IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
genka dr|z3d: i think i should run i2pd with yggdrasil in russia cuz as orignal said if i2p somehow will be blocked, russians could use i2p-over-ygg
genka yggdrasil is runs well over tls afaik
dr|z3d cross that bridge when you come to it, genka.. i2p isn't getting blocked in russia any time soon.
genka why? i think it's possible, dr|z3d, since tor is blocked already
dr|z3d Tor's much easier to block for a nation state.
dr|z3d if Russia was intent on blocking i2p, the first thing they'd start with is the reseed routers. can you reseed ok?
genka dr|z3d: cant they just block the ntcp2 and ssu?
genka or they obfuscated?
dr|z3d not easily, no. or they'd have done so already.
genka got it
dr|z3d SSU2 will be even more resistant to DPI, apparently.
dr|z3d so I wouldn't sweat it just yet :)
genka good
dr|z3d incidentally, if you want to help with the SSU2 testing, you can add i2np.ssu2.enable=true to your config. don't tell anyone if/when you do so, as there's still a fairly small pool of SSU2 testers.
mesh btw SSU looks a lot like QUIC
dr|z3d SSU2 is based on QUIC
mesh interesting. why not just use QUIC? why reinvent a transport protocol?
dr|z3d different design goals
dr|z3d borrow the bits that work, and adapt. that's zzz's approach I suspect. but you'd have to ask him.
dr|z3d if you want a challenge, mesh, that aligns with what you're doing with the http server stuff, you could look at implementing an http server in i2pchat.
dr|z3d the groundwork's there, it already serves a single page.
mesh interesting. quic is very complex but it is very good at escaping deep packet inspection
wellicht oh well
genka dr|z3d: isn't working over purokishi btw
dr|z3d genka: what's
mesh weird
mesh just saw the question from dr|z3d but its timestamped 15 minutes ago
mesh maybe irc lag?
dr|z3d could be
dr|z3d so what is it?
mesh looks like a crypto blogging site
mesh ... actually authors aren't paid in crypto, it relies on Yandex.Money and PayPal
dr|z3d try now. should be fixed.
dr|z3d oh wait, maybe not. something weird.
dr|z3d yeah, definitely something odd, genka, can't get it to load even when it's pushed over Tor.
dr|z3d oh, apparently it's loading now, at least here.
dr|z3d let me know if it works for you, genka
genka will try now
genka working fine
genka thanks
genka acetone posts his articles here
dr|z3d quite prolific is acetone. a one main Rain studio.
genka didn't understand what you mean even with the translator haha
dr|z3d Rain TV..
genka what's that
genka :)))
dr|z3d he's a one man studio, lots of output.
dr|z3d Rain TV? aka TV gosht?
genka oh lol
genka i dont know about this tv channel :)))
dr|z3d I am disappoint.
genka me too
genka i dont watch tv at all btw
dr|z3d sensible. but still, TV Rain generated a lot of political heat
genka haven't heard about that :))
genka and i mostly dont care about politics since im underage
dr|z3d never too early to take an interest in politics.. it's your future!
genka dr|z3d: which transport is preferable in i2p
genka ntcp2 or ssu
mesh SSU2 is preferable :)
mesh it has the potential to be much faster and much more secure than either ntcp2 or ssu I think
genka hehe
genka good
mesh it's based on QUIC though it makes some sacrifices for privacy
mesh it's unfortunate because there are already some great java QUIC libraries out there that are very fast but they can't be used
mesh dr|z3d: btw I can't say for sure more testing is needed
mesh actually nevermind I guess we'll see
mesh I'm a little concerned about the mem usage of the router but should probably let it run for at least a week
mesh I've had the router crash and burn on me 2x now due to i2psnark losing its storage. I sort of fixed that problem and the router has been running fine for several days and its mem usage is climbing over time though with lots of dips in between
mesh it could be a sign of a memory leak but we'll see I suppose
dr|z3d are you participating tunnels also climbing?
mesh total tunnel count has actually gone down
mesh so has Known Peers
dr|z3d you might want to graph various stats so you can get a better idea over time.
mesh I'm not sure how far back stats are actually preserved but I've kept my eye on an increasing avg when it comes to memory used
dr|z3d they're stored as far back as the side of the file permits.
dr|z3d usually several weeks if not more.
mesh it's a bit surprising because over time the router is doing less and less work as torrents finish
dr|z3d torrents are quite demanding, given the potential number of open tunnels and client connections.
mesh yeah I can see i2psnark opening as many as 16 tunnels at one point
mesh but like I said tunnel count has gone down and avg memory used has gone up
mesh it's possible that the problem is i2psnark. memory usage may be correlated with the number of torrents even if most of those torrents aren't doing anything
dr|z3d for every active/seeding torrent, it'll be regularly announcing to the trackers.
mesh hmm that's good to know. I have some torrents in the 'Complete' state that are doing nothing too. I might try removing them
dr|z3d you can remove the torrent file or the torrent file and data.
mesh it's another argument for running i2psnark in a separate jvm I think. the router itself seems quite stable. all the problems I've had are related to i2psnark
mesh dr|z3d: yes I see this option now "Remove the torrent from the active list"
dr|z3d or you can just delete the relevant .torrent file in your data dir, will result in the torrent being removed.
mesh good to know
dr|z3d and conversely, you can copy a .torrent file there and it'll load.
mesh I guess I would expect as the number of torrents go down the mem usage would go down, not up. But those torrents do still exist in i2psnark. I'll try deleting some .torrent files.
dr|z3d you could also just stop the torrent webapp temporarily and see how that affects mem usage.
dr|z3d > /configwebapps
mesh good idea
mesh I'll try that once these last two torrents finish up