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dr|z3d I2P+ update torrent now available, please seed! tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=74346
dr|z3d I2P+ universal installer torrent now available, please seed! tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=74348
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - ^seeding on both rigs :)
dr|z3d nice, T3s|4, thanks.
T3s|4 np, I really appreciated your efforts getting us to -121+ over the past 5.75 months - thank you!
dr|z3d sure thing. and don't forget eyedeekay's efforts, he's been on a bit of a rodeo himself :)
dr|z3d I2P+ standalone I2PSnark torrent now available, please seed! tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=74355
T3s|4 ofc, also much appreciated - both eyedeekay and zzz must have faced very significant challenges overhauling, testing and optimizing netDB, but damn glad they were willing to invest their personal time for the benefit of all!!!
dr|z3d very true, props to zzz also for picking up the ball so quickly after his sabbatical :)
T3s|4 yep! :D
eyedeekay I suppose the proof remains to be seen, but I think we've beaten a whole class of attack with the netDb segmentation
dr|z3d onwards and upwards, eyedeekay :)
RN (oops)
dr|z3d get seeding, China!
not_bob Must be a netsplit.
China Hello
China Multiple VPS running i2p+ Create a family and just import the secret key? Is there any other settings required.
China Hello @dr|z3d
dr|z3d hi China
China I'm currently running I2P on four VPS + they are located in (US)-(SE)-(SG)-(UK) Which VPS should I use to generate the family, and is there any correspondence between them?
dr|z3d If you create a family, all routers and ips addresses will be associated. It doesn't matter which router you generate the key on, but it's important to avoid revealing anything in the family name that identifies you, unless you're happy to be associated with those routers. You've given us enough info to guess your family when you create it.
dr|z3d For extra stealth, don't bother creating a family at all.
dr|z3d You don't gain anything from creating a family unless your routers are so close together, ip-wise, that they might otherwise look like sybils.
dr|z3d The network will avoid routing traffic on multiple members of the same family, so it's more a network-facing choice.
China What are the advantages of creating a family and does he have anything to offer?
dr|z3d See above, I just told you :)
dr|z3d If you're a university campus running 10s of routers on the same ip range and don't want to get banned, then a family makes sense.
dr|z3d Or if you run 10s of routers on the same ip range and multiple outproxies, a family makes sense.
dr|z3d If you're running 4 routers on disparate VPS's, the benefits are questionable, and the potential loss of anonymity makes family creation not a great choice.
China Okay I see the logic of its design
dr|z3d tldr: don't bother.
China I still need to express this function clearly to others in Chinese.
dr|z3d Anything that helps the ccp identify a collection of routers you're running is bad. That's about the size of it.
dr|z3d sure, just make sure your firewall is active, and don't allow public access to any i2p ports other than the network port as indicated on /confignet
dr|z3d definitely do NOT be tempted to host the console on a public ip address, regardless of whether or not you have a console password enabled.
dr|z3d and avoid hosting the same content (e.g. web server) on both a public ip address and i2p. if you do, your router's ip address can be easily identified. if you want to host on a public address and i2p, put the sites on different systems/ips.
uop23ip Yes! The update is here. Big Thanks, to you all! (i think most are in this room) Thanks for all the time you invested. Thanks for further developing this great project! and if i haven't done yet: Thanks! :)
dr|z3d enjoy the update, uop23ip!
uop23ip Thank you for your efforts! I will for sure. I will combined it with a new router key (delete router.keys.dat?, irc) as my router is some month running. Is this ok?
RN already a -1?
not_bob Has to be a mistake.
RN or maybe a merge boo-boo
not_bob Or, I might just be my sarcastic self.
RN Dr always trying to deliver bleeding edge...
not_bob I have no idea!
RN heheh
not_bob Just like most of my life choices.
RN how's you not_bob ?
not_bob Not horrible.
not_bob And you?
RN not horrible either
RN hehe
RN having fun with stable-diffusion-webui
not_bob Yes, it can do many things! Oh, I should check on tasks I asked mine to do yesterday!
not_bob And it's still not done.
not_bob Possibly "santa" will get me a GPU.
RN I'm just getting familar with the image generation parts for now
RN ahh, you are CPU only as well
RN hehehe
not_bob Yes, it's slow.
not_bob But, it does work eventually.
RN I've got someone sending me RAM and GPU to add to my server box
RN but for now running in on laptopp
RN can't do anything else on the laptop while it is running
RN 30000 Mb of "swap"
not_bob I have it running on a machine in someone's office.
RN nice
not_bob I hope you don't have a solid state disk.
not_bob If so, that will kill your disk.
RN no thank goodness
not_bob Ok, good.
RN 10000 on internal drive, and 1
not_bob SSDs are great, but don't handle large amounts of writes well.
RN 20000 split between two usb externals
RN setting the command line options to disable trying cuda seems to have helped
RN --use-cpu all --skip-torch-cuda-test --enable-insecure-extension-access
RN also I don't run the browser on laptop, using --listen to access it on my lan
not_bob Same priority?
not_bob Good.
not_bob Bah, I Have to leave here at some point.
not_bob Something about someone wanting food that isn't here.
not_bob I may be strange for being able to eat the same food three meals a day for weeks at a time.
not_bob I"ve tried out a lot of safetensor files.
not_bob Wildly varried results.
not_bob Some of them are really good.
not_bob I use one I downloaded to create my "Alice" charecter.
not_bob Yes, that helps.
not_bob Well, that sucked.
RN oopsie?
not_bob Ehh, I2P being I2P.
not_bob Alas, time to feed the squad.
not_bob Later!
RN aloha