IRCaBot 2.1.0
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zzz dr|z3d, re: Persian, i2p-metrics is a little messed up because it thinks it's 2024 or something, but it appears to show the same thing
dr|z3d yeah, zzz, huge hike in numbers in the last 6 months.
dr|z3d not convinced it's bona fide users, either, at least not on the visible routers.
zzz may be worth me poking the translators on transifex, they haven't heard from us since June 7, when eyedeekay announced a deadline for 2.3.0
dr|z3d all but 2 of the Iranian routers in my local netdb identify as P tier.
zzz doesn't mean too much, since they're all i2pd
dr|z3d sure, could just be someone making an install script available somewhere, an activist perhaps.
dr|z3d re poking the translators, might be an idea to publish a new item, reference the translations and the delay in the release.
dr|z3d *news
zzz sure, and ask for Persian updates
zzz done
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
zzz yeah, a little care and feeding of the translators can't hurt
not_bob_afk zzz: I've been slowly chewing through the russian translation.
zzz esp. since this will be the longest time between releases in the history of the project
zzz for plus or canon?
not_bob_afk I assume cannon? drz gave me a .po file to work on.
not_bob_afk I assume, and I may be wrong, but I assume that work is done on cannon, then imported into plus.
zzz ok, won't help canon then, but have fun
not_bob_afk I would hope he would backport any of this into mainline.
zzz he does not do that
zzz for translations or anything else
not_bob_afk I was not aware of that.
zzz the most we get is 'hey I did X, you should do it too'. But no MR's. Not that it would be practical for translations anyway, and our translated po's are on transifex
not_bob_afk I've never used that before.
zzz I don't know how you're working, but transifex has machine translation so you push the button and it fills in all the easy stuff for you
not_bob_afk That is a much more complex setup than I'm using.
not_bob_afk With the editor I'm using I just read the line and then put the translated one next to it.
zzz are you fluent or are you just google translating every line?
not_bob_afk I know some Russian.
not_bob_afk NOt quite fluent, but enough to sight read a lot of things.
zzz somewhere in between then.
zzz nice
not_bob_afk Да это хорошо.
not_bob_afk It's good.
zzz plus is in a tough spot on translations because it's not taking our translation updates from transifex any more, so you aren't even benefitting from the army of canon translators
not_bob_afk Argh. That, and translation of technical things is not very easy.
not_bob_afk Google transalte is fine for basic stuff, but not when you get very complex.
not_bob_afk Anyway, back to being AFK for me. Good to have you back.
zzz thanks
zzz yeah, you could play with msgmerge but it's very messy. I haven't found any good po tools that deal with multiple sources or reviewing changes. All I have is some fugly shell scripts
not_bob_afk You might like this charecter that I made for the I2P world :)
dr|z3d too much divergence to pull canon translations.
dr|z3d as for backporting, you know where the code is, zzz. help yourself :)
dr|z3d as for what not_bob_afk's translating, even if there was a straight porting path between plus and canon, it wouldn't be of any use to you. he's working pretty much exclusively on the help section, which canon doesn't have.
zzz was simply correcting his misunderstanding
zzz and pointing out all the reasons it wasn't easy, which you restated
dr|z3d sure, I get that. just saying, the parts he's translating don't exist in canon.
zzz you could ofc make a list of which resources haven't diverged, e.g. core, and yank those at least
zzz --use-git-timestamps is the magic option for tx pull that I learned today
dr|z3d core I've pushed through google translate, strings are pretty straightforward, so we're at more or less 100% coverage.
zzz ok. I'm just happy to have tx working again, it was a fight
dr|z3d congratulations for coming out on top. :)
zzz still want to hear from eyedeekay about the 2.3.0 checkin
zzz was it RN that was reporting a lot of 190-day-old RIs? I'm seeing those also
dr|z3d vaguely recall something along those lines.
dr|z3d wasn't paying enough attention, obviously, 190 days?
zzz yerp
eyedeekay Which 2.3.0 checkin?
zzz eyedeekay, see questions in #i2p-dev about 4 hours back
eyedeekay Oh I haven't checked major yet thanks I will, looks like it's not in my logs here
dr|z3d zzz was pointing out that fuzzies were being included in the deployed translations
RN zzz, yes that was me. I was looking at a Plus router, but I see them on Canon as well. On Plus my concern was that even though they were described as "banned until restart or in 179 days" but did not go away at restart.
RN I have not tested in Canon if they persist after restart
dr|z3d if they're meeting the same banning criteria post restart, they'll carry on getting banned, RN, but I think we established that.
RN yep
RN we did
RN and it kinda makes sense to me