IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
tennis2 aye aye
tennis2 Was the 'PALMOFF' idea workable?
tennis2 When someone deletes a torrent in snark, it is a 'rm' type operation isn't it, not a 'gio trash' job. I'd test myself but I'm busy testing other stuff atm. I think that if the default is 'gio trash-like' operations but you tell the user that the torrent was sent to the trash, then you have the best of all worlds. A person can go empty the trash if they want to be extra careful. By law, trashed content is not
tennis2 generally admissible anyway, right?
tennis2 s/admissible/admissible in court/
tennis2 I did the 16x16 eyeeyepeer icon, dr|z3d you might be interested in how I did the eyes so they are more clear :) Got it down to 1.1kb.
tennis2 Can be DLd at 0xff.i2p/IO.svg, aka apo53zid3xe7rewxjw7whdym2rmyowsj7jeoiwrl5zlmf7oqrxwq.b32.i2p/IO.svg
tennis2 The upcoming massive improvement of SnarkDisk-0.9-beta will have the icon included. It also shaves a couple hundred bytes (losslessly) from the 32 and 48 versions. I accidentally left some shapes in the files that are behind others and therefore not visible.
tennis2 s/of SnarkDisk-0.9-beta/(SnarkDisk-0.9-beta)/
zzz orignal, (Konrad) asked me to ping you about this i2pd crash bug that's still a problem:
tennis2 Is there a reason why Oracle and akamai are flooding my connections
tennis2 my i2p connections
snex u wot
tennis2 Do akamai or oracle provide any kind of valueable function to i2p
tennis2 I'm thinking of blocking them tbh
not_bob tennis2: Are they just froma range that they control?
tennis2 Let's just say I was connected to 5 IP addresses of ONE of those at one time very recently. I'm willing to bet it part of how they are doign the traffic analysis.
not_bob Sounds likely.
not_bob Same range as well?
snex how are you determining this
snex tennis2:
snex oracle has free VPS boxes so im sure a lot of those are used to run i2p
snex seems like akamai also offers VPS
tennis2 Couldn't access sites > looks at peers > was shocked by flood.
tennis2 If you are using IP2 via big tech then you are doing it wrong, very wrong. Yep. I'm blocking
tennis2 F* them
tennis2 One more thing to add to the list of s* todo
snex not everyone has the bandwidth to be able to run it locally bruh
snex we dont all have gigabit fiber yaknow
tennis2 lol its doesn't use that much
not_bob I have many routers, many of them are VPS, or a RPI sitting quietly in someone's office.
tennis2 The latter is glorious but I'll be blocking any of the former (or the latter) if they are using big tech, i think. I don't know if it will have a big outcome because they will still exist in the network, and also depending on how much physical infrastructure they own etc. Isn't it interesting how these corporations are the new "state" offering "free" stuff. gotta wonder what product they are selling.
StormyCloud Just seems silly to block a router/service because its not self hosted
snex theyre giving you a free sample just like the grocery store does
snex im using a free oracle vps host for a website
snex heroku was free for a very long time and they were amazing
tennis2 Not self-hosted =/= bigtech stawmanning
tennis2 s/bigtech/bigtech./
snex the fuck u talkin bout
tennis2 I didn't say all must be self hosted, StormyCloud was strawmanning my argument, and you'd have noticed if your bias wasn't playing out
snex why are you opposed to using bigtech resources against them
snex especially when they hand it out for free
snex like do you think running an i2p router on one of their free VPSs gives them info they dont already have?
snex especially if its just pure relay
tennis2 You can't use their tools to stop them. Especially when they design those tools to extract from you. Its non-sensical. The only way to use their tools against them is to know when you are using their tools. If you state on your website that you are hosting it on oracle servers as a failsafe, then yes good. But if you are doing it as your primary thing you are just helping them to dominate. You are feeding them.
tennis2 Relay? The point of a relay it to not give your data to an actor to do traffic analysis. Why don't you just send all you connection data to oracle. lol
snex they dont have any data from an i2p router running on their machines
snex that is, any data that isnt already public anyway
snex you just have no idea what youre talking about
tennis2 If everyone did what you did and ran a relay, we would end up with oracle knowing EVERYTHING EVERYONE IS DOING ALL THE TIME.
snex no we wouldnt
snex thats not how i2p works
tennis2 That's how traffic analysis works.
snex you cant analyze encrypted data. it is indistinguishable from random junk
tennis2 If evryone ran oracle relays then oracle would be in a great position to dial up and down the throughput and see where everything is really going.
tennis2 don't delude
tennis2 Then we are just back at square one with metadata retention, censorship, etc etc
snex you dont know what you are talking about
snex and its doubly absurd to think that oracle is doing this to spy on i2p when i bet that i2p nodes make up less than 1% of these free VPSes
snex its nothing but a loss leader
snex and if you hate bigtech youd maximize those losses for them
tennis2 i don't go around in circles, ive said what i need.
snex i might spin up an i2p router on my 2nd free oracle box just to annoy you
snex i might even host a service on it just so oracle can spy on it
snex however i think they dont allow persistent services such as i2p to run on free tier
StormyCloud snex no point in arguing with him
dr|z3d I see we've taken a turn down conspiracy lane.
StormyCloud I might throw some I2P routers on azure too
dr|z3d tennis2: don't overthink things, you'll hurt yourself.
snex i want to start loading i2p onto le-potato sbpcs and hiding them in airbnbs where i stay
dr|z3d you use i2p to provide your ssh tunnel, then you're away.
dr|z3d for a backup plan, tor hidden service for ssh.