2p
dr|z3d all you'd do with xhr is place a checkmark on the curated site links if it's up, you know, to indicate the network's functional. presumably that's something you can make first run only, or on updates.
dr|z3d mimic the homepage, or just inject some links into firefox's landing page.
eyedeekay You can't implement your own about:pages in extensions anymore but that point is what we've been talking about triggering on a visit to about:blank
zzz whatever, there's plenty of ways to do it I'm sure, just don't ask i2ptunnel to do it for you
eyedeekay I don't intend to, far far easier to just trigger the new default homepage by opening about:blank and letting the extension ask the user to set the homepage like it normally does
zzz seems like a profile should be able to define the startup page, no?
eyedeekay Yes it can, but so can extensions and it can be passed on the terminal, but because of how extensions work now you can't set a homepage embedded in an extension from the profile until *after* the extension is installed because you don't know what the included resource's final URI will be
eyedeekay So when an extension includes a new default homepage it asks permission to set it automatically
zzz or just use the default startup page but config the favorites on it?
dr|z3d that's what I was suggesting.
eyedeekay I used to do that and it's still configured in the profile, those now come as default bookmarks
eyedeekay But you'll only see it the old homepage if you don't give the extension permission to set it to it's internal page
dr|z3d zzz: any further along with your geomap?
dr|z3d how's your nonzip standalone build, orignal?
dr|z3d are we happy yet?
onon_ Vincent! We Happy?
dr|z3d rapid cycler: 1jhJoqpi5oFB6yvObMwAiiTi7DT8~WTIAd1zh1XSNEM=
dr|z3d in the time it takes me to hit refresh in my browser, new ip.
dr|z3d smells like C&C server.
orignal I haven't tried yet
orignal zzz, about Datragram2 proposal
orignal how about to add "nonce" field?
dr|z3d ant distclean && ant updater200 now down to 10s.
zzz orignal, for what?