IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
RN but does it play roulette?
dr|z3d only if you enable the secret mode.
dr|z3d where's not_bob?
puha which one is notbob?I saw on the website that I can contact him on this channel, but I can't find which one is him. I saw in a paper that eepsites can be obtained through two methods: official address books and deployment of flood fill nodes. I would like to ask, how did notbob find these websites?
puha Is it the same as the method mentioned in the paper? Is there any other feasible method?
RN he simply pings the sites in his address book
RN a little more than a simple ping actually, but that's the gist of it
RN and we don't know what is in some paper you didn't identify or link
dr|z3d puha: you can subscribe to multiple hosts.txt files to get a good idea of what's on the network, or let notbob's host.txt file do it for you.
dr|z3d alternatively, you could in theory run your router in floodfill mode and see what leasesets get requested, though that's out of the scope of this discussion.
dr|z3d what you running there, router-wise, puha?
puha I2P client 2.3.0
RN here comes the sales pitch
RN ;)
dr|z3d behave, RN :)
RN I'm behaving
RN just behaving badly
RN hehehe
RN puha, I'm just teasing the good doctor. all in good fun.
dr|z3d puha is out to lunch.
RN aparently
RN one part tunnel again? I'm wondering if the json data might be getting mangled...
RN or transit tunnel rather
RN hmmm
RN what's up with that box
dr|z3d console translations slowly edging up to min 70% coverage, Russian @ 90%
RN so there's more after 83+ ?
dr|z3d more what sorry?
dr|z3d there more update if that's what you mean. -84+ right now.
dr|z3d some upstream stuff courtesy of zzz.
RN ah nice
dr|z3d I'm tentatively nominating not_bob as the Russian translation guy. :)
puha puha is back. hahahahaha
puha If I want to find a new hosts.txt file, can I try to obtain it through * *. i2p/hosts.txt?
not_bob Почему?
not_bob To be honest, my russian is still a bit lacking. I can sight read quite a few words, but I'm far from fluent.
not_bob It does help that it's pretty easy to understand. Здравствуйте means hello! Even if it is a bit of a mouthful. But, привет is much easier to say and type.
not_bob_afk puha: You should use my hosts.txt file. Instructions are on my front page, notbob.i2p
puha Okay, I have received your hosts.txt file. Thank you~
not_bob_afk Cool, you should usbscribne to it.
not_bob_afk And I can't type!
not_bob_afk Anyway, you know what I mean.
T3s|4 o/ not_bob_afk - plenty of Russian tourists hanging about these parts, but IDK how to say hello to them. Can you please spell out how to pronounce Здравствуйте and привет in English when you have a chance...thanks!
not_bob_afk привет is "privet", and Здравствуйте is "zdravstvituye" Please ingore my horribe butcher.
not_bob_afk privyet?
not_bob_afk The sounds are not entirely compatable.
not_bob_afk Anyway, something like that.
not_bob_afk Zdravstvujtye?
T3s|4 thanks not_bob_afk - Zdravstvujtye - there is no word in English that combines that string of consonants - no idea how to begin pronouncing that string. Is привет closer to the English 'private' (i.e. a private conversation) or to something like 'preev-yet?
dr|z3d not_bob_afk: more a chaperone role than direct translation.
dr|z3d translate what you can using any online tools, and then confer with Russian colleagues about improvements, that's the general idea.
dr|z3d if anyone has an interest in maintaining Taiwan-Chinese, Brazlian-Portuguese or Argentinian-Spanish translations in I2P+, speak up! Otherwise they're going to be nuked.
not_bob dr|z3d: Agreed, yes.
dr|z3d not_bob_afk: agreed as in you'd like to take the role of Russian translation chaperone? :)
not_bob_afk My russian is still not great.
dr|z3d Sure, I figured you might find it interesting, both in hitting google translate and interfacing with native russian speakers.
not_bob_afk I feel like if I tried to actually use it in real life I'd get my ass beat.
dr|z3d you know, on ilita.. "does this look correct?" kind of thing..
dr|z3d I've done most of the grunt work already, Russian translation for the console is already at 90% coverage.
not_bob_afk Do I just need to swtich my interface for i2p+ to Russian and then report bugs and or report english bits that need to be changed?
not_bob_afk Or, is this for mainline java?
dr|z3d you'd probably want to load up Poedit, look at the unstranslated strings, look at anything that's indicating a yellow warning triangle (usually spacing, capitilization issues), and see if you can progress things.
not_bob_afk Also, since I have you. I have a stable diffusion cluster now. I'm geting beter with it. I will eventually post artwork on ramble.
dr|z3d oh, you do? nice. :)
dr|z3d what hardware is it packing, gpu-wise?
not_bob_afk Freaking slow.
not_bob_afk But, it's not mypower!
not_bob_afk Some of the machines render an image every 10-15 min, but others do it in under 60 seconds. Pretty good for cpu.
not_bob_afk The 60 second ones that is.
dr|z3d you're running it cpu-only?
dr|z3d yeah, it would be. painful.
not_bob_afk How fast would that be?
not_bob_afk From reading the page it looks possibly 2x better than my fastest machines.
not_bob_afk That looks very tempting, aside from the overheating issues.
not_bob_afk poedit appears to be simple to use.
not_bob_afk Reading through the list in the .po file.
not_bob_afk And, yes. Translation is an art, since many words have no direct translation.
dr|z3d overheating can be mitigated, custom printed squirrel fan.
dr|z3d poedit is pretty straightforward, yes.
dr|z3d or rather a custom printed squirrel fan wotsit.
dr|z3d if you can work with a native Russian speaker who's running I2P+, you'll probably be able to fix things fairly swiftly.
not_bob_afk I'm digging through and see what you have done. Yes, most of it. SOme of the longer strings have not been translated, and there may be better solutions to some of the shorter ones.
