IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal I try to set "i2p.streaming.profile=2" in I2CP options iun snark
orignal and get an exeption
orignal Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Only bulk is supported so far
orignal zzz, is it possible to fix it in snark-standalone for the next release?
dr|z3d orignal: try snark+
dr|z3d uop23ip: maybe slightly different, you only get the files for your nominated os in the zip-* target.
dr|z3d zip-freebsd, zip-linux, zip-macos, zip-windows
dr|z3d hey hey y2kboy23
dr|z3d a few more tweaks to the docker stuff, should compile + faster.
dr|z3d (and be less noisy)
y2kboy23 dr|z3d copy. I'll give it a try.
dr|z3d if you have any ideas about how we remove the classpath warnings at compile time, let me know. haven't really looked hard at it.
y2kboy23 during the ant compile?
dr|z3d the docker output.. Step 1.. is also too noisy for my liking, but I don't think there's much we can do about that.
zzz orignal, already done as promised
orignal zzz, when I can have a new snark with this fix?
orignal dr|z3d why? do you have different core code?
dr|z3d orignal: what zzz said.
zzz orignal, just build from source again
dr|z3d the magic words are "git" and "pull"
orignal no point release yet?
dr|z3d no, there's no point in releasing yet. that's next month :)
orignal then I can wait
zzz dr|z3d, I verified those 4 ip hoppers, you have any other candidates before I check them in?
zzz one of them even has two different versions
dr|z3d two versions but the same RI?
zzz yes
dr|z3d dodgy as fuck, then :)
zzz well, same hash, not identical RI all the way down
dr|z3d let me take a brief look at my tunnels, see if there's anything else that stands out.
dr|z3d probably a "no" right now, zzz, nothing else jumping off the page.
cancername sorry, RI meaning RouterInfo?
dr|z3d yes, RouterInfo, cancername. also, welcome to #saltr
cancername thank you dr|z3d
cancername and "ip hoppers" are suspicious routers?
dr|z3d routers that present a new ip address every other minute are likely dubious.
cancername ah, I see!
dr|z3d doubly so when the ip addresses they're hopping to and from are residential.
cancername are they from many different IP blocks? might be someone with many proxies
dr|z3d it's very likely the user(s) are using a rapidly cycling proxy or vpn service, though the residential nature of the ips suggests it's probably the former, and possibly not entirely legit, either.
dr|z3d different ip blocks, different countries.
cancername and, "check them in" to the in-java-client blocklist?
dr|z3d check them in aka push them to the git repo.
dr|z3d (normally)
zzz thx drz
dr|z3d pleasure as always, zzz. :)
dr|z3d ever heard of self-invoking-and-executing functions, zzz, in the context of javascript?
dr|z3d very handy when you want to avoid polluting your global namespace.
dr|z3d iframeresizer is one example.
dr|z3d you wrap your script in (function() { ..... })(); and it's runs as soon as it's loaded, no init required.
dr|z3d and because all the variables are contained within that function, global namespace doesn't get touched.
cancername cute! I'll keep it in mind if I have to write JS at some point
dr|z3d I noticed your blog, you like to code, eh, cancername?
cancername I do :D
cancername don't do it often enough, even though it's fin
dr|z3d plenty of stuff to get involved in here, if you have the time and inclination.
cancername still have to get through the docs, I don't have a good understanding of I2P yet :) thank you for the suggestion
orignal are you still fighting with duplicates?
dr|z3d orignal: not really dupes, more rapid-ip cyclers.
mareki2p "ever heard of self-invoking-and-executing functions" also known as immediately invoked lambda function in C++
snex sounds like a regular function
mareki2p Variables and stuff declared inside this will not leak to outside scope.
snex just like a regular function
mareki2p But could be used anywhere. Imagine you are in the middle of long function and need to do some computation. You could go xxx lines up and create new function ... with parameters ... and call it. Or ... you could create this thing, capture all / any local variables (implicitly, no need to name them or create function parameters for them) ... do your computation, use new variables ... return result,
mareki2p all inplace.
snex so like a regular function
mareki2p Yeah, but more convenient.
mareki2p convenient / ergonomic
orignal mareki2p clang?
orignal it's clang's problem
orignal fixed already
orignal dr|z3d what does rapid-ip means?
orignal a router chganges ip often?
mareki2p Don't know what you are talking about. Immediately invoked lambda idiom is C++11 thing, not clang thing.
orignal come it. there are few routers wwith the same ident
orignal I'm talking about clang failure of older version
orignal I thouygh you were talking about my last commit
mareki2p Blinded message
mareki2p No, I just chimed in into JS discussion with C++ (-:
orignal oops.I though aboyt my code
orignal that caused problem with clang
mareki2p OK, I see the commit, undestand the confusion now.
mareki2p btw I'm running the router with ASAN enabled and it did't crash yet, better than many commercial softwares