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orignal another question
orignal when we receive CreateSession message
orignal when we send session status "created" back
orignal right a way or after tunnels are built?
zzz limit means limit, the spec is clear
zzz send session status right away
dr|z3d what you got cooking, zzz?
dr|z3d orignal: datagram2 *poke*
orignal zzz, so it's different than SAM. right?
orignal can wrong limit be a problem?
uop23ip Hi how do change the max files per torrent in i2psnark+ standalone?
dr|z3d i2psnark.maxFilesPerTorrent={n}
dr|z3d This setting allows configuration of the maximum number of files per torrent I2PSnark will permit, when downloading or creating a torrent. Note that substantially increasing this value from the default of 2000 files may require additional configuration on the host system to increase the maximum number of open files the operating system will permit (e.g. ulimit -n on Linux). To change, add to I2PSnark's
dr|z3d configuration file i2psnark.config. [Restart of I2PSnark or router required]
zzz orignal, SAM sends its message when it gets the first leaseset message from the router. I2CP client-side hangs until it gets the first leaseset message
zzz dr|z3d, just a little bit here and there, but my 2.7 roadmap is linked on my forum
dr|z3d Restart work on Datagram2 prop. 163Proposal 163 updated 2024-04-14, need to schedule review
zzz orignal, the limit is the limit that snark honors; wrong limit? then that's what it does. If the limit is higher than actually available, you may have router-side congestion
uop23ip Thanks, dr|z3d
dr|z3d presumably per-tunnel throttling is just waiting an ack from eyedeekay?
eyedeekay It has one now
zzz orignal, note that java router-side sets the client limit to 2/3 of the router limit, to prevent congestion
dr|z3d well there we are :)
dr|z3d your tldr for the state of the onion video is bla bla nothing bla bla arti bla bla.
zzz well, most things are waiting for eyedeekay at least a little, until we know if there's a 2.6.1 or not
zzz so that has to be figured out
dr|z3d might be easier just to make a manual download available for those that want it enough and soldier on.
dr|z3d (and link it in a console news post)
eyedeekay The checkin I would cut the i2p-2.6.1 from is in on the master now so you can keep checking things in
eyedeekay I am going to do a 2.6.1 but I want to get all my ducks in a row first, probably Thursday at the earliest
zzz as discussed, I'd rather not do that, so that any release is in master
zzz if you want to do a release in 3 days it's far easier just to hold off
zzz eyedeekay, I did tag one new string - the link to the tx status on /configui
zzz not that we'll get too many translations in 3 days but if you like I can push it and announce a deadline on transifex
eyedeekay I wasn't planning to ask for new translations for just the one string but that would be an ironic one to leave off
eyedeekay Don't worry about it
zzz it's always good to announce on transifex, even for point releases or no new strings, to maybe motivate somebody and we'll have something to pull
zzz so I recommend we do that
eyedeekay OK then go for it, I trust your judgement
zzz what's the deadline?
eyedeekay Let's make it Friday if they want it to go into 2.6.1
zzz time?
zzz PM?
eyedeekay Yes please
zzz ok. note that thurs. is the 1st of the month, if you want to include the new geoip; or you can skip it, like I did for 2.5.2, up to you
dr|z3d geoip may not be available then.
eyedeekay If it's there on the first I'll include it but if it isn't I won't
dr|z3d doesn't always appear on schedule.
eyedeekay Yeah last time I pulled it it wasn't available until the 9th
zzz I'll also email parg and tell him he can skip the whole thing for bigly, I don't believe there's anything in the diff yet that would be useful to him
zzz eyedeekay, have you heard from Konrad re: reseed-tools? did you want to roll it out w/o his testing, or find another tester, or what?
eyedeekay I can roll it out without his testing but I expect an email from him in the next couple hours
zzz ok, I haven't heard anything from him in months
eyedeekay I've been emailing with him all this week but it started off with some GPG issues
zzz ok good to know
eyedeekay Should make some progress soon
dr|z3d did you manage to raise the reseeding slow as shit over Tor issue, eyedeekay?
eyedeekay That's on the agenda for our email
dr|z3d ok, thanks
eyedeekay That and upgrading the reseed servers
zzz while we're catching up on old stuff, what's the latest on the monero funding thing?
eyedeekay They've put it on hold until we've got a dev who's interested, but they've expressly left the door open once that is satisfied. I tried to raise preland on matrix many times, but had no success reaching him, nor seeking other devs by asking in public.
zzz hmm
zzz I wonder has it ever been mentioned in ?
eyedeekay Not by me
eyedeekay I've been on Matrix a lot but and Libera are my primary point-of-contact for them, I'll take a look at revuo
zzz no use chasing preland too hard, if he wants it he'll speak up somewhere
eyedeekay Yeah he was just an early leading contender
zzz eyedeekay, I believe you flopped the big changes and tag freeze deadlines in your 2.7.0 forum post
eyedeekay Possible, I'll check
eyedeekay yup, just a sec
zzz I found out from Sadie's twitter. I ask you every time, rarely works, would you please tell me when you set a schedule?
eyedeekay Sorry, I will in the future
zzz thx ))
zzz ok I don't think I have anything more for 2.6.1 other than pulling translations on friday, anything for 2.7 this week I'll do as an MR
eyedeekay OK I'll keep an eye on the MR's while I get the release ready
zzz ok, don't hold breath. maybe the systemd temp file poker will be the first
dr|z3d is the tunnel throttler complete, or do you foresee more work?
zzz good question
dr|z3d presumably you've been running it for a while?
zzz that's over 2 months ago
zzz yes, running it on all my routers the whole time
dr|z3d well, if you're confident it does what it says on the tin, why not merge it before the point release?
