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orignal ignore these messages
orignal basically duplicates
orignal leopold is an ukrianian guy ))
orignal if you want to give him a lesson start from stop being "hohol"
orignal tunnel cann't be more that 8 hops
orignal if i2pd allows 15 it's a bug
snex Is that emo chick actually Leopold?
orignal I know only one Leopold
uop23ip good to know. They came from muwire i figured out. Got also duplicates from it in java i2p.
orignal yes I2CP need to be impoved in i2pd
RN is it a bug in i2pd or in muwire?
orignal about duplicates?
orignal I need to investigate
RN ok
orignal all I can say that current implemnetation of I2CP in i2pd is not good vs. I2P tunnels
orignal I haven't touched I2CP code for few years
RN you motivated to look at it now? ;)
orignal just time to review
orignal because too much progress in other parts
orignal but I2CP is outdated
orignal zzz we have some question about snark standalone
orignal it looks like it doesn't work as fast as it could
orignal seems it doesn't receive some message or work in some failsafe mode
orignal we are trying to understand what we miss in the protocol
orignal the first suspect is we send MessageStatusMessage with nonce always zero
orignal and most like it comes with zero from snark
zzz hmm. that's not a lot of information to go on
orignal then can you tell us a little more how you define speed on snark side
orignal what messages is it based on?
zzz I guess you could try doing some logging to see if snark is unhappy about anything, but there's no logger.config file shipped with it so I'd have to tell you how to do that
zzz snark bandwidth only tracks piece messages at the bittorrent protocol layer. there's no accounting for overhead at any layer
orignal is it normal that nonce is zero?
orignal or it's result of misconfiguration or bug?
zzz I don't know, you'd have to check the spec
orignal but that;s snark who sets nonce
orignal I just repond with it
zzz I2CP spec SendMessageExpiresMessage:
zzz Prior to release 0.9.4, a nonce value of 0 was not allowed. As of release 0.9.4, a nonce value of 0 is allowed, and tells the router that it should not send either Message Status Message, i.e. it acts as if i2cp.messageReliability=none for this message only.
orignal yes we know it
orignal that it's allowed
orignal but the question is if snark actually uses nonce for anything
zzz and it means 'don't send me a MessageStatusMessage back'
orignal zero nonce
orignal and seems I always send status
orignal need to double check
zzz zero nonce means don't send a MessageStatusMessage back
orignal thnks
zzz should be harmless, I doubt it's a reason for being slow
orignal what would happen on snark side if you receive status despite zero nonce?
orignal an exception?
orignal better to implement it proprly anywyay
orignal plese tell how to enable logging in snark
dr|z3d enable logging in snark by running java i2p.
zzz message status with zero nonce is harmless, it will log at INFO:
zzz + "No matching state for messageId " + msgId + " / " + nonce
zzz + " w/ status = " + status);
dr|z3d org.klomp.snark=DEBUG or some subset of that class (in I2P/I2P+)
zzz logs for snark standalone go in the logs/ dir, default level is ERROR
zzz to increase the level, create a logger.config file in the top level dir (same dir that has i2psnark.jar)
zzz and put in it:
zzz logger.defaultLevel=WARN
zzz or INFO or DEBUG
zzz then you can tail -f the file in logs/
dr|z3d never realized standalone output logs to file. my bad.
zzz if you want to log only certain things, we can tell you how to do that later, or there's a logger.config specification somewhere on our website
Titlacahuan orignal: on a somewhat related topic, any thoughts on making the I2CP interface enabled by default?
Titlacahuan (in i2pd)
orignal no, what for?
orignal it's used rarely
Titlacahuan make it easier for snark
Titlacahuan and muwire ofc
orignal once we get it sorted out
not_bob It would be nice if snark would handle the router going down better. Instead of just stopping everything, if it would try to connect to the router again every 60 seconds, and upon success restart the previously active torrents.
snex It does do that
snex The stand-alone snark does anyway
not_bob Does it?
not_bob I may just not be waiting long enough. And, yes. I mostly use the standalone version.
not_bob I'll do some testing on it. Thank you!
dr|z3d make sure you're on the latest build, not_bob
not_bob I have not updated yet since the latest version ca;me out.
dr|z3d zzz maybe have tweaked/fixed things relating to your issue.
not_bob Perfect.
not_bob I'll update later today qwhen I have time.
not_bob Thank you.
not_bob I watched the new "My Spy" film. It was a fun film. But, wow. So much of "brain has to go on vacation" to make it watchable.
dr|z3d Try Monkey Man.
dr|z3d I have to warn you, though, it's violent. Not kid friendly.
