IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
snex fwd all your i2p mail to clearnet in encrypted form:
snex supports multiple i2p accts and avoids timing attacks
orignal what does "Allocating" status mean in snark?
snex creating a blank file to store the data? just a guess
snex yeah pretty sure thats what it is. most torrents will go through this very fast but a big one might show up in this state
zzz correct
orignal yes, but why did it take almost 10 mintes?
not_bob_afk Very big file and or a slow drive.
orignal like 25 Gigs
orignal hard drive
orignal 7200 rpm
orignal nothing unsual
not_bob_afk How long does it take you to create a 25 gig file on the drive normally?
orignal I think few seconds
not_bob_afk I would expect longer than that.
snex Is it 1 big file or many little ones?
orignal one big
snex Maybe you got a bad platter
orignal well this drive is 15 years old
orignal from 2009 or so
not_bob_afk That does not help.
orignal I suspect Java code does it inffecitly
cumlord ssds are good for that if you got them
orignal what for ? just for torrenting?
dr|z3d LOL++
orignal than box is 15+ years old
orignal I'm doing more interesting test
orignal snark is connected to i2p, that goes through ygg
orignal ygg has links to NYC and Chicago
orignal 500 Kbs download
orignal not bad result
dr|z3d cheap sata ssd wouldn't hurt on an old box.
orignal I have few in my desk
orignal just need time to move OS there
snex Just get a usb enclosure
cumlord Yeah lol. ssd for download/seed move to hdds when done
dr|z3d depends what usb version his box supports. at 15+ years old, usb3 is unlikely, so sata probably better.
snex Network will always be the bottleneck regardless
dr|z3d download speeds don't merit an ssd.
dr|z3d the intial creation of the empty file, maybe, but you have to factor in wear and tear. hd is fine.
snex Yeah I have platters in my NAS and never have issues
cumlord this is true, on i2p
snex Even when doing fast shit
dr|z3d ssd definitely helps with boot speeds, swap files, tmp storage (though ram is better if you have enough).
snex Vidya too
dr|z3d sure, and compilation, if you're doing plenty of that.
cumlord do you torrent directly to nas snex?
snex I have but I am mostly only uploading the podcast from the NAS
snex And SWAP.avi (PM for hash)
snex There are only so many large legal files I can download ya know?
snex Charlie Chaplin silent film archive and such
dr|z3d Steamboat Willy..
cumlord I probably baby mine too much, it’s never gonna get callouses that way
cumlord Maybe some pbs stuff, where’s bob Ross
RN bob is available on tubi
RN watched all the episodes
RN rewateched some, but not have seen each one
T3s|4 dr|z3d: thanks - awesome Fluxing :D
dr|z3d impressive stuff, eh? :)
T3s|4 indeed!
T3s|4 dr|z3d: does the reddit describe how it was produced?
RN I can't seem to get it to do a long shot
RN and I miss the negative prompt
dr|z3d try "telephoto lens, far distance" or something along those lines.
RN nope still doing closeups
dr|z3d of what?
RN long shot of a lego tank with the driver looking out the top holding a bullhorn. the driver is wearing a camo hat
RN just shows him and the top of the tank
snex RN: Mike Dukakis?
snex Somebody listens to the canary in the cage podcast
RN lol, no Private Dancer
RN tried long shot, in the distance, your two suggestions, tried making it wider than tall
cumlord oh that's trippy
dr|z3d zoomed on, tank in far distance etc.
RN yeah, I don't get it
dr|z3d *zoomed out
RN tried mentioning the person first and the tank first
RN zoomed out worked. thanks doc
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
T3s|4 thanks for the shreddit dr|z3d - most hopeful comment: 'BFL video is coming soon!'
dr|z3d early days, it just keeps getting better.
T3s|4 lols dr|z3d - here's what happened when I ran TheAvenger through Flux on TBB - cake.i2p/file/PVrQL9PMgB_5mzaEi6Qzl8rcHMJr32JGdSeFvPinQ_2eN406Ab0u/TheAvengerGermanTorIP.webp
dr|z3d cute, T3s|4 :)
T3s|4 it's interesting I always get English Flux output on FF running under a tor daemon, but apparently Flux language output is IP sensitive on TBB
cumlord the child brings pasta and the gaga beavers an airbender, amazing
not_bob_afk Thanks, I hate it.