zzz but I was never 100% sold on it as necessary or worth it
zzz let's see what eyedeekay's review is
zzz he recommends for 2.7.0
dr|z3d could always put it behind a boolean, enable it initially and see how it plays out?
eyedeekay I'd rather do post-2.6.1 instead of pre-2.6.1
zzz I asked for discussion/tweaks, didn't get any of that from him nor from you, and now it's out of my head
zzz I was doing logging of it for a month and saw it working but since turned it off
zzz right
zzz you also haven't clicked 'approve' and I still have it as draft/wip
dr|z3d in case got lost > network seems to be fairly calm now, but there's no guarantee we're not going to see some chumpsky try and exhaust all the bandwidth again :)
zzz you have any code review or test reports to contribute?
dr|z3d are you asking me, or did I get in between you and eyedeekay?
zzz you ))
dr|z3d I never got any response from my suggestion that setting min-height on your iframes was no necessarily a good idea.
zzz what's that have to do with bw limiters??
dr|z3d nothing :)
dr|z3d I didn't realize we were still in the land of b/w throttlers. my bad.
zzz I'm not in charge of iframe min-heights
dr|z3d yeah, nothing to add to what I said before which was that the code looked tight.
dr|z3d haven't deployed it anywhere yet.
eyedeekay dr|zed if the javascript resizer takes over anyway which it does min-height seems to me to be better and not do the damage you described
dr|z3d eyedeekay: have you confirmed that iframeresizer is also handling min-height? I have a suspicion it might not be.
zzz I did some brief testing of the css fix here and it all seems ok
dr|z3d to recap, min-height is probably ok if it's just scoped to <noscript>.
eyedeekay So is the case I should be looking for an issue in if iframeresizer is trying to resize to *less* than min-height?
eyedeekay It sounds like that could hypothetically happen, maybe not be damaging but I'll see if I can make it happen
dr|z3d while js is active, min-height may well set the height of the iframe to taller than the actual content, which you don't want.
eyedeekay Yeah I see what you mean then
dr|z3d try snark with no torrents loaded.
dr|z3d that's your test case.
dr|z3d should be less than the full height of the viewport.
eyedeekay OK thanks for pointing me at that, makes it easier
dr|z3d subscriptions page in susidns another test case, if you've got 1 million torrents loaded.
eyedeekay zzz I don't have concerns about the code, what I tried to do was think of ways which the changes could have unintended consequences that are hypothetically negative. Everything I could come up with seemed semi-ludicrous, but I can share if you want. Much of it was a "so this could be bad, but the only material difference between it and now is that now there are no defenses at all, there is nothing that
eyedeekay interesting about saturating a throttled tunnel."
eyedeekay So I tried to think of how to tweak the numbers used for each of the different router bandwidth flags and I kinda ran into the same thing, any controls are better than no controls as long as they are not intrinsically flawed.
zzz re: iframes, if ain't broke don't fix it. Also be aware that susimail (possibly in an iframe) also uses iframes and iframeresizer again, around html email, ensure that is tested (I did, briefly) and not broken by add'l changes
eyedeekay I think the only clear idea I had is that maybe the bandwidth limiter shouldn't kick in until X point where X is that the router thinks that there's some attempt to saturate bandwidth going on, but from prior discussion I think that may be a bridge we cross if we come to it
dr|z3d re: iframes, if you're going to push out a point release to fix the issue, you might as well make sure you fix the introduce and don't introduce new annoyances.
dr|z3d *fix the issue
zzz re: throttles, but in my other ear we have i2pd folks saying we already are too slow, drop too much, are already harming the network, i2pd carries all the load, etc etc, so is another whole layer of throttling really the answer
dr|z3d limiter looks at available bandwidth, sets the limit based on percentage of that. seems sane to me.
dr|z3d yeah, but we might counter and say that by not throttling, i2pd is doing more harm by not distributing the traffic.
dr|z3d 40K transit tunnels sounds great, but is that REALLY how a single router should function?
dr|z3d there are plenty of routers with plenty of available bandwidth that aren't being utilized because i2pd will just suck all the tunnels given half a chance.
eyedeekay Well what i2pd's saying, to me, sort of begs the question of how much of what they are fielding is spam, which is why I want to see it in dev builds before it goes out into a release
dr|z3d I think we're doing the right thing, i2pd is failing.
zzz sure but tunnels can get slammed all at once as clients switch leases and I'm not sure how the new throttler reacts to that
zzz lol they're doing just fine
dr|z3d what I mean is they're failing to facilitate traffic distibution across the entire network.
dr|z3d that's one thing we're good at.
dr|z3d yeah, and what eyedeekay said. I suspect there's still plenty of shit traffic on the network that i2pd is amplifying.
eyedeekay I'm not convinced of anything, that's my problem. The evidence says spam attacks happen, some are designed to use up bandwidth, but I also haven't seen a saturated participating tunnel since the time obscuratus pointed out that he was seeing them
eyedeekay well maybe intermittently
dr|z3d better to pre-empt than react.
orignal what's up?
orignal eyedeekay called me?
eyedeekay Also true, as long it doesn't turn into a weaponize the defenses thing
dr|z3d eyedeekay has chocolate covered potato chips.
orignal what's the issue?
eyedeekay Yeah orignal I promised to schedule and discuss about dg2 wanted to see if you had time toward the end of this week
orignal not sire
orignal what's about?
orignal I'm really busy now
eyedeekay Mostly whether and when you would like to pursue it, we can discuss it later
eyedeekay Probably more important to weigh in on part tunnels throttle if you have 2 minutes
eyedeekay See scrollback^
eyedeekay dr|zed how did you know?
dr|z3d you keep them around just to dangle in front of orignal. I know things. :)
orignal I haven't read it
orignal because didn't have time
orignal so what about tunnels?
orignal what do you want me to do?