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uop23ip dr|z3d, where can i find active, known, banned in the sidebar in plus?
dr|z3d in the sidebar, uop23ip
dr|z3d in the "Peers" section.
uop23ip yeah. got it in home, but not in graphs, tunnels...
uop23ip made and update from canon btw
dr|z3d maybe you removed it?
dr|z3d check /configsidebar and reset defaults if necessary.
dr|z3d and do a ctrl+shift+r in your browser just to make sure you have current assets loaded.
uop23ip i added it in sidebar config now, but i would swear i did not remove it
dr|z3d maybe you replaced peers with peers advanced section in canon.
dr|z3d don't remember if I removed that entirely, peers section in + supplies the same info (if not more).
uop23ip yes i did
dr|z3d that's probably it, then.
uop23ip nice that i can still access console with http and 7657, thought that plus only had https and 7667, iirc
dr|z3d not quite.
dr|z3d plus redirects 7657 to 7667 by default.
dr|z3d (with an option to disable redirection in help / advanced settings.
dr|z3d *documented in..
uop23ip putting the didn't work for me. I use the update link release of plus, check for updates and updated
dr|z3d from the /dev/ path?
dr|z3d if you attempt to use the dev update on canon without having updated to + previously, it won't work from skank.i2p, though it will work from github. skank dev updates are pack200, which means you eitehr need to be running java < v14, or have previously installed +
dr|z3d the _should_ work if you place it in i2p/ or ~/.i2p/
dr|z3d unless permissions are wrong on the file.
dr|z3d better to install via the plus installer, but whatever works. native i2p+ installer instead of sidegrade gives you some different defaults.
dr|z3d in any event, the latest dev build on skank has some additional logging for blockMyCountry and will indicate you've enabled a config in the banlist for banned routers.
uop23ip got it running now with blockmycountry. Not so brave to go on dev :)
uop23ip can i still connect over hops to peers in snark of mycountry or are they banned too?
uop23ip weird, looking in tunnels or netdb, lol
uop23ip unknown is in the top6
dr|z3d routers in your country should be banned, so no direct connections to them.
dr|z3d dev build.
dr|z3d hang on, what version are you running?
uop23ip i meant indirect connection to a snark uploader of mycountry
dr|z3d 2.6.5-10+ ?
dr|z3d routers != destinations.
dr|z3d ok, -10+ is fine.
dr|z3d dev build is a couple of revisions past that, gives you more feedbacl on blackmycountry is all.
dr|z3d but -10+ gets you most of the way.
dr|z3d if someone in your country is hosting a torrent, you won't have an issue downloading the content.
uop23ip i am conservative for this machine, has to run
dr|z3d you just won't be using routers in your country to arrive at their destination.
dr|z3d like I said, you get more feedback on blockMyCountry, you don't need to be on the /dev/ update path as such, you can just download the update from skank, there's nothing in there other than logging and some UI tweaks. up to you.
dr|z3d dev/ build is still -10+
dr|z3d not important, anyways.
dr|z3d you should see some blocked peers if you've been running enough from your country on
dr|z3d it will say "In our country (we are in Hidden mode)" probably, or with the latest dev update, "In our country (banned via config)"
uop23ip found one after many slow and old: In our country (we are in Hidden mode)
dr|z3d and you're not in hidden mode, are you?
uop23ip nope :)
dr|z3d you can click on the table headers to sort if you hadn't discovered that.
dr|z3d great, then it appears to be working as intended.
uop23ip i got exactly 1
dr|z3d check you don't have any routers under your flag on /netdb
uop23ip yes got 2
dr|z3d ok, click on the flag, see how long you've known them for.
uop23ip published?
dr|z3d First heard about
uop23ip in netdb i got 2, after clicking it shows 3 with only 1 with first heard about 38min ago
uop23ip 1 of them is banlisted
dr|z3d ok. jump back to /netdb/ and keep an eye on the count.
uop23ip ok. unknown are top6 btw
dr|z3d don't worry about unknown.
uop23ip i have a slightly problem in snark. I does not update the page when i click stop or start. I have to refresh. And i can't show the peers of one torrent, only open up for all.
dr|z3d javascript?
dr|z3d enabled or disabled?
dr|z3d and don't expect it to reload the page, just wait a few moments and it should change the status without a reload.. be patient.
uop23ip had it on, but now it is working.
dr|z3d set refresh to 5s for best results.
dr|z3d you probably expected a page reload. we don't do that.
uop23ip to show the peers i should click on the number x/x of the torrent?
uop23ip i2psnark/?sort=9?filter=all works and shows all.
dr|z3d click on the show peers icon in the table header. triangle with 3 dots.
dr|z3d that url has a bug, i2psnark/?sort=9?filter=all, should be i2psnark/?sort=9&filter=all, but it probably doesn't affect anything, just a display error. will look into it.
uop23ip That worked, but for one it won't. Anyway, time to get some sleep. Thanks again, have a nice day and i will report back :)
dr|z3d if there are no peers connected, that icon will be hidden.
dr|z3d or if there are no peers connected for the filter you have enabled. anyways, laters o/
dr|z3d ok, every time the netdb is refreshed via geoip, we'll now also check for routers in our country and ban them, so we're not just doing that at startup.
