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orignal ask them why think gostcoin uses SAM rather than built-in i2pd?
orignal snex no overlap because Spagni was complete idiot
orignal furthemore they know for sure that we are not going to talk them
orignal for the reason
orignal thieves are always thieves
snex u seem mad
snex like something personal
orignal everybody here knowns
snex i know governments like to make shit up
orignal that i2pd team will never work with monero guys
zzz I asked them 'why you working for years to bundle a project that won't talk to you?' answer was 'well we made up last week'
orignal government?
snex yeah you are talking about being a thief and such
snex who stole
orignal Spagni did eveything to break all possible relationships for future
zzz they are strangely clueless
orignal snex that thief's name is Ricardo Spagni
snex right what did he steal
orignal but he was supported by the rest of the Monero team
orignal that's what he was trying to do
orignal starting claiming that i2pd is his while I was away for some personal reasons
orignal forged invoices were much later
orignal I think he has some personal mental problems
snex being extradited will do that
orignal anyway even if he is not in Monero anymore, the rest of Monero is the same
orignal btw, does somebody has an idea where it comes from?
orignal another efford to link aganst libi2pd
zzz disagree, we've had positive experiences at their cons in last few years, everybody is very nice and sincere
zzz fluffy is long gone
orignal zzz,you but not we
zzz don't recognize the nick in 2025, but in 2034, 'preland' is the current guy trying to bundle, that I'm trying to get to switch to SAM. Don't recognize the others
snex theres a lot of people out there doing work who dont join chats for either for whatever reason
orignal yes I though that preland is one of Monero guys
orignal based on the style of his post
zzz but in particular I think he's one of the fringe guys, not one of the core
zzz just a guess
orignal I had to disagree with you, I don't see any positive changed in thier attitute since Spagni's departure
zzz that's fine, just sharing my thoughts after several in-person meetings
orignal snex and I intentinnaly saved the evidence in spearate branch
zzz and I think eyedeekay would agree or he wouldn't keep going back to their cons
orignal maybe
orignal I use monero wallet
orignal but that's all
zzz these coin communities are much much larger and more spread out than we are
orignal i2p-zero is not that zlatinb proposed few years ago?
orignal right, few people came from gostcoin community
zzz similar to what became our easy-install bundle, yes, but I believe i2p-zero came first
zzz iirc
orignal I remeber they had an issue on github about this
orignal found one
orignal snex just for you
orignal explains whole story in 2 words
zzz what do I know, their code controls $3 billion in assets, we're over here playing in our sandbox
zzz it might be that monero is the real thing and zcash are the clowns, not the other way around
snex whatever you think about monero, zcash are definitely clowns
orignal zcash?
orignal what's with them?
orignal i2p has completely different mission
zzz lots of zcash drama but don't understand any of it
orignal they use rust now. that's all I know
orignal don't follow them
orignal yggdrasil project is much close to our project than all cryptocurrencies
snex transparent tx by default, tx fees go to devs, there was a big pre-mine
zzz trying to both claim privacy and suck up to govts and exchanges, tough to do both
snex pretty sure you need an asic to mine it
orignal I think zzz has some personal things against zcash like me against monero
snex just a standard scamcoin
orignal str4d related
orignal in my opinion, cyrptocurrencies is not main target for I2P
zzz sure but independent of that they're trying to have it both ways, they just ran zooko out for some new guy
orignal because the bottlneck of cyrptocurrencies is not traffic
zzz sure but on the margins, coins can bring in a lot of users for us
orignal but the way to exchange to fiat
snex i2p should just be part of the kernel network stack. solve all these issues
orignal Putin will do much for bringin people that all cryptocurrencies
zzz the easiest way to grow the net is to get i2p support into apps. obviously we suck at marketing
orignal I disagree, we are doing good
orignal it depends on definition of "market"
snex to get people on i2p, there has to be something here they cant get elsewhere
orignal I2P works when evething else doesn't work
zzz as tor always points out, a diverse user base is a strength
orignal snex yes and that's what Putin is doing
zzz each application brings in a different set of users
orignal to push people oward I2P
snex how has putin done that
orignal by censorship
snex secret good guy putin
orignal Tor doesn't work. most VPNs
orignal but I2P works withput any problems
snex usa is doing it too. these retards voted to ban tiktok and "any site the president deems a threat"
orignal tiktok morons didn't add proxy support
orignal for years
orignal unlike toelgram
orignal telegram wants to fight with censorship
orignal tiktok doesn't
orignal my view of the sistuation
orignal there is enough interest to i2p
orignal but people disappointed from speed
snex number 1 thing people ask me when i talk about i2p is "yeah but what can i do there?"
snex and i dont really have a good answer
orignal create a censorproof link
snex normies cant create a clearnet link
orignal it's not for sheeple
snex maybe it should be
snex they got a lot of bandwidth not being used
orignal it's for people who provide service for sheeple
snex but imagine if i told them "you can gamble with cryptocurrency without government spying on you"
orignal they can also place a site they can't in clearnet
snex or something similar
orignal any smart person
snex "you can do CP stuff" isnt a selling point to anybody i know
orignal would ask "how I2P would help me to cash out cryptocurrency?"
snex but i do know a lot of people who like gambling
orignal why CP?
orignal you can spead something negative against th govement
snex also not a selling point where i live
orignal could it exists in clearnet?
orignal without receiving multiple abuses a day?
snex i see people say this stuff on clearnet
orignal they do but not many sites
orignal gambling is another story
orignal I'm always wondering why there is no online casino yet
snex nobody wants to trust custody in some shady darkweb casino, and its hard to run it without custody
snex ive got some ideas on how it can be done, but its a lot of work and to make it worthwhile youd have to use javascript which again a lot of people here hate
not_bob bet.i2p exists.
not_bob It's mostly proof of concept, but it does work and I've used it.
snex i feel like its too easy to do timing hacks when you bet on the blockhash
snex (clearnet) will generate a random hash, encrypt it, send you the encrypted version, then XOR the hash with the incoming txid and send you the privkey of the encrypted hash along with the result
snex but the backend stuff isnt the important part. whats important is slapping a frontend on it
snex people want to see spinning wheels and flashing lights and shit
snex or feel the rush of the next card being peeled
snex i see they have a lottery on here.. thats new
snex i mean at the bare minimum have a big "countdown to next drawing!"
not_bob Yep, that's exactly what nwe need.
not_bob Well, not need.
not_bob But, it would be a fun toy.
snex my idea was "moneroulette" where youd have a grid of hex values to pick various bets from
not_bob What determines the end values?
not_bob I like the idea of using some soft of outcome that can be verfied.
snex so txid by itself can be gamed, so you have to combine it with something else, which is why does it how they do
snex blockhash is fine for a lotto but for individual bets you dont want users to be waiting
not_bob Yes, true.
not_bob Alas, I'm off.
snex cya
snex id also like to see sports betting. at first you probably just want to mirror vegas odds but when volume goes up you can have auto moving lines which isnt hard
snex this lotto also needs to not reveal current players lol. makes it way too easy to game by coming in at the last second and buying enough tickets to give you an edge