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tennis2 Wrt the tunnel stuff. Can we have a "palm-off"? What I mean is occasionally at random you would ask a router to take the hop off you.
tennis2 So if you are router B in the chain, of ROUTER -> A -> B -> C -> ROUTER, during a random "palmOff" you say to A "router N will take traffic at time Y".
tennis2 You don't have to say anything to C? No.
tennis2 Then when you do the graceful exit. All that happens is at random, but within 5 minutes all your tunnel participation will be "palmed-off"
tennis2 If the router does this occasionally at random then not too much suspicion is raised, when you really are shutting down a router. BUT this IS a negative thing to do so perhaps these can be KEPT and used as tokens for something!?
tennis2 They can be kept by the person who is PALMEE and the router that HAD TO INTERACT WITH THE PALMEE, in this case 'A' and 'C'.
tennis2 s/router/routers/
tennis2 Of course on average you will only ever need to PALM about half your tunnels eg. tunnels that have more than 5 minutes remaining. Also you may not need to tell the PALMEE that it is a palmed hop until they agree they can handle it? (I don't know how setting up tunnels is done, specifically so take what I write as novice)
tennis2 I have a good feeling that govts are able to detect when a person is accessing a webpage over I2P and are able to trigger a Website Unreachable message in I2P. NOTE: I'm not saying that they specifically KNOWN the site they are blocking. I just think that they are able to detect. This is the approx network behaviour of an attempted site access and break it.
tennis2 block it
tennis2 Yeah, look, I'm willing to call it. What I'm experiencing lately IS NOT normal.
tennis2 I can't say how I know this I just do.
tennis2 It is insanely rare that a website loads atm.
tennis2 The attack started about 45 hours ago.
tennis2 if that helps
tennis2 I don't think it will help though, if its traffic analysis :(((((
tennis2 69 hours ago rather.
tennis2 Getting my days mixed up lol
tennis2 before I go, what I'm suspecting is targeted denial of service by region so if a group of people in a region are getting into I2P they will make eppsites inaccessible in that locale etc. :(
dr|z3d are you running in hidden mode, tennis2?
tennis2 Yeah look, it's pretty obviously to me that this traffic analysis based blocking is happening, even those sites that work, I try to acceess another page of there's an snap, unreachable (blocked).
dr|z3d tennis2: it could just be that you're hitting the sites hard out of frustration, refreshing multiple times, and then being throttled.
zzz orignal, (Konrad) asked me to ping you about this i2pd crash bug that's still a problem:
tennis2 no its not that, <dr|z3d> I know how to use i2p
tennis2 In terms of the re-mounting an SSD problem after an unplanned ejection, what I ideally want to do it run commands for the user that don't require sudo privileges. At this stage I've not even been able to bring the disk online even with sudo.
tennis2 I'll detail what ive tried shortly, one sec
tennis2 basically `dmsetup -f remove /dev/dm-x # (replace x with the number that correlates to your disk)` results in "device-mapper: remove ioctl on luks-AAAAAAAA-AAAA-AAAA-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF failed: Device or resource busy
tennis2 And that is AFTER ive closed all the open programs that claim to be using the disk. Ie. you can get the list of programs by running `lsof | grep 254,X # (where X is the number that correlates to the disk.)`
tennis2 There must be a bug in my script(?) because I'm not getting occasional dialog box asking me to make the torrent content available. I
tennis2 Oh *OKAY* maybe my script DID work!?
tennis2 I have it running in a terminal atm not as a daemon
snex bro just stop unplugging hard drives
tennis2 I had to press ENTER in the terminal and then I got a bunch of GTK(?) error messages appear in the terminal namely
tennis2 (gio mount:XXXXX): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: HH:MM:SS.MCR: Owner of volume monitor org.gtk.vfs.UDisks2VolumeMonitor disconnected from the bus; removing drives/volumes/mounts
tennis2 (gio mount:XXXXX): GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: HH:MM:SS.MCR: Error from MountOpReply2(): GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name :X.XXXXX was not provided by any .service files
tennis2 gio: /dev/sdxX: No volume for given ID
tennis2 Then I started getting the zenity dialogs again. And next time the program asked me to put in the password it all connected up, :) mounted and everything!
tennis2 snex ;P
tennis2 I hope that this success had nothing to do with my ending of processes, via sudo. I will not look forward to testing it again :p
tennis2 I think I should clear the $pw variable after use. Should I follow in the footsteps of shred(?) and make pw string one character smaller till so the data is all nulled out?
tennis2 s/smaller till so the data/smaller recursively until the string/