IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
AmyMalik 48GB of RAM, 18 cores, 2.8GHz peak all-core
AmyMalik a far cry from the case's old resident
AmyMalik though i'm worried i am torquing the motherboard with the CPU fan being unsupported
parabo you should get an iMac
parabo I should get an iMac!
AmyMalik I should not get an iMac.
parabo I ordered hash for my birds
AmyMalik the database filled up.
parabol itsjustme
parabol dr|z3d
parabol 33mhz SRAM?
parabol oops wrong window
RN yes please
dr|z3d sup p
parabol straight up gangster shit dr|z3d
parabol I tried to quit my job today
parabol so they fired my boss
dr|z3d oh, no surprise there. I didn't think you'd last long :)
dr|z3d they fired your boss?
parabol yeah they fired him, because he makes everyone quit and it's costing them a lot of money
dr|z3d so you got promited?
dr|z3d *promoted
parabol No, my coworker who's been there 25 years finally got his well earned promotion
dr|z3d oh, good I guess. everyone wins. except the sociopath.
parabol I have strong reason to believe the manager intentionally altered paperwork and created orders that were impossible to fulfil so he could pressure covertly my coworker into getting aggressive and intolerable
AmyMalik already posted
parabol Because every time I would try to do conflict resolution, the root of the problem came from paperwork or information in the computer that was someone elses fault according to him
parabol the agency said I'm the first person who hasn't just not answered the phone or said what happened in detail and politely/respectfully who could back up their strong suspicion this manager was a problem
dr|z3d well, they need to bonus you up.
AmyMalik I am incensed and amused in equal measures
parabol I'll be happy if they just take me on directly. I'm through an agency so they're paying the agency significantly more than the agency pays me. The contract says after I have worked 480 hours I can be hired directly. which means full benefits and a nice salary and being union
parabol I want to keep this job because before this happened I really had a good time
parabol so if in 6 months they hire me directly, I'll be making 20-25% more and have benefits and job security
parabol I think even a pension
parabol it's not big money, but I think enjoying your job is a higher priority than the money
AmyMalik is the union closed or can you join it before it applies to you
parabol I'm a open ended temp worker
parabol but they are looking for someone to hire. For over a year they bring people in almost weekly at least 1 and no one has been staying. The guy before me made it 13 weeks before he got fired for starting to use stupid illogical excuses to miss and leave work fairly often. probably because it's a toxic work environment
parabol I bought some Pink Kush, and some pressed dry sift blonde hash 70/30 indica sourced
parabol I'm smoking recreational weed I'm a bad Muslim
AmyMalik i thought you only legally convert if you're sound of mind when you convert?
parabol Well, I still believe it
parabol it's almost all explainable by modern and mostly recent(past 5-10 years) science and scientific theories based on reasonable propositions or hypothesis or theories
parabol A lot of the logic and even direct words, behind the teachings makes a lot of sense based on what we now know that was impossible to know until recently
AmyMalik i bricked my akkoma
parabo you should brick a ninja
parabo because only a ninja can sneak up on another ninja
parabo dr|z3d
parabo Well, I smoked 2 joints
parabo how about you?
dr|z3d working on some tricky js for the console.
dr|z3d collapsible sidebar sections.
parabo I hate js
dr|z3d I'm not a big fan. nrcessary evil.
AmyMalik parabo, I mean if it helps you stay grounded and in good health, I cannot see how it would be haram
AmyMalik but then, I'm not well studied on your religion
parabo AmyMalik: Basically God is merciful, if you have some good deeds, or even just good intentions, a life of sin could be wiped out for something like intoxication
AmyMalik *** shrugs ***
AmyMalik I think it all falls under the banner of pleasing a dead abuser anyway, no matter how "merciful" she is
parabo there's a lot of different interpretations, I really am not well studied in my religions
AmyMalik I know enough about religion to know that I don't want to take part in any that are dualist (as opposed to animist)
parabo Muslims don't believe god is a literal man
AmyMalik all the abrahamic ones are dualistic
parabo we believe god is something we can never know in this life, but we use the pronoun he
parabo like how can we bound to this life know what kind of being might exist outside of this universe and spacetime
AmyMalik e is null
dr|z3d hihi rambler
dr|z3d hihi rambler
rambler The welcome so nice it got said twice.
rambler Hey dr|z3d
dr|z3d all good over there?
rambler Yeah. Literally about to step away for a bit though, lol. All good on your end?
rambler I'll be back around soon. I didn't realize I disconnected and wasn't idle in IRC / I2PChat so thought I'd say hey
rambler BTW StormyCloud I finally went to the Post Office today to check the PO Box and I got those stickers you sent forever ago, haha. I have some IncogNET ones I'll send in return sometime between now and 6 months from now lol
AmyMalik This has uh
AmyMalik I've broken it os bad. It's never gonna fed again
rambler What'd you break?
AmyMalik My akkoma.
dr|z3d not bad here, thanks.
dr|z3d new console feature almost ready to unleash on the /dev/ branch.
dr|z3d only 3 days to get working :|
dr|z3d ok, phase one of the collapsible sidebar section feature complete. ping me once you've downloaded the latest /dev/ build if you want to test.
StormyCloud $4 for testing