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dr|z3d you were right about fines for using twitter, uop23ip, I stand corrected. posting is probably problematic, reading, not so much.
orignal Musk is not I2P friendly
orignal and there is no such thing for twitter as mtproxy
StormyCloud Fun fact all logs on our server are deleted every 15mins so nothing to give out
snex So u say
StormyCloud More than welcome ask dr to confirm
dr|z3d why should we be supporting twitter, orignal?
dr|z3d Musk will take down BBC links at the behest of the Indian govt, but won't take down Bolsanaro disinformation at the behest of a Brazilian judge.
dr|z3d Nothing to support there, unless you want to support the idiocy of an oligarch.
dr|z3d It's unfortunate that Brazilian users are the ultimately losers. I guess we can promote I2P with them in mind, but the twitter battle isn't ours, this much I know.
dr|z3d Durov doesn't exactly come up smelling of roses, either.
dr|z3d He allowed CSAM to flourish on his platform, and the rest of it, and mostly refused to cooperate with authorities, or, failing that, have some robust filtering in play to remove objectionable content.
dr|z3d His arrest was another exercise in stupidity and arrogance in equal measure.
dr|z3d He couldn't even claim he didn't have visibility on the content either. Encryption opt-in for private chats, not available for public forums. So no get-out clause there, either.
uop23ip a critical state stupidity is easy archievable by govs when they fuse i2p/tor/vpn with conspiracy to break a law. Then i can't route transit traffic anymore and have to go into hidden mode :| . why isn't zuckerberg in jail with his cp warning and proceed sign in facebook?
dr|z3d vpns aren't banned in Brazil yet, unlikely they will be.
uop23ip super-elon could easily circumvent any gov with his starlink fleet and monero :) And people say he was stupid with his rocket stuff. Conqueror of mars, conqueror of earth!
dr|z3d where's not_bob_afk?
dr|z3d not_bob_afk: DO NOT THE LEMON!
dr|z3d *** laughs. ***
RN yoda chuckle too did that comment make
uop23ip is i2p/tor similar/identical to a vpn by any meaningful courts?
dr|z3d RN: DO NOT LEMON!
snex There’s nobody to subpoena with tor and i2p
dr|z3d exit operator, or outproxy operator. waste of time, doesn't stop some trying.
RN lemon free zone at my place
dr|z3d or they might just kick down your door and arrest you if you're stupid enough to run an exit on your home network.
snex Lemon party at RN’s?
uop23ip "Any person or company that TRIES to circumvent the ban using a VPN will be fined 9k PER DAY" lol
snex I set my proton vpn to Brazil
uop23ip just thinking of doing it will be 1k per day
snex Put it on my tab
uop23ip something 100 bucks and per minute would be more fair, i think
dr|z3d there is no fair when you're attempting to fine your population for visiting a proscribed site.
uop23ip that's called freedom tax
uop23ip per minute ofc, bc people would get crazy with too much freedom lol
uop23ip and the rich have all the freedom again, bc they can pay the fine. sad world
snex Name a society where the rich cannot purchase extra freedom
storm88 hi all :)
storm88 hi dr|z3d :)
storm88 hi RN :)
orignal we shouldn't support twitter
orignal we should be against that Brazilian monkey
dr|z3d oh, baldie.
dr|z3d yeah, I agree there, judicial overreach. not the first time, apparently.
orignal remember the story with Telegram in Russia in 2018
orignal and I run public mtproxy through i2p since that
orignal and futhermore people use it a lot
orignal ofc when I ask Java-I2P to join this fight for freedom of speech, got another "fuck off"
dr|z3d behave, orignal
dr|z3d @geti2p is unmaintained.
dr|z3d zzz already retweeted a post re durov.
dr|z3d you want fries with that?
dr|z3d nothing stopping you from tweeting. be the change you want to see in the world. :)
orignal as I said I don't want retweet
orignal I want to see i2p poisition
orignal again I don't use tweeter
orignal I use telegram
orignal but Java-I2P mistly uses twiter
uop23ip There is no more freedom as in i2p. Telegram had big (foreign hacked) leak published. It is now available as i2ptorrent. That's a statement in itself. Thanks to all for providing this protection. Imo you can be proud on yourself. There are not many of yours and the importance of this tech has been risen enormously, not just lately. Stay safe (and controlled invisible if possible). :D
T3s|4 uop23ip: indeed, circumventing the ill intentioned has been our raison d'être for decades :)