IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo dr|z3d itsjustme albat AmyMalik RN not_bob
parabo dr|z3d: you have AIDS
AmyMalik you ARE AIDS
parabo AmyMalik: AIDS
parabo AmyMalik: what you up to?
AmyMalik being sad that my akkoma is broken
RN you dinna fix er yet?
parabo no RN, AIDS hasn't been fixed yet
parabo I'm eating burgers
RN haha, I was asking AmyMalik if they had fixorized their glaucoma
RN akkoma
AmyMalik I don't have glaucoma?
RN burgers! nom nom
RN LOL.. typo
AmyMalik I'm considering nuking it and setting up a laconica
RN I just occasionally make a text file
AmyMalik yeah that makes sense
parabo AmyMalik: let's nuke the bridge we've burnt a thousand times before. this time we'll blast it all to hell.
RN I have a molecular disruptor you could use... less residue afterwards
RN major knock it off
RN silly bot
RN <3 GreenDay
AmyMalik 250 2.1.0 major added to ignore list
RN it is a logging bot, not supposed to say anything, but every once in a while it goes into some kind of echo mode
AmyMalik that suggests a programmer skill issue
dr|z3d heyhey NarratorZ
dr|z3d all good over there?
NarratorZ Where I am it's fine, other cities have protests of all sizes
NarratorZ But now should have been suppressed almost
AmyMalik what's your issue with protests?
dr|z3d Yeah, you can bank on the Chinese gov. being heavy handed.
dr|z3d the protests revolve around the 0 covid policy, AmyMalik, with secondary protests about democracy, rule of law etc.
NarratorZ unfortunately, people under the CCP's years of authoritarian rule simply have little experience in dealing with this. They just took to the streets in droves and were quickly driven away
AmyMalik I don't agree with the demonstrators' goals re: covid. I don't think the CN gov is approaching either situation (the demos or covid) correctly.
dr|z3d quite exceptional, nothing like it has been seen in China since Tiananmen.
NarratorZ Thirty years on, and now the death of another old leader
NarratorZ I hope this time it won't end so badly
dr|z3d here's hoping, NarratorZ.
dr|z3d one thing is obvious, democracy isn't visiting China any time soon.
AmyMalik literally the only thing xj gets right is the zerocovidism.
dr|z3d next up, zero flu.
AmyMalik dr|z3d: meaningful democracy is not. They do have "democracy," it is just a farce.
dr|z3d no, they don't have democracy.
dr|z3d a 1 party state != democracy.
NarratorZ democracy is being lost anywhere.but China is getting close to North Korea
AmyMalik and now we can go into the mines of discussing electoral systems and the like
AmyMalik or, and this is my plan, we can sleep.
dr|z3d that's like saying "you have a choice: you can have a shit sandwich or you can have a shit sandwich."
dr|z3d sleep. and when you wake up, do some research on China, the absence of democracy specifically. :)
dr|z3d you should be aware that NarratorZ is the authority in the channel re China.
NarratorZ haha, just an ordinary person
dr|z3d if you want a mini-project, NarratorZ, why not put up a site curating some of the Chinese content on the network? Seems to be enough of it now to make a decent site out of.
NarratorZ I possibly do this in another identity
dr|z3d sure, no need to identify yourself.
NarratorZ There are also some minor budgetary issues... Should be okay, incognet's shared hosting is only $40 a year
dr|z3d if you need some webspace for static pages, that's not an issue.
dr|z3d something can be arranged :)
dr|z3d if you have different needs, feel free to let me know via pm.
NarratorZ recently, I've been working on a guide to safe Internet access for people who have been fooled behind GFW.
NarratorZ i2p is definitely going to be a huge part of it - obviously, Tor is dead in China
dr|z3d the big question is "can i2p get you into trouble in china?"
dr|z3d I mean, I hear the police are now doing routing searching of phones for vpns and encrypted chat apps..
dr|z3d *routine
NarratorZ they should not dare to enter the house and search yet, and the search against the phone can be mitigated by hidden space. shouldn't be much of a problem
NarratorZ the experience on I2P mobile is too bad:-(
dr|z3d yeah, still very experimental, android.
dr|z3d when it has the full suite of apps, then it might be a bit better.
NarratorZ I am looking forward to idk's revamped version of tor browser becoming our official browser
NarratorZ tor itself aside, at least their browser is indeed a big project
dr|z3d I think the best you can hope for is a custom firefox profile. the tor browser modification project is dead. too much work.
NarratorZ idk have a browser extension,if combined with Librewolf effect should be very good
NarratorZ librewolf is almost a tor browser without Tor - just install the noscript separately
dr|z3d there's more to Tor browser than just noscript. lots of hardening, disabling of features that librewolf no doubt retains.
dr|z3d but sure, with a hardended profile, you should be able to achieve most of what Tor browser achieves in terms of security.
AmyMalik I only know of like two countries with actually no democracy and they're both monarchies. Everywhere else has perverse or farcical democracy, pointless democracy, or true democracy. Pointless seems the most common; most of the US, Canada, Australia, much of Europe and South America display this type.
AmyMalik in a farcical democracy, it's used as an arm of authoritarian control. in a pointless democracy it is irrelevant.
NarratorZ blockchain has the potential to achieve true democracy. But for now, there are only speculators there
AmyMalik *** yawns at tulip talk; dematerializes ***
RN woof
parabo dr|z3d
RN dr|dread is sleeping
not_bob RN: He gets to sleep!?
RN hehehe
not_bob He seems to be awake all hours from what I can tell.
RN yea, dr|feelgood
RN aka
RN dr|robert
RN ;)
StormyCloud Feels like he is awake 24/7, think he lives in the metaverse or something
RN yeah, the handlers behind that account really need to collaborate on creating the illusion of a realistic away time
StormyCloud That would be a good idea, does he have a github or gitlab we can file a bug report?
not_bob StormyCloud! Good to see you!
StormyCloud not_bob: Im always logged in ;)
RN yeah, but we don't see you talk a lot here StormyCloud.
RN that reminds me...
RN what was that thing about $4 the other day?
StormyCloud Oh dr wanted us to test his new feature, cant do work for free :P
not_bob I get that.
not_bob All the stuff I provide for i2p, I do so out of the goodness of my heart.
StormyCloud Of course but gotta give dr a hard time, dont want his ego to get too high
RN based
RN hey not_bob, if someone gets a review on your blog randomly, is there a process to request a re-check if they fixed or updated things? Or at least for them to request to be added back into the random selection (and noting the older entry that a new review has been requested)
not_bob Not really. I guess they could leave a comment and I'd do that.
RN that works
not_bob It would be easy enough to do.
RN just brainstorming
RN would it be more fair to 'unmark as reviewed' in your selector algo?
not_bob Oh, notbob.i2p is now a stock i2pd jump service because of my blog/comment system.
RN congratulations!
not_bob Someone asked why it wasn't an option for i2pd, so I made it happen.
not_bob Alas, I must take leave.
not_bob Something about a man witha horse.
RN alieve and take a lass
RN ;)
itsjustme Hello :)
RN aloha itsjustme
itsjustme Hey RN!
itsjustme how are you?
RN doing ok. just bumping my head on everything I try today.
RN hbu?
itsjustme I'm doing well :)
itsjustme just chilling :)
itsjustme its the weekend :D
RN mostly same here... little bit of the laundry to do...
RN weekends loose meaning when you are not working
RN s/inventing/inventing and abandoning