IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
NarratorZ Small fix for skank.i2p Chinese homepage
NarratorZ dr|z3d, how are you going to translate the help file for the I2P+ router console?
dr|z3d NarratorZ: thanks for the updates.
dr|z3d breeezer: register your new nick for voice!
dr|z3d NarratorZ: re in-consol help, I need to tag the text in the pages.. anything you'd like to see translated as a priority?
NarratorZ Let's see... How about hosting eepsite and domain registration.
dr|z3d sure, sounds like a good starting point. the tags should appear in the console po once they're done. have we got any pages in the help section already (partially) translated?
NarratorZ There are some, probably from standard i2p clients
NarratorZ Packed in the console po? Good, I was able to review the rest of the console again
dr|z3d no, I think you've tackled the advanced configs tags, no?
dr|z3d > /help/advancedsettings
dr|z3d that's your work! :)
dr|z3d I'll tag the hosting page and then rebuild the .po file.
NarratorZ Oh, there's a little problem there, a few tag are broken
dr|z3d ok, if you let me know which one's aren't working I'll take a look.
dr|z3d I've added another definition there since you translated.
dr|z3d i2np.udp.preferred specifically.
NarratorZ "/configtunnels"
NarratorZ One of the jump links is broken
NarratorZ This is a minor problem, I can go and re-proof the console translation once
NarratorZ The po file is the latest one, right?
dr|z3d it is, but I should probably rebuild it.
NarratorZ Well, still two months ago. Waiting for your rebuild
dr|z3d let me have a look at the hosting help, tag that, and then I'll rebuild so you can dive in.
dr|z3d waiting for my rebuild? for what sorry?
NarratorZ Blinded message
dr|z3d your changes should be in the codebase by now.
dr|z3d maybe I misunderstood the "still 2 months ago" :)
NarratorZ I'll refresh
dr|z3d ok, skank.i2p/index_zh.html updated with your recent changes.
dr|z3d shorter hostname for that site is git.i2p
NarratorZ Oh, you said the website (
dr|z3d *confused now*
NarratorZ I thought it was the I2P + routing console help page(
dr|z3d that's what I'm about to work on and we were discussing. I'm about to tag the hosting and hostname registration page :)
NarratorZ Now the effect of the homepage can be said to be perfect
dr|z3d *thumbs up* thanks for the work.
NarratorZ Don't forget!
dr|z3d :) I'll get to that, don't worry.
NarratorZ 👍️
dr|z3d ok, hosting page tagged, just building locally to check it's good and then I'll push the updates.
dr|z3d I'm leaving the linked pages in the translation, easier for me and hopefully no issue for you.
NarratorZ No problem
dr|z3d ok, had to fix some issues with hrefs in the tagged text.. you can't use double quotes inside a tagged string because breaks.
dr|z3d building again to test...
dr|z3d ok, more issues. doesn't like html tags within tagged strings.
dr|z3d we'll get there eventually :)
NarratorZ no problem, just take your time.
dr|z3d ok, found the issue. some unescaped double quotes.
NarratorZ 🍻️
dr|z3d updated code should appear on gitlab in a couple of minutes, NarratorZ
dr|z3d CI running..
NarratorZ 👌️
dr|z3d hmm. ok, not in the po file yet. let's see what else I need to do. :|
dr|z3d ok, now they will be..
NarratorZ Okay👍️\
dr|z3d I meant to ask, is blocked from China?
NarratorZ no,just I more like i2p site
NarratorZ After all, money must be earned🤣️
dr|z3d that's fine, I was just curious if would be blocked, and if it would be more likely to be blocked with a chinese translation on it.
NarratorZ has always been dns contaminated
NarratorZ It should be common knowledge for users with access to i2p to use DoH
dr|z3d should be, but not everyone's clued up. :)
NarratorZ Heh, I've finished it, correcting some small mistakes from the past by the way
dr|z3d oh, great, thanks. I'm just checking the troubleshooting page is correctly tagged then I'll commit that.
NarratorZ Now start check i2psnark
NarratorZ translation of i2psnark is 100%, I can drink coffee now ☕️
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
dr|z3d just updating the po file with the new tagged strings for the troubleshooting help page.
dr|z3d glossary page is next, but you've already done most of the work there for the website, so should be a walk in the park :)
dr|z3d building an .. please stand by ...
NarratorZ Just need Ctrl+C and Ctrl+v for glossary👏️
dr|z3d ok, your latest updates now uploaded to /dev/
NarratorZ updating now...
NarratorZ Good morning everyone!... Shouldn't be too late...right?
dr|z3d depends what timezone you're in, NarratorZ! hi!
NarratorZ That must be UTC🤣️
dr|z3d always :)
dr|z3d (regardless of actual timezone)
dr|z3d so when I've finished testing the glossary page tagging, you'll have two new help pages to work on, NarratorZ :)
NarratorZ 👌️,I'm on my way
dr|z3d you'll want to wait a few moments, there will be a new po file in the gitlab repo when I've committed it :)
dr|z3d good plan!
NarratorZ Copy, Paste, Check, Save.It's done.Also fixed some minor issues with glossary_zh that were not found before
dr|z3d very nice, you made quick work of that! thanks!
NarratorZ Basically, they have been translated before, so just copy them directly🍻️
dr|z3d for the glossary page, sure, not for the troubleshooting page.
dr|z3d ok, sorry, was afk for a few. new update on /dev/ with your most recent translations, NarratorZ
NarratorZ 👌️
dr|z3d ok, on to tagging the FAQ next.
dr|z3d StormyCloud: orignal's available for pro bono legal advice.
dr|z3d (not that he's a lawyer)
dr|z3d he has some views on responding to investigative e-mails from foreign legal entities.
RN dr|z3d, stirs the pot.
RN ;)
dr|z3d I figured the FAQ would be a good one to get done.
dr|z3d just a tickle, RN.
NarratorZ dr|z3d:Something just came up and I came back. This time may not be so fast
dr|z3d no rush, NarratorZ, we're already in a good place.
dr|z3d now tagging the tunnel filter page.
dr|z3d if anyone wants to help with translating the i2p+ help section, ping me. thanks to NarratorZ's encouragment, most of the help section is now tagged for translation.