not_bob I'm ok with this.
not_bob Alas, I must take leave.
not_bob Later all!
cumlord on that note is the easiest way to update to copy i2psnark.jar over?
not_bob_afk You may want more than that.
not_bob_afk When I update it, I just unzip it on top of the old version.
cumlord had a feeling might need to do that
cumlord it works like this but i'll just unzip the whole thing it seems wonky to me
not_bob_afk Normally I unzip it into another folder, and then copy the files over.
not_bob_afk But, same thing.
not_bob_afk The main key is to not overwrite your folder with torrents, nor your config.
not_bob_afk I assume you are the same cumlord who uploads a lot of content on postman?
not_bob_afk If so, you likely have more torren files than I do.
cumlord yeah that's what i was trying to avoid just keeping same settings shouldn't take too long to rescan everything in one instance
cumlord then just copy that over a couple times
cumlord it's a handful lol but only use snark so far for initial seeding so less than 1tb
not_bob_afk Hah, I tend to seed forever.
not_bob_afk Unles I start to run out of disk space.
not_bob_afk I wish I could to type better today :(
cumlord same, everything eventually gets held down with bbt. finding if i get snark to handle the brunt of initial seed single bbt instance can handle the rest
not_bob_afk You provide a very good service. Many films and shows.
not_bob_afk I thank you.
cumlord think i could do the same with snark but it's a lot to move over and i get useful info, doesn't kick in if the swarm can take care of itself
cumlord welcome not_bob_afk!
not_bob_afk I have not used btt that much.
not_bob_afk Yeah, that one.
not_bob_afk I'm more apt to use transmission, often the command line version for "snatch and runs", then re-seed on i2p.
not_bob_afk I can't tell you how many times I've tried to download a clearnet torrent with i2psnark and it only grabs the metadata.
not_bob_afk At some point I'll hit up some public wifi, snatch the file and then replace the data on i2psnark, so it's seeded on both networks.
cumlord ha yeah bigly, all the options, kinda heavy though. liked qbit but performance is bad for i2p. get some control over swarm behavior and lots of stats
not_bob_afk Yeah, that's one thing snark does not have. Much in the way of options and swarm control.
not_bob_afk Those would be nice features, but they are really not neded.
not_bob_afk I am glad bbt allows cross seeding. That feature alone is worth so much. Is it turned on by default?
cumlord i've only tried cross-seed with bbt a couple times, never thought to do it that way though thats pretty smart
Titlacahuan bigly is an example of what happens when a developer is given free reign for an extended period of time
cumlord yeah not completely necessary kind of just qol. i think bbt is a big more efficient at leveraging the swarm, i'd need to do more testing but it seems like i expend more bandwidth overall with snark
Titlacahuan But parg's intentions are good, and I'm glad he's working on bigly
not_bob_afk But, as you said. It is heavy.
not_bob_afk I like snark as it uses very little ram. Most of my seed boxes have a gig of ram or less.
cumlord i think it is enabled if you have the i2p plugin setup, it's easier to do clearnet and i2p, basically need to turn everything off for it to be i2p only
not_bob_afk I've never tried to do i2p only with bbt.
cumlord me too i probably wouldn't have even tried bigly otherwise
not_bob_afk I'd be curious to see the stats though. How much of our network is made up of bbt users.
not_bob_afk As each of those it's own i2p router.
cumlord that's all i have it setup for. most the settings need to be turned off, sandboxed it and watched it for a while to see when i could make it stop phoning clearnet
cumlord i'm seeing like 6% bbt, and there's always at least one guy out there with XD
not_bob_afk That's still a large number.
cumlord ram is reason wanted to do snark. can run a bunch of them when needed
not_bob_afk You are aware that you can run more than one copy of snark on the same computer?
cumlord game changer from the mangled mess i was trying to do with all the bbt's i was trying to keep up
not_bob_afk Hah, I bet.
not_bob_afk Yeah, the issue is that you have a unique dest with each instance of snark (or bbt).
snex Please stop breaking laws thank you
cumlord single pi5 can run at least 10 of them
not_bob_afk I use i2psnark on android as well with no issues.
snex I2P is a place for good honest folk to escape authoritarian dictatorships not illegally steal music and movies
not_bob_afk snex: I would never share anything on there except linux isos.
cumlord there are a lot of linux isos
not_bob_afk Yeah, so many!
not_bob_afk *** goes back to being afk. ***
dr|z3d if snowflakes is over on ilita, orignal, send him back over here. thx.
orignal he is
orignal just got released from hospital
orignal for people wiht mental diorders