IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
zzz I'll research
orignal seems we never send status message back
zzz yes we should set a nonce on SYN (first packet) for an outbound connection. But that's it. Not "never" but almost never.
orignal in real stream of data I mean
orignal maybe it come rarely
orignal but why?
orignal you don't need router's "feedback"?
orignal like if it can handle traffic or not
zzz It's so we can get the failure code and present a good error message page in the browser in HTTP client proxy
zzz otherwise, we don't really care why
orignal say if you receive status message you can reduce window size, etc.
orignal and sure I'm only care about snark
zzz this is implemented in streaming so it's the same for everything
zzz in streaming we don't need ratchet acks or failure codes. streaming has its own acks, and we don't care "why"
orignal for streaming no
orignal but not for snark
zzz so we only need the failure code for SYN. streaming passes the code to i2ptunnel or SAM. i2ptunnel/SAM picks the error message based on the failure code and gives it to the user. correct, snark doesn't care
zzz remember when people got "Неподдерживаемые настройки шифрования" in SAM? that's how it happened.
orignal it's about 0 to 4 only
orignal but still don't undertand how snark slows down
zzz me either. Maybe speed you are getting is normal, maybe not. You can try setting log level to WARN as I said the other day, or try ?p=2 to see streaming info, or compare to XD or qbittorrent
orignal no I mean how snark decides how much data to send
orignal streaming calculates RTT
orignal but why snark doesn't flood the network
orignal AFAIK it sends datagrams
zzz no, connections are sockets (streaming), datagrams are only for DHT
orignal it's the main problem of any UDP traffic
orignal then it's clear
orignal so the trafic is always by-directional
zzz speed = RTT * window size, try ?p=2
zzz *window size / RTT
orignal since it's streaming it's clear now
orignal I though you send datagrams like most modern torrent clients do
zzz no, there are no clients that support uTP over i2p
zzz but maybe if I can get Datagram2 proposal reviewed :)
orignal clients?
orignal how about implement it in snark?
zzz snark/XD/qbittorrent/bitlybt/vuze
orignal while most clearnet torrents do
zzz 1) get Datagram2 reviewed and approved; 2) document/propose/implement UDP announces with Datagram2 3) uTP over Datagram2
zzz remember, snark is over 20 years old
orignal will test
orignal anyway since it's streaming download speed depends how fast I send message containing acks
zzz streaming or uTP, there is still congestion control and windowing. uTP doesn't mean "flood the network"
zzz every protocol has to have acks and windowing and congestion control
not_bob I did a test today with the latest version of i2pd and snark+, I was able to get 500k/s
orignal how many peers?
not_bob 24 peers.
not_bob I only get speeds like that when there are a lot of peers that have a lot of the file.
not_bob They each only need to push about 20k/s for me to get the 500.
cumlord not_bob same as what I saw yesterday, more peers but same speed
not_bob I'm content with speeds like that, but more would be better.
dr|z3d some people want less. *chuckle*
dr|z3d darius, for example.
not_bob I read :)
dr|z3d well done. top marks for you.
not_bob Amusing.
not_bob I get a cookie?
dr|z3d no. you get a forehead tattoo.
not_bob Oh, that was unexpected.
dr|z3d it says "I iz literate, try me"
not_bob I love you too.
dr|z3d *** chuckles some more. ***
snex When did /me start working
not_bob *** puts on his cone of shame and sits in the corner. ***
dr|z3d forever, snex.
snex No, it used to be blocked by the server
snex Because it uses the same codes as ctcp
dr|z3d never been an issue here.
dr|z3d zzz might have tweaked something recently, however.
dr|z3d from zero to a complete console/webapp translation in ~24h for hindi.
dr|z3d timeframe, not time taken.
dr|z3d will land on the + /dev update path in a minute or 4.
dr|z3d eyedeekay: I think it's a mistake to iframe {min-height: 100vh} in the css.
dr|z3d just setting {height: 100vh} should be sufficient to cover the no-js scenario. min-height will probably interfere with iframeresizer.
dr|z3d if your iframes are taller than the viewport with js enabled, you won't notice the issue. only when they're not, like, say, when snark is embedded with no torrents loaded.
