IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
Irc2PGuest40951 why does the instrumental russian anthem have to be so glorious for such a terrible country
dr|z3d instrumental? as opposed to the one with steven segal doing lead vocals?
Irc2PGuest40951 steve seagal sung the russian national anthem?
dr|z3d probably, but I was being only slightly ridiculous. :)
HaruCode two interrelated causes: 1. as in any country, the ruling mob is stealing and extorting the works of talented people from them. 2. russia has some very talented people
HaruCode the russian clowns attempted to steal nginx from it's author under the premises he created it "in his worktime" and thus it's "company property". I laughed so hard I almost shat my pants, but the author whom they tried to arrest wasn't so amused
HaruCode but their assuredness they can steal an open source program betrays unsurpassed stupidity levels. "russia ia a country of contrasts" (c) cold war times propaganda
dr|z3d Mustafabo!
dr|z3d all good?
Mustafabo what up dr|z3d?
dr|z3d oh, you know, shizzle dizzle. you?
Mustafabo "Money doesn't matter" - Rich people. "Beauty doesn't matter" - Attractive people. "Nothing really matters" - People who just killed a man
Mustafabo Nothing much
dr|z3d how's quake?
dr|z3d your new bird..
Mustafabo CoCo. good
dr|z3d missed a trick there. should have called him quake.
Mustafabo he's a silly bird
Mustafabo he acts like a cockatoo
dr|z3d sounds like fun
Mustafabo dr|z3d, I got an ipad
dr|z3d oh noes. not an ipad!
Mustafabo Apple makes shit PC/Laptop. Shit phones. iPad is actually a good tablet
dr|z3d got linux running on it yet?
dr|z3d useless!
HaruCode how's it going? no "concerned citizens" yet?
dr|z3d what's that, HaruCode?
HaruCode that "nephew" guy
dr|z3d nothing to say. you'll see it if it turns up.
HaruCode I made some modifications and might have missed it
HaruCode added color code stripping and case preserving in totifications
HaruCode *notifications
dr|z3d git :)
HaruCode why? it has your name hardcoded for pm. do you really want git?
dr|z3d make that a variable :)
Mustafabo itsjustme
dr|z3d notify {on/off}
dr|z3d notify_users {foo,bar} etc.
Mustafabo dr|z3d, I heard you like Dick's
HaruCode yeah, yeah. then server list, channel list, users-to-notify list, slurs-to-send-back-to-spammer list. NO.
dr|z3d tell him, Mustafabo. the only answer is YES!
HaruCode NO, NO, NO
Mustafabo YES YES YES
HaruCode for yescount+1 do heh
HaruCode for yescount+1 do hexchat.print("NO ")
HaruCode and such
dr|z3d see, you've half persuaded yourself that yes is the only answer. :)
HaruCode that's a typo
HaruCode but I have an idea for server-side actions: for all the users having the same host, change their nicks to LurkingDickbag<number>
dr|z3d haha, funny.
Mustafabo dr|z3d, I have a beard
dr|z3d congrats
Mustafabo a wizard needs a beard. a professor needs a beard. and archivist needs a beard, and you... you need a beard
HaruCode I thought wizard needs his robe and wizard hat
Mustafabo no, just a beard
HaruCode dr|z3d, does the dickbag post his "quotes" on this channel only, or are there others?
T3s|4_ HaruCode: dr|z3d may have spotted (presumably) him elsewhere, but I've only seen 'him' here
T3s|4 lols - as in I'm ancient = and every single (insistent, adamant, pathetic, persistent and enabled) Wokester (tm) ASSHOLE can go FUCK themselves... ;D
T3s|4 The Dictionary and the parts of speech, and pronouns exist to form a common understanding and basis for communication...attempts to modify these long-held precepts place their childish ignorance on full display ;p
HaruCode well, not fuck themselves exactly, I just think those snowflakes are all fake. Abolitionism was real, the first feminists were real, the Stonewall Riots and Rosa Parks were real. not these. although if they "identify themselves" as rake stands, they can go and fuck themselves with rakes, no objections
HaruCode *rake racks
T3s|4 Thank God, none of my: Catholic primary school, high school, University, nor Graduate School required me to attend 'gender sensitivity training' (i.e. we are going to enable and implement outright, explicit racial discrimination in our hiring practices, despite that being constitutionally illegal in the US). Unfortunately, I was not so lucky when I joined the MNC worked for. ;p
T3s|4 Lessons (they wanted me) to adsorb: Historically (due to Male Discrimination) Women are worth more than Men, and Black Women are worth far more than (average/White) Women. Please let us know if you know 'any'; we're hiring, and will pay you handsomely for every successful referral!
HaruCode no, I can read alright. just had no idea how... ugh... extreme it became
HaruCode on second thought, "extreme" and "fucked up" are not always interchangeable, so I'll trade politeness for clarity: how fucked up it became
T3s|4 ^that 100% illegal dogma/mantra/horseshit is what I was forced to endure only to 'check off' one of hundreds of mandatory training courses for one of the most profitable MNCs in the world! Mind you, that was 20 years ago, and things have only gotten far worse/more Woke since ;D
geo2342 <dr|z3d> I licked my newphews butthole but didnt get a good vid of it
geo2342 <dr|z3d> I need to make some money off this cp
geo2342 <dr|z3d> He looks so cute with my dick in his mouth
geo2342 <dr|z3d> I told him hes my little whore
geo2342 <dr|z3d> He said whats a whore? And I said you lmao
dr|z3d HaruCode: try matching any two or more words in sentences. should give you plenty of material to go on.
HaruCode dr|z3d, uh huh, but that's when my connection broke
HaruCode updated the definitions
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
HaruCode did it trigger with the previous definitions?
dr|z3d not if he quit of his own accord.
dr|z3d he/it.
HaruCode well, let's wait for return of mr. Pennywise
HaruCode I saw 5 loads of shit. Did I miss anything?
HaruCode then my connection broke right after this
HaruCode because it triggers his shit with the past set of definitions
HaruCode *triggers on his current shit
RN don't call the troll Pennywise, you insult the clown!
HaruCode not that the clown was especially lovely
HaruCode I have join/part messages hidden. does that enemadrinker join the channel for his poo-poo?
HaruCode the script would work either way, but just to know
RN I have J/P hidden also... dunno
HaruCode I also experience severe lags now...
RN also, there are several channels the troll spews it's shit in. It kinda depends how long they are left alone.
HaruCode well, I can add a channel list to the script
HaruCode without mode checks tho, don't want to complicate things
HaruCode don't see any pm atm
HaruCode changed the script a bit. it'll try to deal with it wherever I have (half)op. will still notify dr|z3d, channel name included. not business, this is personal
T3s|4 V is for vendetta, but there exist less obvious, more painful approaches
Mustafabo itsjustme
albat hey Mustafabo :)
itsjustme Mustafabo: