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dr|z3d welcome to the channel, TheArkive
zzz dr|z3d, you have any svg-foo to edit an svg to change some text?
zzz it's in there as glyphs and strokes so I can't just edit the svg directly
zzz or maybe would be easier to just start over?
dr|z3d you mean the text has been converted to paths?
zzz <symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-0">
zzz <path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.84375 3 L 0.84375 -11.984375 L 9.34375 -11.984375 L 9.34375 3 L 0.84375 3 Z M 1.796875 2.0625 L 8.40625 2.0625 L 8.40625 -11.03125 L
zzz 1.796875 -11.03125 L 1.796875 2.0625 Z M 1.796875 2.0625 "/>
zzz </symbol>
zzz <path style="fill-rule:evenodd;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:0.1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:
zzz 1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 15 2 L 33 2 L 33 5 L 15 5 Z M 15 2 " transform="matrix(20,0,0,20,-299,21)"/>
zzz <g style="fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;">
zzz <use xlink:href="#glyph0-1" x="162.113281" y="96.875"/>
zzz yes :)
dr|z3d ok, well, you've got a symbol there which is being called lower down, no glyphs as such other than the id which is required to reference the defined symbol, so the short answer is "no".
zzz for this image in i2p.www: design/image_design/protocol_stack.svg
dr|z3d have you got a correctly formed url for that? :)
zzz I just want to change NTCP to NTCP2 and SSU to SSU2 :(
zzz it looks funky in gimp and I don't know enough gimp to edit it
dr|z3d 2 things. let's have a proper url please so I don't have to guess where it is. and don't use gimp, wrong tool. use inkscape.
zzz no you'd have to checkout i2p.www, but the png is here
dr|z3d you should be able to give me a url of the raw file if it's in the gitlab repo.
zzz standby
zzz for some reason the capital T's are borked
dr|z3d I don't think I've seen such a whacked out svg for a while.
zzz i think str4d did it, not sure
zzz or maybe I did, 15 years ago, who knows
zzz I mean we could go hog wild and linkify each protocol to its spec, or fluff it up all pretty, but I'd settle for adding the '2's
zzz oh the r in streaming is hosed also
zzz yeah Steaming
dr|z3d that about sums the svg up.
dr|z3d one moment please
zzz * str4d authored 9 years ago
zzz I could swear I did the picture originally but can't even guess what tool I used
zzz I wonder if SAM should be another layer on top
dr|z3d original, 29K, edit, 1.4K
dr|z3d you have editable text strings in there which will make it easier to modify.
dr|z3d one sec, that's less than optimal.
dr|z3d here, try this:
zzz excellent, thank you
zzz and I can use this on the website, yes?
dr|z3d what occurred to me after I redid that svg is why oh why is it an svg? why not a standard html table?
dr|z3d the svg is using a viewbox to set the width and height, so you may want to put it in a div with an id and set the dimensions there, otherwise it'll scale to the size of the parent.
zzz it's a good question, maybe another day...
zzz I may put this on the website, yes?
dr|z3d of course, all yours.
zzz thanks again. fixing up cruft, one baby step at a time
dr|z3d groober, apparently, is german slang for penis, hence his new avatar.
RTP haha sweet
dr|z3d zzz: if you want the svg as a png, you should use inkscape, looks like you used gimp?
dr|z3d load svg into inkscape -> ctrl+shift+e -> make sure page is selected as the export area -> set export dimensions and export path with png extension, hit export, set png compression etc. profit.
dr|z3d you can then upload the result to if you want further size optimizations.
zzz don't have time to learn inkscape atm, but noted
dr|z3d whatever suits. either way, you probably don't wall all that whitespace in the new png, you should at least crop that in gimp.
dr|z3d *want
zzz don't mind the whitespace but probably should center it
dr|z3d that's what I'm talking about. *that* whitespace. :)
dr|z3d right and bottom margins.
zzz gimp cropping I do know how to do...
zzz new MR 169 up for review
dr|z3d pngcrush and/or pngquant bring the size of pngs down without losing quality, for reference, if you want to perform optimizations locally. both can just take the png path as the argument.
orignal guys please check router fPkJ
orignal it keep changing timestamp from normal to few hours from future
orignal it seems our chinesse firend run some "multihoming" on router level