IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
genka what do you mean by "enable" here, dr|z3d?
dr|z3d enable means make active, uncomment, in the context of i2pd, genka.. the default proxy is commented out in the i2pd config file.
genka i think it's better to write "If using i2pd, uncomment outproxy and replace false.i2p in your i2pd.conf file with purokishi.i2p."
genka something like that
dr|z3d sure, whatever you think works in translation.
genka If using i2pd, uncomment outproxy and replace false.i2p with purokishi.i2p in your i2pd.conf file.
genka i think it's better to write in english version
dr|z3d maybe, but it should be understood as is by anyone who's comfortable editing i2pd's config file.
genka good point
genka you're right
wellicht and here comes the next booster
itsjustme Hey wellicht
itsjustme *** knocks on wellicht's door ***
genka i've done, dr|z3d
genka i changed my mind hahahahaha
genka just one word
genka wait
genka here it is
dr|z3d genka: hey, thanks! let me check that.
dr|z3d and after a major distraction, it's live.. thanks, again, genka
mesh ugh irc
itsjustme irc whats that?
mesh primitive communication system from a more elegant age
RN shows up as dead
dr|z3d works for me. maybe you've got a stale address in your book.
dr|z3d try deleting from your addressbook and then hitting notbob
RN the addresshelper from notbob said it was dead, the other two did not find it
RN hmmm... b32 works, but deleting it from the address book did not prompt it bring up the address helper
RN /dns is not showing it in any of my address books
RN but, now I got a message to choose between addressbook and conflicting one
RN but that does not add it
RN I wonder if a router restart is needed to purge it
RN I could manually add it, but I want to know if there is a delay or restart required for the address helper mechanism to kick in
mesh what is the addresss helper?
mesh I see that mentioned all over the I2PTunnel code
RN well and addresshelper is a kind of link for when you don't have the eepsite/service in your address book
RN I think I actually meant jump instead
mesh ah so address helper is the jump stuff
RN that is the page where it tells you it found the site and asks which address book do you want to add it to
RN the jump is like stats.i2p telling you "found the site. Add it to addressbook?"
dr|z3d shouldn't need to restart.
dr|z3d check your addressbook, if you've got a conflict, delete the existing address.
RN well, not sure if there is a waiting period....
dr|z3d there isn't.
RN I already deleted it, and after deletion got the confilct message
dr|z3d add the b32 or b64 manually to your addressbook?
dr|z3d maybe it's cached the old address.
RN yes, I could add manually, but I want to know why deleting it didn't let me start over
dr|z3d maybe it's cached the old address.
RN yes, caching is why I was thinking of restart
RN or how long for the cache to expire (thus waiting period)
mesh has anybody used gitblit before? What do people even recommend for self-hosted git?
dr|z3d try gitea
RN well, around two hours has not purged it yet
RN I wonder if I found a bug
dr|z3d did you get there via the b32?
RN yes
RN it loads fine from b32
dr|z3d ok, so it works, then. not all's lost.
RN but the jump link still triggers the conflict message
RN I'll try tomorrow again, and if not resolved, then I'll try a restart.
mesh ugh I hate stupid bugs
mesh I never set active to true
mesh dr|z3d: where is the best place to download the latest stable"i2p.tar.bz2"?
mesh dr|z3d: when I go to I have the option to download the installer and the update
mesh oh wait, it is there
mesh great stuff
mesh dr|z3d: any tips for setting up a high bandwidth router with i2p+?
genka dr|z3d: np
mesh here comes the lag
genka is router.peerTestTimeout=800 works only in i2p+?
genka dr|z3d
dr|z3d genka: correct
dr|z3d there is no peer testing in vanilla i2p, it was removed a few releases ago iirc.
genka dr|z3d: why
dr|z3d why was it removed?
dr|z3d zzz determined it wasn't useful. I came to a different conclusion and used the tests as the basis to grade routers based on latency.
genka so now only used thing is bandwidth tiers?
mesh I get the feeling that zzz is very concerned with resources
dr|z3d in vanilla i2p, yeah, it's all about the profiling.
mesh but if you have a powerful computer with plenty of ram and lots of cpu there's really no need to worry so much about resources
genka dr|z3d: what if i set X tier but actually have 100 KBps
dr|z3d then profiling will find you out, ultimately.
dr|z3d at least, with i2p/i2p+. I think in i2pd that's taken as is.
mesh dr|z3d: there's also some questions about the security implications of profiling
dr|z3d that's a fairly old paper, mesh.
dr|z3d and based on the conclusion, a bigger pool of fast tier peers to choose from is a good thing. which is what you have in i2p+
mesh dr|z3d: I'm not expert hehe I just remember coming across that
mesh honestly I like the idea of i2p+ and I think there should be several different editions of the router
mesh there's no reason somebody working on a developer workstation with 32gb of ram should be using a router configured with a max memory of 384mb
mesh on a dedicated server with 64gb like it makes even less sense
mesh that's why I like the idea of a "server edition", "worktation edition", "laptop edition", "phone edition" and even "potato edition" of the server
dr|z3d haha, potato edition.
mesh instead of just coding everything to some lowest common denominator (lcd)
mesh but I'm also somebody who's less interested in i2p's "privacy" features and more interested in its ability to act as a true p2p network overlay
genka hello world
mesh yes it's my blog
genka nice
mesh the nice thinmg is it's a native i2p web server
mesh no i2ptunnel nonsense. should simplify things a lot for users
dr|z3d let's see what you got there mesh...
mesh that's the blog
dr|z3d are you going to make that dest persistent?
dr|z3d blog?
mesh haha no, it's just a proof of concept that prints "Hello World the time is $Time"
dr|z3d no shit
mesh I just wanted to show that I could get a web server work directly with an I2PSocket without actually setting up any I2pTunnels
dr|z3d still, seems like you're making progress, if not on the content front. so well done for that.
mesh well my goal isn't really to blog
mesh the goal is to make I2P easier to use I guess you could say
mesh but we'll see how it goes. the good news is that for the most part everything kind of works
mesh I would like to be able to host web sites and git servers and chat servers without actually setting up a bunch of tunnels
mesh here comes the lag?
mesh in theory if a user actually wanted to blog she could double click on an app that looks like any other, click "Create Blog", and start blogging, and then send a link to her friend Alice who could click on a link and see the blog in firefox
mesh of course in such a world the blog will disappear the moment she closes the app, so the other piece of it will be content distribution
mesh maybe her friend Alice doesn't just read the blog in the browser, but downloads a copy of the entire blog to her laptop. That way Alice can read Diane's blog even when Diane isn't running the blogging app or her laptop is just offline
mesh anyways it's all experimental though I probably will actually write a blog as a poc hehe
dr|z3d sure, a blog would be good, not just as proof of concept, but also to chart your progress and discoveries.
mesh yeah I actually already do maintain such a blog as a kind of engineer's notebook. It's now just a matter of writing the app that takes the static html files and makes them available over http+i2p
dr|z3d sure, or you could just use jetty if it's only static html files you're serving, at least until you get your own webserver up and running.
mesh dr|z3d: you mean i2p's built in jetty?
dr|z3d the console and webapps run on jetty, and there's a ready-to-go jetty webserver, sure.
mesh dr|z3d: you use gitlab in the clear right
dr|z3d accessed via the outproxy.
mesh yeah good idea. I was thinking of doing the same for github
dr|z3d it's responsive over purokishi, and you avoid the captchas you'd get if you did the same over tor