IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d ok, -28+ available on the /dev/ update path, featuring zzz's new translation status report @ with + enhancements
zzz woot, did it find all 18 resources? I know you have stuff all moved around
dr|z3d > Translation Summary (18 resources, 40 languages, 4170 strings)
zzz great, you have 900 more strings than we do, wow
dr|z3d that'll be the /help/ section.
dr|z3d there are a few things you might want to do slightly differently, though you may not want to include all my mods.
zzz I'll take a run at it in a week or two when I do the CSS
dr|z3d you can probably take most of the css I've changed with a little tweaking of your ids/classes.
zzz maybe check and X instead of yes/no
dr|z3d instead of per-theme mods, there's a single file. easier to maintain, no need to do it all 4 times (or twice in your case).
dr|z3d you want to avoid using deprecated html, I'm specially looking at align=".."
dr|z3d *specifically
zzz yeah pulled most of that out in prep for css but may have missed some
zzz I have 2 1/2 months to spiff it up
dr|z3d sure, no rush for you. I just wanted it in this release if I could do the work in time.
dr|z3d handy
dr|z3d they'll be giving away free AI with your cornflakes soon.
dr|z3d mark my words.
dr|z3d I tried a while back to prevent the po scripts from wrapping the text to multiple lines, but couldn't get anywhere with it. any ideas, zzz?
dr|z3d Today's word of the day is moufflon / mouflon: wild mountain sheep of Corsica and Sardinia
zzz you can look in the GNU gettext man pages / web pages / po file specs, but I don't advise messing with it
zzz if it aint broke dont fix it
dr|z3d I scoured all of that, couldn't get it to not break lines at 80 chars whatever I tried. oh well.
zzz the whole thing is a little janky and best not messed with...
dr|z3d one issue I do see, indonesian lang code is wrong.
dr|z3d the files are suffixed _in, when they should be _id
dr|z3d > one issue I do see, indonesian lang code is wrong.
dr|z3d > the files are suffixed _in, when they should be _id
zzz thats a whole can of worms
zzz thats a whole can of worms
zzz the ISO lang codes aren't forever, sometimes they change
zzz but java keeps the old flavor and has some magic inside it to deal
zzz see notes in .tx/config
dr|z3d yeah, it mostly does handle things, but installer/resources/locale/ seems like an outlier.
zzz but not all of our tx resources are handled by java, some are not (like installer and debian), so we have to know when to switch and when not
zzz see also notes and code in TranslationReport
dr|z3d ok, thanks. as you say, can o' worms.
zzz Legacy language codes
zzz Locale's constructor has always converted three language codes to their earlier, obsoleted forms: he maps to iw, yi maps to ji, and id maps to in. This continues to be the case, in order to not break backwards compatibility.
zzz The APIs added in 1.7 map between the old and new language codes, maintaining the old codes internal to Locale (so that getLanguage and toString reflect the old code), but using the new codes in the BCP 47 language tag APIs (so that toLanguageTag reflects the new one). This preserves the equivalence between Locales no matter which code or API is used to construct them. Java's default resource bundle lookup mechanism
zzz also implements this mapping, so that resources can be named using either convention, see ResourceBundle.Control.
dr|z3d so if the file suffix is, say, _in, then the Language: field in the file should also be in? or it doesn't matter?
zzz shouldnt matter
dr|z3d ok, thanks.
zzz see,transifex stuffs that in and it doesn't know about java lang codes
dr|z3d yeah, poedit does the same I think.
dr|z3d ok, so for installer/resources/locale, file suffix needs to be id not in, or the reporter thinks it's untranslated.
zzz yeah, actually the installer is java
zzz no, I have it wrong, that's the translations for the shell script, non-java
dr|z3d yeah, if it was java then in would work fine, no? as it is, _in causes it to not be recognized by reporter.
dr|z3d if it's slightly confusing to you, color the rest of us baffled++ :)
zzz > ls installer/resources/locale/po/
zzz messages_ar.po messages_de.po messages_fi.po messages_it.po messages_nl.po messages_ro.po messages_tr.po
zzz messages_az.po messages_en.po messages_fr.po messages_ja.po messages_pl.po messages_ru.po messages_uk.po
zzz messages_ca.po messages_es_AR.po messages_hu.po messages_ko.po messages_pt_BR.po messages_sk.po messages_zh.po
zzz messages_cs.po messages_es.po messages_id.po messages_nb.po messages_pt.po messages_sv.po messages_zh_TW.po
dr|z3d yup, there it is, _id!
zzz all good over here
dr|z3d all good over here :)
zzz the izpack translations come with izpack, we haven't bothered to put them up on transifex for additional
dr|z3d yeah, not much really needs translating there.. next, prev.. already translated.
dr|z3d I keep the extra info minimal.
dr|z3d are you counting fuzzy strings as translated in the percentages? it looks like you are?
zzz afaik fuzzies don't survive transifex or msgfmt
dr|z3d I'm just seeing pretty much everything at 100%, and I know there are fuzzies around.
dr|z3d I mean, I know our translations are pretty good coverage wise, but they're not *that* good :)
dr|z3d not for strings I haven't translated yet, anyways.
dr|z3d vaguely recall you saying something to eyedeekay a while back about fuzzy retention.
zzz the % is calc'ed from the max number of translated strings across all langs; if every lang is missing the same strings, it won't be accurate; you would have to count the # of strings in the source po
dr|z3d hmm. ok.
zzz or, more simply, it only works if at least one language is 100%
dr|z3d I had a perl script, can't find it, that did more or less the same thing, except it worked with .po files and excluded fuzzies.
zzz yeah, to do it right, you'd have to rewrite that script in java
zzz I'll add some commments to the generator explaining the shortcut I took