IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d This may be way off the mark, but if we're seeing excessive requests, be it DB stores, transit tunnels, lookups, or whatever else fits the general profile of abuse, is it worth thinking about a router-router or router-ff strategy that communicates the id of the potentially abuses router?
dr|z3d *abusive
dr|z3d Initially it might just be a flag that's assigned that doesn't do anything other than indicate potential abuse, with some strategy to reach a consensus.
zzz well, anything like that has to incorporate a trust model and an analysis of why it doesn't introduce even more attack vectors
dr|z3d sure, does it help or will it just give an attacker another possible angle.
dr|z3d put a different way, can we reliably determine when behavior is abusive and pin that with confidence on a specific router?
dr|z3d I think we already have a few scenarios where we can be pretty confident. Maybe not many..
dr|z3d A router that's cycling its ip every couple of minutes or more falls into that category, no?
dr|z3d A router that's requesting a ton of tunnels and using no meaningful bandwidth in any of them, maybe another?
dr|z3d A floodfill that appears to be rejecting all lookups, or providing bogus replies.
zzz p2p trust models are super hard and sketchy, we've never done it and I for one have no competence there
dr|z3d yeah, I hear you. it's not something you can do in a day.
dr|z3d Maybe the first step is to identify bad behavior and when it's obvious, be more aggressive in banning the offending router.
dr|z3d for example, track ip cycling over a 10m period, if it reaches some threshold, ban router.
orignal does stats.i2p support deletetion now?
orignal *deletion
dr|z3d why do you ask? is there something on stats.i2p that suggests it does?
orignal <monkey> есть еще один вопрос, а как потом удалить из reg.i2p ? Например i2pj генерит для удаления. А в ваших тулзах я не нашел
dr|z3d > give it to me in english.
dr|z3d please. :)
orignal he is asking how to delete an address from reg
orignal and says that Java supports it
dr|z3d Java may support it, stats.i2p doesn't.
RN I really don't agree with deleting them... if JRandom ever came back, bringing up his eepsite would be one of the ways he would establish his identity
RN or if I left for a while and came back as I have done in the past
RN I mean there is still the b64/32 where he/I would have the signing key
RN but it wasn't intended for them to expire
dr|z3d expiry should probably be proportional to the amount of time the site's been up and serving content. but it's not really a big deal. otoh, if the person who registered a site wants to delete it, that should be allowed. or if they want to assign a new b32, assuming they have the original key.
hk jrandom originally started with right?
dr|z3d in other news, I2PSnark's new inline text viewer is mostly done, gremlins banished. It currently only supports line numbering for css files.. if anyone has a requirement/suggestion for other text mimetypes that would benefit from line numbering, let me know. I'm thinking probably javascript is the next candidate.
hk dr|z3d: your thoughts on typescript vs javascript?
hk im not a web guy so I dont have much to say on it but im curious what you think
dr|z3d dunno, haven't really looked at typescript.
hk 'hm hm
hk hm hm*
dr|z3d my general attitude is that it needs to run in the browser natively without libs.
hk right
dr|z3d so anything that requires libs, like jquery et al, no. waste of space.
hk gotcha , portability is king
cumlord Oh that’s nice, does it still do inline for .txt/nfo?
dr|z3d there's nothing you can't achieve with vanilla javascript that jquery offers. except adding a nice fat 100K plus library to your code.
dr|z3d still?
dr|z3d still since when, cumlord? :)
dr|z3d it's only a couple of days old..
dr|z3d and yes, it does inline for text/nfo/srt/css right now.
cumlord Minus still* 😂
dr|z3d I might add some "native" rendering for .nfo files, assuming those fancy ascii graphics are still a thing.
dr|z3d new /dev/ build in ~5m.
dr|z3d if you're seeding the I2P+ update, you've got txt and css files you can use to test with.
dr|z3d it's a bit on the chunky side, the textView.css ... 5.1KB.
dr|z3d kidding.. I think 5K is reasonable given what it does.
dr|z3d hk: same for variants of css. not a fan.
dr|z3d I don't want to have to compile my css files to use them :)
hk nice, agreed
cumlord dr|z3d ha that’d be nice, they’re still around a bit
dr|z3d not difficult, only really requires a custom font.
cumlord It’s probably overdue for an update I’ll have to try it out
dr|z3d what (sub-)version of + are you running?
cumlord hm looks like -10 to -12
dr|z3d ok, not too shabby. -13+ is current.
dr|z3d don't forget to take the new shiny lightbox for a spin, cumlord!
dr|z3d you can dump a folder of images in an existing torrrent data folder if you want to test and you don't have image torrents handy.