dr|z3d if iframeresizer is also setting min-height on the iframe id, then nevermind.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: thanks - good stuff; and even better on Jason for not backing down :)
zzz *** fixed the /me recently, accidentally broken a couple years ago, nobody reported it until kytv reappeared ***
cumlord hola todos
cumlord question, if I wanted to do some basic things from a cli to several routers, would i2p control be a reasonable way to do that?
not_bob What basic things do you want to do?
cumlord Get bw up/down, errors, uptime, graceful shutdown/restart, that kind of thing
not_bob With java i2p from what I know the only thing you can do is start/stop/restart
not_bob You can pull the stats by grabbing the console page, doing some regex and having it display the output.
not_bob Using curl or the like.
not_bob I don;'t know any other way to do it.
not_bob If I were to do that, I'd write something up in perl to wrap it all together.
not_bob But, I'm not aware of an easy way to do it right now.
not_bob It might be worth writing something to do that.
not_bob Anyway, time to drive for me!
not_bob Later!
zzz look at the i2pcontrol API spec and see if it matches what you need
cumlord Yeah I have a half hacked together thing to get info from the page but only tried on i2p+, wasn’t sure if there was a better way
cumlord similarly for snark, just wanted bw
cumlord thanks, i haven’t looked at it more than skimming it at the moment lol
zzz for snark you can use the transmission API w/ the snark RPC plugin
dr|z3d you can crib together a bunch of stats and graphs on a web page, cumlord.
dr|z3d for snark, you could just use curl and grep to get the current bw.
snex I2P modernization project - redo the web stuff in modern languages with modern front end frameworks. Offer REST or some other acceptable API
dr|z3d enable the in/out snark tunnel stats, then graph the data you want from /stats
cumlord zzz you’re right I keep forgetting to try that, I think that’d do what I need it to do
cumlord Ha I was messing with doing something like that earlier
cumlord My motivation at the moment is to make a semi load balancer for snark
zzz the plugin provides both the JSON API and an alternate UI, which is interesting but not for everybody
dr|z3d run ~/i2p/i2prouter for a list of things you can do, including a graecful restart.
cumlord If I have 4 running at >1MBs, start 1 more snark, assign it to the least loaded router
dr|z3d multi-destinations in snark could potentially increase throughput. it's not more than an idea right now, however.
cumlord zzz the apis are useful, does that mean it’s like a MySpace page
cumlord dr|z3d ah that’s probably the easiest way to do that
zzz heh. never tried prowlarr and it's been years since I tested sonarr with the plugin
dr|z3d I'm done with reddit, I can't even log into that now using what used to work before.
dr|z3d "Try disabling all browser extensions".
cumlord multi-destinations sounds complicated
dr|z3d non-trivial.
dr|z3d biglybt uses multiple destinations afaik, as an option.
cumlord Going to have to try that. Was able to get biglybt running with prowlarr forgot I did that
dr|z3d biglybt is also a bit of a memory hog. I've heard people reporting >2GB usage.
cumlord I thought bigly did, explains some differences I’m seeing
zzz it's also on my list to take another pass thru the snark rpc plugin and add support for missing/stubbed RPC calls, if anybody finds any please report
cumlord Memory’s the reason I’m switching
dr|z3d snex: we already have an api, just needs embracing and extending. see jsonrpc webapp on /configwebapps (needs to be started).
dr|z3d sounds like your sort of project, given how you love json and stuff.. :)
snex Yeah if i had time
dr|z3d so you're essentially volunteering some else to "redo the web stuff in modern languages with modern front end frameworks. Offer REST or some other acceptable API" ?
snex Why don’t we just make a “foundation” and solicit donations and then pay college kids to do it
dr|z3d the one thing I've learnt around here is that if you REALLY want something done and it doesn't appear to be on anyone else's TODO list, the best way to get it done is to do it yourself. there's no foundation, there's no queue of college kids waiting to get paid, but there are plenty of people that expect other people to do their bidding :)
snex Yes I volunteer mesh to do it since he’s a Java expert
dr|z3d so he claims.
dr|z3d and yet we've yet to see any actual code from mesh. I'm not holding my breath.
snex For real though the bar to entry for contributing seems extremely high. We need a massive refactoring project and it needs to be coordinated because one person is just never gonna be able to do it
RN so you are leading the charge. how do you plan to recruit helpers?
snex Hey I’m promoting i2p on a podcast
snex I’ve onboarded at least one user I know of for sure