IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d sure, could be ok, but releasing it as an .exe with no source ain't a great look, not_bob
dr|z3d why would it need to make network connections, in any event? doesn't make much sense.
dr|z3d microsoft for telemetry, probably built into kernel32. that's possibly valid, but 2 other ips. smells funny.
orignal I bet this vaicuda uses my code ))
orignal also I have opencl implementation
orignal if someone need the code ask me
dr|z3d why don't you put the code on git somewhere, orignal?
orignal easy. don't want to receive compians that it doesn't work
orignal because some idiot are not able to build with cude or opencl properly
dr|z3d state that in the :)
orignal who reads README
dr|z3d "If it doesn't work, go and pleasure yourself with a police issue batton. AKA I don't care" or something.
orignal I was tired from compaints about vain
dr|z3d appears at the bottom of the main git page.
orignal nobody cares
dr|z3d Or more politely. "This software is entirely without guarantees. It may work, it may not. Either way, you're on your own. Do not contact me for support or to report bugs."
orignal or "If it doesn't work for you, you do support LGBT+" )))
orignal so the link above is the code of CUDA miner
dr|z3d zzz: couple of things relating to updates.. firstly, reminder to adding update status info for signed updates.
dr|z3d (as per unsigned updates)
dr|z3d and on a related note, you can probably do better than my effort to indicate when an update is available in the news messages section on configupdates, quick hack, doesn't use the messages api yet to translate strings.
dr|z3d might also be an idea to put the status of the last update check there, alternatively, if it's fail.
dr|z3d on that note, -110+ now uploaded for those on dev builds.
dr|z3d a slightly saner list of infohashes on skank opentracker: opentracker.skank.i2p/hashes
dr|z3d no seeds? or no leeches? no display.
not_bob Should I download them all to see what they are?
dr|z3d that's on you, nothing to do with me :)
dr|z3d you don't need to download them, anyways. probably a fair proportion will be on postman or btdigg.
not_bob Oh, fair point.
dr|z3d note the magnifying class icons in the table...
dr|z3d also, in other news, your diffusion renders are soon to get a lot faster
zzz status stuff is on the list and mostly done
zzz stats.i2p/cgi-bin/newhosts.cgi now shows status of new submissions
zzz dr|z3d, something is broken
zzz your irc client reconnecting
dr|z3d whatever it was, it's fixed. apologies for any channel spam.
dr|z3d did you see the latest opentracker.skank.i2p/hashes presentation?
dr|z3d I think that strikes a reasonable compromise between utility and functionality. No more page with 7000+ rows.
zzz well yeah especially if you're sorting in js and have to wait for the whole thing to sort it
dr|z3d sure, there's that, but I'm also not sure of the actual usefulness of displaying every hash being monitored. it also makes it more viable to do some sort of lookup for active torrents.
dr|z3d postman may yet implement an api for hash lookups that returns torrent names in the response.
RN hey hey, looking nice. so much better than a placeholder page that just identifies it as an open tracker.
dr|z3d thanks, RN. yeah, I think it looks ok, gives zzzot a bit more purpose :)
zzz did you say you were using AI for your translations?
dr|z3d in parts, zzz
zzz did you see the new offline translation feature in firefox?
dr|z3d bit of a hybrid attack strategy. google translate, AI, deepL.
dr|z3d I think I briefly looked at it when it surfaced, haven't looked since.
zzz only 8 languages but very privacy oriented, doesn't send anything anywhere
dr|z3d yeah, it's a local translation db, good idea, not sure how good the translations are.
zzz I'm going to give it a spin. Might work well for readmes
dr|z3d I think I've got all the readmes done for every language represented in the console.
dr|z3d I should also have around 100% coverage for all translations by the time of release.
zzz lol it's re-translating the sidebar every xhr
dr|z3d that's privacy for you! so private it doesn't cache to disk! :)
zzz about 10 seconds for readme.html
dr|z3d you probably want to reverse translate the result online to see how good the translation is.
zzz hmm I tried running it on the 75% complete german readme, to see if it would ignore the german and translate the rest of it, but it doesn't
zzz I think their blog post said it can't handle mixed content
zzz so there's no easy way to keep the human-translated parts and translate the rest
zzz bg, nl, it, and pt are the supported ones where we have little coverage
zzz for fr, de, pl, and es, I don't think I'd want to corrupt what we have as it's mostly done
dr|z3d I don't think I'd be confident using it for translations tbh. On the fly, sure, but I'd be using an online tool for po/html.