cumlord awesome, slideshow feature even works with gifs
cumlord 6837b4317f96d433323c83bdd0724c62a91307f3 has some things in a test folder
cumlord noticed .json brings up a page with black bg/text though
cumlord or maybe it always did that
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d maybe I can add support for those, probably not being deteced as a text/ mimetype
dr|z3d if it was, it would at the very least open in a new tab.
dr|z3d yeah, because application/json
cumlord yeah, that makes sense .txt and .css give a paperclip next to it
dr|z3d not so hot with xml, either. still, next build will fixup both.
dr|z3d of course, more work to do to actually display XML, but hey.
dr|z3d yeah, but no to XML. too much hassle for not enough benefit. let's just make sure it opens in a new tab.
zzz reminder prop. 168 review today
orignal zzz does stats support deletion or not?
orignal I mean by request
zzz except if it was just registered and not public yet, he can email me
orignal but that guy says it's possible to generate such request in Java-I2P
zzz stats.i2p does not support everything listed in the spec, or everything in the java code
orignal thnaks
zzz says it right at the top
zzz Registration authentication is required.
zzz Status: Service is UP.
zzz Supported actions: Add, Add Alias, Add Subdomain, Add Alternate Destination
zzz Unupported actions: Remove, Change Name, Change Destination
orignal I though you might have implemnetd it
orignal ofc he blamed i2pd/reg that we are "fucking idiots" )))
zzz maybe you are, but not good to do that when asking for help ))
orignal ofc I am, that why I wanted to clarify with you if we missed something
orignal new attacktoday?
zzz yeah the chinese started back up about midnight eastern
orignal why do you think it's China?
zzz because we've seen the same thing recently, and I can track tunnel prev/next hops by country
orignal got it
orignal what I don't understand what they are trying to ahcive
orignal because efficency is zero
zzz CountryTunnelsUsage
zzz United States 217 4.17 MiB
zzz China 137 3.58 MiB
zzz Germany 116 984 KiB
zzz Russian Federation 90 1.51 MiB
zzz Netherlands 53 592 KiB
zzz Canada 40 797 KiB
orignal and what does it say?
orignal Russia is not on top because people use VPN
zzz china is #4 in routers but #2 in tunnels
orignal got it
zzz and every non-hidden router in china is i2pd 0.9.58 X, it's 100% botnet
orignal it's too old
orignal but what is thier goal?
zzz hackers, students, scammers, state attack... who knows, it all looks the same
orignal what's to goal of this attack?
zzz no idea
orignal I have noticed another thing
orignal seems they always use NTCP2
zzz not true for the chinese routers, I have plenty of SSU2 connections
zzz maybe you're thinking of a different group
orignal I see too much NTCP2 traffic
orignal 2 times more than SSU2
orignal usually I see more SSU2 than NTCP23
zzz 2x by number of connections or by bandwidth?
orignal bandwdth
orignal Transit: 209.13 GiB (10700.73 KiB/s)
orignal attackers still like me ))
orignal "опять транзита 23 мегабайта"
orignal another guy
dr|z3d definitely looks like there's some bandwidth related "stuff" happening.
hk dr|z3d: seeing it on my end as well
dr|z3d the rodeo continues!
hk round 2 I guess
hk lol
orignal like what?
orignal and yes I was right
orignal no impact to SSU2-only and ygg-only routers
orignal only NTCP2 routers are involved
hk hmm
orignal looks like they pick routers with NTCP2 only
hk hm
hk interesting
cumlord looks about right hk
hk cumlord: im definitely getting affected but does cake.i2p seem slow to you at the moment?
cumlord yeah was noticing some wonky business but doesn't look like any routers died this time
not_bob I'm feeling it over here.
cumlord not really to me
hk not_bob: brutal :/
not_bob It will pass.
cumlord graph is awesome, i2pd be limping ;(
hk not_bob: yep last time it lasted for days
hk weeks? i cant remember
not_bob Yep, and most of mt stuff is i2pd.
cumlord you do most of your site scanning stuff with i2pd right?
not_bob My local machine is at 15%
not_bob No, that is I2P+
not_bob More features.
not_bob I2P+ perorms better. But, not so good for low power systems.
cumlord irc server (i2pd) was in desperation mode with 1 up tunnel earlier, really tryin its best
cumlord ah that makes sense
not_bob Yeah, it can suck at times. But, one tunnel is fine...for a short time.
not_bob Till it expires.
orignal whick irc server? ilita?
cumlord im seeing 17% now, and simp irc
orignal ilita has 5 tunnels in both directions
orignal Tunnel creation success rate: 17%
orignal Transit: 1990.94 GiB (9172.04 KiB/s)
orignal almost 100% cpu usage
cumlord jeeze similar there with the transit
not_bob Mine is a bit better now. Not that it feels like it.
cumlord that ones little angry
eyedeekay dr|zed do you want to come to #ls2?
dr|z3d all present and correct, eyedeekay :)