IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
eyedeekay Yeah I'm working on it
eyedeekay OK I think it's back now. That one sucked.
uop23ip anybody else have graphs refreshing every sec, since the latest plus dev update?
uop23ip not the whole site just the graphs
dr|z3d every second?
dr|z3d try doing a hard refresh in your browser, uop23ip, CTRL+SHIFT+R
uop23ip i did that first, ofc ;)
dr|z3d what browser?
dr|z3d and what refresh interval are your graphs set to?
uop23ip firefox esr, 30 sec now changed from before 15sec to see if it was the case. 9nov update was ok.
dr|z3d so can you decribe the behavior?
uop23ip title configure graph display jumps from left aligned to middle too
uop23ip looks like at the buttom something gets updated. graphs boxes are slightly moving together and down to the middle. every button, text in the conf graph get realign to the middle
dr|z3d cannot reproduce here.
dr|z3d tried in any other browsers?
uop23ip librewolf has the same issue
uop23ip something javascript
dr|z3d not here, librewolf works fine, but I'll do some more testing.
uop23ip thanks
dr|z3d are you blocking javascript in the console?
dr|z3d or running anything like noscript that may be blocking stuff?
uop23ip in librewolf i had it off and the issue came when i activate js
dr|z3d > check your /logs
dr|z3d > maybe something's indicated there.
dr|z3d > occasionally you might get most of the way through a corrupt installation without the router noticing.
dr|z3d > so it might be worth updating to the latest version just to see if that fixes.
uop23ip div id"allgraphs" class="graphspanel.. and all up to body id perfgraphs are overflow. And the id pageloader style position changes with every refresh
uop23ip maybe helps idknow
uop23ip from inspect in firefox
dr|z3d > /logs ?
dr|z3d check wrapper logs
dr|z3d and if you're in the firefox inspector, check for console errors.
uop23ip logs are fine
uop23ip console error:
uop23ip Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: graphContainer is null
uop23ip requestIdleCallback handler*refreshSidebar/xhrsb.onload
dr|z3d have you got a sidebar graph? or no graphs at all?
dr|z3d if no sidebar graph, could be a java issue. check wrapper logs again.
dr|z3d I'll have a new build for you to test in the next 1/2 hour, uop23ip, if you're still around.
dr|z3d make that next 24h. :)
orignal zzz, is it possible that LeseSet block comes after SYN stream packet in ECIES packet?
StormyCloud Howdy yall
hk StormyCloud: doing good myself, how about you?
RN ♫ ♪ Stormy weather... ♪ ♫
dr|z3d Blinded message
RN yeah, gotta start calling them Americlowns again
dr|z3d the word stormy always has the association with the word daniels in my mind, can't help it.
RN hehehhe... me too
orignal MAGA )))
zzz back, was afk and still really busy, please hold any q's and re-ask me in the morning when I have a chance to focus, thanks )))
orignal tommorow?
zzz yes please, should have my head back in things by then, thanks
hk orignal: I have a question if you mind me asking?
orignal go ahead
orignal if you want to ask if I'm a rasist. Yes I am ))
hk Thanks man I appreciate it, I'm creating a testnet for i2p, and im using your router to prototype it. In order for the peers to find each other in the testnetwork, it seems that I have to inject their router infos into each of their netDbs. If I put the router infos directly into the net db (rX, rY, and so on). should it "just work"?
hk haha
hk or is there another step?
hk I tried doing it but it appears that they dont find each other, there must be something im doing wrong
hk hmm, okay okay. there is something I am doing wrong then, thanks orignal
orignal ofc you must call it as routerInfo-<base64>.dat
hk yes yes the IdentityHash, I did that too
orignal also you need to change netid to something different in config
hk the netid? ah
orignal and addresses ranges
hk ohhhhh
hk damn, ill do that then; awesome
orignal reservedrange=false
orignal to be abel to connect to 192.168.ючюч
hk ah yes im using
hk ok ok
orignal nat=false
orignal to not peer test is NTCP2 only
orignal and put IP into host= explicitly
RN orignal, do you know the true meaning of "MAGA?" ━━▶ cake.i2p/file/e5IL8PR5AZ_8wu6wrJalg8lnsCTrdGr8cSirDr1RX_okL3VQ5fno/SNEX-MAGA.png
orignal yes, it's shot name of Magomet ))
orignal *short
RN Dzybov or Bachaev?
RN heheh... check that link for another version of MAGA
orignal almost every second dagestanian is Magomet ))
dr|z3d netid != 2 is different network.
orignal yes, any netid but 2
orignal to make sure
RN so where exactly is i2pstan located?
RN ))
orignal in muhosransk ))
hk orignal: re: config, okay thanks again
hk dr|z3d: gotcha
RN oh, yeah, BFE aka The Boonies aka Kjipt Sted