IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d NarratorZ: just working on the remaining untagged pages, so hold back on any translation until they're ready!
NarratorZ It's okay, I can merge po later
dr|z3d ok, great. figured I might as well get them all done so it's done. only needs doing the once :)
dr|z3d I don't think we need the legal page tagged, what do you think? it's mostly just guff...
NarratorZ It is better to have a beginning and an end,the legal page doesn't have much content anyway.You decide🤔️
dr|z3d ok, I'll leave it for now. we can revisit the idea later. for now, I'm just committing what should be the end of the help section tagging, will take a couple of minutes to show up on gitlab.
NarratorZ 👌️
dr|z3d 👌 to you for your efforts! :)
NarratorZ 🍻️
dr|z3d from me at least.
NarratorZ Downloading and merging now
NarratorZ 114 entries, wow
dr|z3d that should be all the help section done
dr|z3d no rush, anyways
dr|z3d who wants to handle the Russian? :)
dr|z3d or German, for that matter.. or French..
dr|z3d I have no idea what the language spread is of I2P+ users, so I guess if there's a need, someone will volunteer. or not :)
NarratorZ I believe most Russians use i2pd, maybe?🤔️
dr|z3d a fair chunk no doubt.
dr|z3d we do have some Russian users out there, and more that use I2P+'s I2PSnark with i2pd. *waves to acetone*
NarratorZ i2pd+biglyBT is also a good combination, but i2p+ can save the trouble of setting it up yourself
NarratorZ and biglyBT's darkmode support is terrible
dr|z3d I don't like biglybt, the UI is beyond awful.
dr|z3d a billion options and no coherence.
dr|z3d that it exists, however, is a good thing. don't want to knock it too hard.
dr|z3d the UI, as bad as it is, isn't as bad as freenet's. so that's something :)
NarratorZ There is no good alternative in cross-reseeding😮‍💨️
dr|z3d that's true. it's unique in that regard.
dr|z3d at least, if you want to do that in a single app. otherwise I guess you could point snark and a clearnet client at the same torrent dir.
NarratorZ i2psnark could probably improve the interface for creating torrent, entering the full path is still quite annoying.
NarratorZ Um... I have all the downloaders pointing to a single dir 🤣️
dr|z3d I agree, it's just a pain to do in a reliable way with java according to zzz.
dr|z3d there's skeleton code in the source that aims to use a file browser to add files.
NarratorZ The reseed interface has been done
dr|z3d let me poke around in the code, see what the comments say.
NarratorZ Not sure what the problem is with the implementation on i2psnark?
dr|z3d // not supporting from file at the moment, since the file name passed isn't always absolute (so it may not resolve)
dr|z3d //out.write("From file: <input type=\"file\" name=\"newFile\" size=\"50\" value=\"" + newFile + "\" /><br>");
dr|z3d feel free to raise the issue with zzz in #i2p-dev .. maybe things have improved since he last tried.
NarratorZ 👌️
dr|z3d don't tell him I sent you! ;)
RN ooooooh. I'm telllllllinnnnnng
dr|z3d shut up RN
dr|z3d haven't you got a website to build?
RN hehe... actually no, I'm skript kidding on some perl
dr|z3d if you're doing that, find a thumbnailer for your image dir(s).
not_bob Perl can be a very serious language...
dr|z3d "notbob on perl" .. in theaters soon.
NarratorZ dr|z3d:Don't forget!
dr|z3d I'll get on it NarratorZ :)
dr|z3d check your i2pchat intray, not_bob, some info from orignal.
not_bob Not long ago someone was askigon itilla irc if I used perl.
not_bob Let me fire up a GUI.
not_bob Slowly...
dr|z3d NarratorZ:
dr|z3d css will update shortly.
NarratorZ 👍️
dr|z3d *thumbs up* thanks again.
dr|z3d not_bob: you have lemon.
not_bob I do!?
not_bob What did I break?
dr|z3d check your i2pchat backlog.
not_bob I just looked over recent changes, what's wrong?
dr|z3d did you check your i2pchat backlog?
not_bob What's the lemon for?
not_bob hahahahah
dr|z3d don't make me hurt you. :P
not_bob Sorry, long day.
dr|z3d so now you haz lemon. good.
dr|z3d paraphrasing george orwell, strawberry good, lemon, shit.
not_bob I may even know what to do with it!
dr|z3d you should do, I sent over the css.
NarratorZ I just downloaded I2P chat, this project looks great!
RN it is very nice.
RN the ui needs a bit more polish
RN but it works well
RN works better for me in Unix than it does in Windows
dr|z3d given Qt5, that's as much polish as you're getting, but you can load your own themes.
NarratorZ And the way to add friends, maybe it can be simplified to a link or QR code? Like an address assistant
dr|z3d you just add them with the add button if you have a dest.
dr|z3d and the icon next to the add button copies your own dest to clipboard.
NarratorZ 415Rih8zJLa46xHg9j0FuW6-5RLrOT47-Q4Ti-3jzKBGp9ysMVSHG-NY8l6sC0VRS8vM13laiExr68mYn9tvNWjPOoZTlzAKofQBqUNli90z1bs-WmfG7xz0O~T6cNGVAnt~euAFqi2oarEErxajNfR7BammROZ8JtLrb71t~JoxvrY6aNGtT4DDD-e9iZPGplm-PyFWISuwaOTa4rFQqIBsHlJzHfGbejvI7eMaHjIgkDskTwozL-zlGiq2QVNbhV2ll0Ee4rIDG1Yr77PjupXU4~eKzGdXA2ktfIK6HLdI~E~SVJ2C5uByeaosBXzsDVgvCo6mK2Zq5XpAnCnXgGKKLWTSGpqKHTczft4424KB11wlZggjLNUZJk8Q14LDh7RTcjUve
NarratorZ oGOp5AqK5zx4QUiP7bRN0-DsZ3pQ2FcG~g~UeN75rIAIUgbvSKlr0noL3wicUxpPR09NJSWcc-IETFiAsoucv5v8Aq6vcfiSXrLsmCnxUxogE9ACcNDHzr2BQAEAAcAAA==
dr|z3d you have an eepsite that makes sharing the dest easier.
NarratorZ A personal blog? Might be a good idea.
RN well, I mean specifcally an emoji button/panel
RN you can get my dest on my eepsite on the contact page. I2Peek-a-boo.i2p
RN oh now that's an interesting idea... point my eepsite's level-81 at my chat dest page
dr|z3d what I meant to say to NarratorZ was that his chat dest also serves as a web page.
RN NarratorZ, what dr means, is when i2pchat is running, an eepsite is also running
RN yeah
NarratorZ I know,but I turned this off🤣️
RN :(
dr|z3d it's just a single file/page, no fully-featured webserver there, NarratorZ. quite safe.
NarratorZ 44 entries left, less than half☕️
NarratorZ go pour a glass of apple juice first
dr|z3d thanks for the latest translations, NarratorZ, update#'s on /dev/