T3s|4 thanks for the link dr|z3d - an almost overwhelming number of options :)
not_bob Well, that sucked.
not_bob Hmm, ok. Not just me.
darius snex> like maybe encrypt the entire message first then send it? dunno <<<< GOOD IDEA i'm thinking of writing something similar for rss, that at random times downloads different periodically update for offline viewing, so homepages, rss feeds things like this
snex Learn ruby it’s perfect for these things
snex I posted the code for the email thing earlier
darius yes i noticed, vry fastly done, i am thinking just sumthing in bash
darius a you repo'ing to an i2p based repo too
darius is ur repo on an i2p based repo too, snex
snex I haven’t set up an account. Can’t ever seem to get it to work
darius i have been able to on occasion(s) when tried, maybe try again sumtime
T3s|4 cumlord: :D
Irc2PGuest72411 quick question in case anyone knows, in 'wget' is there a way to include .rss .atom and .xml filetypes as page requisites?
Irc2PGuest72411 maybe i should just do a pass over the downloaded document after, that checks for .rss .atom and .xml and gets them ? With their page requisites? Or would that be possibly dangerous for xml types?
Irc2PGuest72411 on the above topic, has anyone formally written best methods for downloading RSS/ATOM feeds over i2p, including the enclosures/page requisites that have NOT already been DLed in such feeds. etc. is there a standard worth following?
Irc2PGuest72411 mayb ruby has the best options here, snex?
snex I’m not really sure what you’re trying to ask but Ruby has a very good rss gem
Irc2PGuest72411 ok will investigate! :)
Irc2PGuest72411 basically i tried wget it doesn't get the RSSes, the man pages of wget and curl dont mention RSS at all
snex wget is just going to get what you tell it to
Irc2PGuest72411 exactly, but it has SOME smarts wrt webpages, you can tell it to get "page requisites" eg css, js and images etc, its just a shame i cant identify rss and atom as "requisites" but no matter, investigating
Irc2PGuest72411 congratulations to brazil for repelling a controlled-media giant
Irc2PGuest72411 mozilla pls stop putting the backdoors in, all thankyous pending
dr|z3d you need to use wget with the spider option if you want to grab linked files.
dr|z3d wget --convert-links --no-parent --recursive {url}
dr|z3d or for a no-confirm method: wget -nH --convert-links --no-parent --recursive {url}
dr|z3d something like that.
Irc2PGuest77359 yes, but then you also get other pages that are linked to on the page, not just the rss/atom/xml pages still doing research between other stuff
dr|z3d you can specify the filetypes you want to download.
dr|z3d do the research. :)
dr|z3d #saltr != google.
Irc2PGuest77359 yes, i did say i was researching. the filetype thing is one option im exploring, its really about also maintaining privacy, if the browsing method is too unique then its a privacy issue, i'll get there. the fact that there is a ruby gem excites me, so i think i'll be promoting that in my little HTML pitch
Irc2PGuest77359 whatever method i pick it needs to be easy :) the discovery of the feed is one thing, but more important to me is how one interacts with the feed once it is subscribed to, a standard method is best and i think a method that pulls in as many enclosures as possible, automatically, for offline veiwing but without being too greedy on bandwidth and storage space.
Irc2PGuest77359 it will probably be much like fediverse, images get dled automatically and video audio gif need to be dled seperately
T3s|4 dr|z3d: any issues currently with the build server? Seeing multiple Transfer failed
T3s|4 ^also from skank and github
T3s|4 dr|z3d: nvm dr|z3d - I found the problem, it was on my end, and I need to reboot to fix it
dr|z3d 10-4, T3s|4
T3s|4 dr|z3d: back in business with the latest 4+ :)
Irc2PGuest93229 T3s|4: do the graphs work for you in the latest version?