dr|z3d next we'll check on first connection attempt.
dr|z3d done, uop23ip. more robust blocking in latest dev build.
dr|z3d shouldn't see any routers in your own country in netdb. in the unlikely event you do, they should indicate banned.
dr|z3d tested, working here.
dr|z3d (you may see some routers that are banned because country as unknown in the netdb)
dr|z3d nope, cannot reproduce your snark url, uop23ip. I guess you must have mis-typed it.
dr|z3d not_bob: wrong lemon.
dr|z3d you should also add RN's lemon to your post.
not_bob I added three of them!
dr|z3d 3? where?
dr|z3d only see one, and not the one RN did.
dr|z3d or you mean you just did?
dr|z3d 716 or 726?
not_bob 726 is just the single lemon.
dr|z3d yeah, that's what I'm saying. not RN's lemon.
not_bob Which one is RN's lemon?
not_bob The sad one?
not_bob If so, I'll swap it out.
dr|z3d emoji lemon is RN's.
not_bob Hmm, I only have the three.
not_bob I may have missed one in the scrollback?
dr|z3d I'd put all 3 in the blog post.
dr|z3d or 4. whatever.
dr|z3d you know, and start with "Lemon gallery".
not_bob Yes, just found that one.
not_bob hahahhah, sure.
not_bob So, four of them? gallery time!
dr|z3d why not? more chance they'll get seen in a separate post.
not_bob Doing so now.
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
StormyCloud Im concerned with all of this lemon talk
not_bob You should be. It appears I've been handing them out as of late.
zzz ixpa does seem to be all over the place, probably worth a ban but will do some more logging first
dr|z3d oh, that the one I mentioned before?
dr|z3d I found two following a similar pattern, both added to my blocklist.
zzz full hashes please
dr|z3d ZaPx-B ZZNylF and Z1bh-f also look suspect, but for a different reason.
dr|z3d they're all spraying unsolicited DB search reply messages at exactly the same time.
zzz thx will keep an eye out
zzz also I put the rrd MR in, he cherrypicked and modded about half of it, then did a bunch more stuff, so the merge will be even less fun
zzz if he cuts a release in the next couple weeks I'll probably try to merge it, otherwise I'll probably wait until after our release
dr|z3d did you get around to looking at meld?
dr|z3d takes the sting out of tricky merges..
zzz no, and probably won't
dr|z3d if you change your mind and want a simple test, you can select 2 (or 3) files in your file manager and right click -> open with meld to perform a diff.
orignal I'm going to introduce new bool param "stan"
orignal always firewalled, G and connections to floodfills always through tunnels
T3s|4 dr|z3d: thanks for the meld tip - works well on root owned config files :D
dr|z3d handy tool, every other diff app is headache in comparison.
T3s|4 indeed, I find both diff and kdiff3 a PITA
RN Hmmm... I wonder if I can make freebsd_update use meld... I hate the way it handles it by default, and nano doesn't do that much better
dr|z3d for git, I'm sure you can.
dr|z3d ~/.gitconfig
dr|z3d add something like the following to the end of the file:
dr|z3d [diff]
dr|z3d tool = meld
dr|z3d [difftool "meld"]
dr|z3d path = meld
dr|z3d cmd = meld "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"
dr|z3d then run 'git difftool' to check that meld opens.
orignal meld if GUI for diff?
dr|z3d you may also wish to add the following to your .gitconfig file to handle merge conflicts.
dr|z3d [merge]
dr|z3d tool = meld
dr|z3d [mergetool "meld"]
dr|z3d path = meld
dr|z3d cmd = meld "$LOCAL" "$BASE" "$REMOTE"
dr|z3d meld is kinf, orignal
dr|z3d *king
orignal but it's diff-like tool?
dr|z3d diff, merge conflicts, that sort of thing, yes.
dr|z3d 2/3 way comparisions.
dr|z3d spelling going to shit today. I've contracted orignalitis.
RN I think I did that with git, been a while since I had to intervene
orignal I still use svn
orignal ha ha
dr|z3d save yourself hassle on merge conflicts, orignal. meld's your man.
dr|z3d protip: hover over sections that have been removed in the MR, hold shift, delete.
orignal Java guys how do you call low loaded (like IRC) and high-loaded tunnels (like HTTP server)?
dr|z3d very good, StormyCloud
dr|z3d maybe bulk for http, interactive for irc?
orignal I'm looking for a right name for this param
T3s|4_ lols StormyCloud - looks like an enraged sourpuss to me, but I'm liking the 3 toes with 4 fingers combo :D
orignal you have one already
dr|z3d we offer either bulk or interactive for server tunnels.
orignal so buck if high loaded?
dr|z3d yeah, bulk (downloads,website,BT)
orignal thanks
StormyCloud I wanted to join the lemon party
uop23ip dr|z3d, i set in wrapper.config, but in console it shows 700M. Does plus set maxmem somewhere else?
dr|z3d uop23ip: no, wrapper.config is where the ram is set, assuming you're using the wrapper (service)
dr|z3d if you make changes to wrapper.config, you must stop the router and then start it, not restart it, for the changes to take effect.