IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
itsjustme Hey HaruCode
itsjustme We should have a bot that auto bans anyone without voice the word nephew
dr|z3d thanks, HaruCode, will take a look.
HaruCode dr|z3d, as you can see, there are patterns, against which the message is checked and, if every element matches in any pattern, actions are triggered. you can add your own in case he'll get any bright ideas
dr|z3d before even looking at that, HaruCode, I had the same idea. word pairs.
dr|z3d anyways, thanks. might deploy it later, and upgrade it to k-line class.
HaruCode itsjustme, no need for a bot if we're always here. although eggdrop is usable too
dr|z3d some neat things that can be done on the server side of things, like kicking the nick from server, preventing the nick from being used again.
HaruCode in this script there are nick, ident and host variables prepared in case of a match, so the only limit of actions is your imagination and network privileges
HaruCode also, in that script it's not pairs, it's any number of elements, some match in specific places only, some - in any place
HaruCode it uses lua patterns, it's kind of "regex lite", but still allows some flexibility
HaruCode actually, I'm waiting for the enemadrinking clown to appear, just to see how it'll work for me
HaruCode want me to test the kick/ban feature?
dr|z3d see what you can do with that.
HaruCode kick and ban features enabled. waiting for the asshole.
dr|z3d can you get you script to pm me when you do effect a kban? then I can follow up with a k-line if I'm around..
dr|z3d thanks
HaruCode in fact, it already writes a message to the user executing it, but I guess you don't have it loaded atm?
dr|z3d not right now, no.
HaruCode ok. my will pm you on match, regardless of the action taken
dr|z3d the "training" referred to earlier relates to a network-wide mechanism, so for now I'm trusting in that.
HaruCode that's all good, but machine-learning is a slow process requring loads of source data as well as positive/negative reinforcement. this script works immediately
HaruCode and the ass in question is too predictable
dr|z3d sure, hence your +h status to do some good :)
HaruCode ok, ok. it's just using neural networks seems like... I dunno... blowing up a planet for a mosquito bite?
HaruCode also, won't shutting him up early interrupt the learning process?
dr|z3d no one mentioned neural networks, but let's not get into the precise nature of the engine, no sense tipping off troll. sockpuppet often lurks.
HaruCode and, what exactly should be in the pm?
dr|z3d <nick> kicked and banned from #saltR
dr|z3d or something along those lines.
HaruCode ok. should I include ident/host?
dr|z3d no, no need for that.
HaruCode will be "<nick> triggered slapstick by saying: <message>"
dr|z3d perfect.
HaruCode also, I don't generally believe in "security through obscurity", but will delete the script from eepsite, if you don't want to use it
dr|z3d I was thinking the opposite, tbh.. a generic script that excludes the custom dictionary.
dr|z3d hosted on git.i2p or wherever suits.
HaruCode it is like this
HaruCode not git, but generic
dr|z3d the patterns, as you define them in the script, would go in a separate file.
HaruCode that's possible too. I didn't have the intention to release a commercial-grade app atm, just used the generic patterns for customization and scalability, but considered it as one-time project
HaruCode if you at least downloaded the script, you should have seen it
dr|z3d that's why I'm referring to patterns :)
HaruCode oh. and you did. you know about pattern definitions. ok
HaruCode yes, the script for now is made to be easily-customizable, but via script editing instead of fussing with config files
HaruCode not housewife-friendly, I must admit
HaruCode but, as I said - a one-time impromptu troll-butt-drilling contraption
dr|z3d I'm suggesting putting it on git somewhere because you might find it gets some traction with others offering patches. Up to you.
HaruCode I believe there are lots of such tools. It's just my "avoid suggesting the soft you didn't write/don't know to the last line"
HaruCode you are free to put it somewhere, though. for... um... patching
dr|z3d create yourself an account on git.i2p or git.idk.i2p .. I'm sure you've got other gems to share :)
dr|z3d plus, in the event of catastrophic disk failure, you've got backups.
HaruCode I know about that git. I'm just too lazy. And honestly, I don't like services that need identification
HaruCode although I did another "gem" to keep myself identified to NickServ despite ghosts appearing on disconnects, I must admit. it's too annoying
dr|z3d come on, less lazy, more can do, please. :)
HaruCode the complete brute-force of the bootpool sectors as geli keys will take 12 days of script time. until then I'm stuck with this ephemeral os and zfs documentation. not really inspiring
HaruCode and I am not quite sure whether one letter in the passphrase is capital or not, so double the time