IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d working on merging the susimail html stuff, zzz. in the main listing view, it might be an idea to flag html mail.
tennis2 Is anyone considering a Rust I2P router? Been seeing some good things lately in Rust so was just wondering. I'll be honest Golang/Go creeps me out cos its gogle, yeah Im that simple lol.
dr|z3d str4d is/was working on a rust router.
tennis2 <dr|z3d> neat! It could be called RustaI2P, lol
tennis2 i2prusta
dr|z3d and str4d's version:
tennis2 Thanks dr|z3d, Are these known people of are they trying to be anonymous? i'll need to investigate whether they have alternate repos to MS. Thanks again.
dr|z3d we know str4d, he worked on java i2p for a while.
dr|z3d the others, not so much, at least not me.
dr|z3d str4d still hosts git.repo.i2p so you may find his code there.
tennis2 Blinded message
tennis2 the features they talk about are not even that advanced, its like basic stuff. too, lol
tennis2 another name idea, 'riip'
dr|z3d code yourself a router in rust, you can name it whatever you like :)
tennis2 Yeah, i'll shut up now, thanks again lol
tennis2 s/thanks again lol/lol thanks again/
orignal new day same shit about rust
orignal str4d tried to write one 5 years ago
orignal without any success
orignal btw, SSU2 wtihtout binding works perfectly
tennis2 Okay, "tried to write one 5 years ago" implies roadblock, do we know what the roadblock was specifically? Did str4d tell folk what was getting in the way, personal, professional, other?
tennis2 The stuff about SSU2 isn't related to me yes?
tennis2 Can confirm not related. Thanks orignal
tennis2 Read about HTTP/3 recently. Mostly seems pretty ordinary. A CID to limit the roundtrip seems uncontroversial but its sent in clear text apparently, and what is meant by "privacy of the originator" in the following paragraph.
tennis2 > "Technically, the CID, in this context, is not a single identifier. It is instead a list of randomly generated identifiers known to both the server and client that identify the same HTTP Connection."
tennis2 > "Each time a new network is used, the CID changes to another one in the list. The purpose of this is to further protect the privacy of the originator."
tennis2 Blinded message
tennis2 According to that article, HTTP/3 doesn't allow self signed-certificates, too.
tennis2 Like WTF, lol
mesh tennis2: yes http3 is evil and ties the fundamental protocol to the centralized CAs
tennis2 ok cool so its not just me then :p
zzz not true, str4d router was working at the time, as far as he got. But he abandoned it like everything else
zzz not true, str4d router was working at the time, as far as he got. But he abandoned it like everything else
zzz a quick fix to ignore type 4 routers instead of exploding and it would probably work to talk to type 0 routers at least
tennis2 What a shame, do you mean that the router exploded or *he* did? I'm not at the leve lthat you folks are at, and I'm struggling with basics these days so I doubt I can help but its good to know that someone has done most of the heavy liffting.
tennis2 I've been trying access a bunch of sites including str4d's git.i2pd.i2p but many are down atm!!
zzz every i2p thing he ever did has turned to dust
zzz but I suspect his router could be resurrected, and is a much better place to start than the other rust router
zzz or any alternative router in any language. His is the furthest along, and it's not close.
zzz the other problem (besides type 4 and all our other changes) is that it was very early days of rust and the language and his dependencies have evolved rapidly
tennis2 Good to know. I have been trying for the past 30 hours to put my 33kb bash script as a torrent on tracker2.postman.i2p I got to the upload page 30 hours ago but the upload failed and Ive not been able to access the site ever since. I have tried reseting my 4444 multiple times. nada
zzz pm postman
tennis2 Its not just his site though there are a number of prominent sites that seem to be struggling. I was wondering if anyone else was having issues.
tennis2 s/struggling/Unreachable/
T3s|4 tennis2: str4d, when he was active (long ago), was always highly responsive to my queries, as zzz has always been. If you have ideas on how to improve str4d
T3s|4 *...str4d's prior efforts, please run those by zzz first so you don't end up working on a solution in search of a problem :)
T3s|4 sorry for my ^errant 'enter' key press
zzz unfortunately I'm not a rust guy, I can help with docs/protocols but not impl
zzz re: tracker2, took me a couple tries but it is up
tennis2 Its pretty common that I need to try twice to access sites, but yeah, thats not it. It would't surprise me if traffic analysis are working overtime on me these days.
zzz fixing issue 103 should be straightforward and would be an excellent n00b project
zzz that would allow you to talk to the type 0 routers, which is only about 2% of the network, but it's something
tennis2 I would need to learn both Rust and I2P :p while under attck in various ways. Maybe a future me can do it but not current me.
orignal zzz if I remeber he was not able to finish NTCP2 implemntation
orignal tennis2 why not? if you can't bind your UDP socket to a port than yes
orignal zzz what do you think about local domain soccets support for all client tunnels?
orignal especially since Tor support such Sosck5 proxy
zzz sure, why not, probably easy for you. Can't really do it from Java without a lot of trouble
orignal are you ware that socks has such functionality?
orignal *aware
zzz no I wasnt
orignal I was investigating yesterday and found out
orignal that Tor's socks5 can work this way
not_bob_afk buffer 2
not_bob_afk Ooops, forgot the / ;)
mesh not_bob_afk: no you didn't, you typed that on purpose, you wanted us to see it, you hussy
not_bob_afk You got me :(
weko zzz: why tunnel life is 10 minutes long? whu not 5 or 30?
zzz weko, ask jrandom... but 30 would be a long graceful shutdown
dr|z3d weko: it was, and probably still is, the idea of the optimal duration. Tor's circuit length is about the same.
dr|z3d *circuit duration
dr|z3d in Tor, circuits are kept around for maxCircuitDirtiness, which defaults to 600 seconds.
dr|z3d whether there's any value in introducing some randomness into the equation is an open question.
tennis2 Good news I improved the SnarkDisk script so it should be easier to install and the icons are all going to the local custom icon folders.
tennis2 s/Oh/Or/
tennis2 Please seed/test/host.
dr|z3d you might want to post something on discuss.i2p, tennis2, and maybe ramble.i2p and i2pforum.i2p as well, describing what your script does.
dr|z3d it's a good way of soliciting feedback, too.
tennis2 will need to do that soon, yes.