IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
tennis2 Thanks profetikla for that helpful comment. And thanks T3s|4 for your idea also.
tennis2 I've broken up the above code into three distinct parts the making of the multiline string of torrentnames, the counting of the torrent lines, and the zenity...
tennis2 unfortunately now I'm getting all the torrents in one line eg. " Bing bloat Bong[Glow]"
tennis2 thus $missingCount always computes to one (1)
tennis2 hmmm. I'm at a loss for now. The following isn't producing a multiline output the way it did in the megapipe above.
tennis2 torrentNames="$(echo -e "Go/Bing bloat\nKnow/Bong[Glow]\nCrow/" \
tennis2 | while read torrentPath ; do echo -e "$torrentPath\x00"; done \
tennis2 | xargs --null basename --multiple | sort \
tennis2 | while read name ; do \
tennis2 if [ ! "x${name:0:1}" == "x" ];then echo -e "$name"; fi; \
tennis2 done \
tennis2 Blinded message
dr|z3d not_bob: was broken, now fixed.
dr|z3d the reason was an overactive WAF.
dr|z3d had to wait for rambler to surface to fix it.
Titlacahuan Hello. I'm in a mental hospital, and tonight somebody drew a pentagram made out of shit in the common bathroom.
dr|z3d I'd like to say thanks for sharing, but I won't.
Titlacahuan I know, sorry but I had to. It's just so good...
snex why are you in a metal hospital? and how did you get on i2p from a mental hospital?
Titlacahuan It's a long story why I'm here, and I'm on i2p w/o the knowledge of the staff
rambler They're called Poo-casos
rambler Pablo Poo-casso*
Titlacahuan The 6-es from toothpaste on the walls are not bad either
snex what is this crazy noise coming out of your mouth
snex cant understand any of it. no wonder youre in there
Titlacahuan I'm speaking in Bulgarian
Titlacahuan basically saying today's date, my location etc.
not_bob dr|z3d: Thank you
dr|z3d no, not_bob
not_bob I just found it odd that the names had shown up in the new section and mostly didn't work.
dr|z3d actually, mostly they should have worked, incognet.i2p aside.
not_bob The only one that didn't return a 503 was blog....
dr|z3d strange, never had an issue with any of them while I was testing, incognet.i2p aside, but rambler tells me he has occasional outages outside of his control, so maybe you tested then.
not_bob Entirely posisble.
not_bob It's not like I kept trying them over and over.
not_bob As for that service, can I pay for a VPS with XMR?
rambler Yes sir
not_bob Good, good.
not_bob rambler: I havne't heard from you in a while. I hope things go well.
rambler All good in the hood. I was just telling dr|z3d I haven't been on IRC in probably a year.
rambler Usually on I2PChat, though. All good on your end?
not_bob Keeping busy.
not_bob "Any Shared Hosting account that utilizes more than 25% of its allocated CPU power for more than 1 hour is prohibited." - Poo, that may make it harder to compile software in place.
tennis2 Thats not a pentogram, that is that cute character in the super mario brothers movie who is a sadist.
not_bob Good, solid TOS.
rambler It's not strictly enforced or automated. Basically, CPU cores are shared and they can't be pounded 24/7.
not_bob And AUP
not_bob Ok, that helps.
rambler I receive some monitoring alerts for certain things if particular thresholds are met but it's more of a 'take a glance at this and see if someone is performing resource abuse' more than anything.
not_bob I mean, if I need to crank on a cpu for a little over an hour every few months it will be fine then, cool.
rambler For sure.
not_bob Perfect.
dr|z3d don't abuse the service and rambler's probably about as relaxed as they come :)
snex so no monero mining?
not_bob I would have no plans to do that, no worries.
dr|z3d but you know the deal, you have to spell things out in the ToS just to make sure you don't attract the wrong type of customer :)
not_bob Yep, I get it. I mostly wanted to know how strict that was, as it sounded pretty strict.
rambler Most capped nodes idle at about 10-25% total CPU usage as is. They're capped, no more customers going on them. CPU isn't usually getting hit hard and there is room for a few to compile if needed at the same time without it impacting anything else.
rambler Same with network stuff. All nodes have 10Gbps connectivity now, both in US and NL. But VMs are capped at 5Gbps. So even if a couple dudes are pushing big transfers at the same time it really won't have a great impact on most.
dr|z3d you can't say that about every provider. some will happily steal cpu cycles from your allocated cpus because they've overcommitted.
rambler I'm more worried about people pounding the disks but we don't really do big storage stuff so that scares off most the miners or CHIA farmers or whatever the hell they are, lol.
not_bob What hapepns if I go over transfer quota?
not_bob Not that I would, but, if I did?
rambler It'll email you and let you know when you're near the threshold, otherwise it'll auto-suspend the network. If you PM me I believe I can uncheck that so it'll just throttle you to a lower speed instead of a network suspend.
not_bob Cool. Moslty was just curious.
dr|z3d control.incognet will give you a realtime view of monthly usage.
dr|z3d and cpu usage, VM stats etc.
rambler Usually it's the Tor Exits that hit the limits because they didn't setup bandwidth accounting in torrc or whatever.
rambler I'll probably adjust it globally, it's something I've considered (throttle to a lower speed versus network suspend when quota is reached)
not_bob Hah, I came right back this time!
not_bob Your prices are quite good.
dr|z3d I can vouch for the quality of the service, not_bob. shit's fast, cpu, bandwidth, disk speeds.. :)
tennis2 I can't seem to access tracker2.postman but here is the beta version of SnarkDisk. Its should be actually functional, unlike the previous alpha version. It should help a person to restore access to their disk even after a nasty accidental eject that some may think they need to reset their PC to fix. It actually launches I2P too. More functions to keep the code a bit cleaner.
tennis2 Its on cake.i2p here...
tennis2 Please tell me if you spot a better way to do something.
tennis2 I was going to add the thumbnail to postman tracker but its offline for me.
not_bob Curious, a site that was registred a couple years ago finally got a ping.
not_bob For the first time ever.
not_bob lib.i2p
not_bob I stand corrected. four years ago.
not_bob At least, according to reg.i2p
not_bob *shakes head*
not_bob Very unusual.