dr|z3d yeah, it's mostly the faq that needs work, the main UI elements are translated more or less in full, though some translations may be sub-optimal.
not_bob_afk Fucking cases.
not_bob_afk I don't hate cases. In fact, they make life much simpler. But, it's a thing to wrap your head around.
not_bob_afk It's amazing how much of this I can just straight up read :)
dr|z3d I thought you might, you know, have fun with it more than most non-native speakers :)
not_bob_afk I'll do some poking at it and report back in a day or two.
not_bob_afk Though, I don't know any native speakers who run I2P+ that I'm aware of.
dr|z3d No rush, it's in a reasonable shape now I think.
dr|z3d Well failing that, just run some stuff by Russian speakers and see if they have any ideas..
not_bob_afk I know a few of them :)
not_bob_afk Also, some of these are funny.
dr|z3d acetone springs to mind.. he helped with the Russian snark translation.
not_bob_afk You have a bit that says "watches are broken" instead of "clock skew"
not_bob_afk And, it's also possible that I am reading it wrong.
not_bob_afk But, I'm pretty sure that's what it says.
dr|z3d more than likely :)
dr|z3d bad translation strings also serve as an incentive, one hopes, for native speakers to volunteer some time.
not_bob_afk Should I add notes on the ones I add or change?
dr|z3d notes? nah, no need for that.
not_bob_afk Also, some of this is difficult due to lack of context.
dr|z3d I can see what you changed when I diff the po file. If there's anything particularly amusing, just raise it here :)
not_bob_afk Or, it is for simple things.
not_bob_afk Back to cases.
dr|z3d if you open the po file in a text editor, it'll give you the context.
not_bob_afk Let me try that
dr|z3d (the specific location in the file(s) it's being used in)
dr|z3d and occasionally some notes for translators.
not_bob_afk Thank you. That helps, even somewhat.
acetone dr|z3d: hi. i'm here and sometimes i reading this chat. so if you needs my Russian help, I can try
dr|z3d thanks, acetone.. I've handed over the translation to not_bob_afk, so he'll probably ask you about some things in due course.
RN He dr... I seem to have stuck sybil bans.
RN many are listed banned for 180 days or until restart.
RN I just restarted and they are still there.
RN I believe this is why my participating tunnels are so low on that router.
RN where are the files I can delete, or how to get rid of them en-masse without clicking one by one?
RN I found blocklist-sybil.txt but it only has one entry not 89
not_bob_afk acetone: Thank you my friend!
dr|z3d sybil bans are by design persistent, RN.
RN yeah but 180 days?
dr|z3d are you sure those are sybil bans?
RN Banned for 180 days / until restart
RN but they did not go away at restart
dr|z3d does it indicate that they're Sybils in the ban list?
dr|z3d There should be a reason of sorts.
RN ??GEpq
RN Banned for 180 days / until restart ➜ Hash: GEpq15 (H)
RN ??GEpq
RN Banned for 180 days / until restart ➜ Hash: GEpq15 (H)
dr|z3d right. aka not via sybil ban.
RN oops
dr|z3d hash bans are via blocklists.
RN does not show any reasons
RN I got to them from the sybil page so thought they were the sybil bans
RN but it says until restart, wherever they came from, and they don't go away at restart as advertised
dr|z3d actually, hash bans can be related to ip bans I think and can be expressed as a hash.
dr|z3d 180 days is, in effect, permanent. if the ban is in a blocklist, then it'll expire after 180 days and be immediately reapplied if the router is seen again after.
RN so these are from the main blocklist?
RN and you are saying the router must have encountered all 80 some of these in the few minutes since restart for them to reactivate?
dr|z3d something like that. they won't appear in your ban list until they're actually seen by your router.
RN they are all appearing
dr|z3d so. what's the problem?
RN visible on the list immediately at restart.
RN problem is they say until restart
RN and none went away
dr|z3d just read that as permanent.
RN if it had say five right off the bat then it would seem more plausible
dr|z3d turn on some logging and see what's happening if you need an explanation.
dr|z3d I'm assuming that router is a) running + and b) a floodfill?
dr|z3d if the answer to both q's is yes, then that's normal behavior. expect around 12K bans when it's been up a while. we're still notionally under attack in my opinion, so router's doing its job.
RN not currently a floodfill
RN canonical shows IP banned by blocklist.txt entry , Blocklist feed Mar 5, 2023 , IP mismatch , Unreachable on any transport and such
RN but I don't see those reasons on Plus
RN well shit. So I start from scratch trying to figure out why this router is so low in participating
RN I thought I had something. :(
RN ( a lot more on the Canon list... it has been up longer)
uop23ip Hi, i tried to use natter.i2p, but it seems it is not working anymore. At least w/o js.
dr|z3d uop23ip: blame elon.
dr|z3d it shouldn't need js, it's just that elon's managed to break it.
dr|z3d (intentionally, I might add)
uop23ip dr|z3d, i use the instance in clearnet. It works. Maybe they have some unshared secret code :)
dr|z3d uop23ip: could be, or maybe I need to see what's new and different in their git repo :)
dr|z3d I just figured it was broke and not much doing, but since you've mentioned it works on the main instance, I'll see if I can fix.
uop23ip Thanks, it is nice to have in i2p
Invizzy Hi, I updated my I2P+ router recently to -83+ and noticed that I've been getting odd errors intermittently such as "JobQueueRunner: Error processing job [Process Kademlia Search Reply] on thread x"
Invizzy Is this of any concern?
dr|z3d Invizzy: try updating to -84+
dr|z3d should be fixed.
dr|z3d this development cycle has been a bit more of a rodeo than normal.. next cycle should be a bit more tranquil.
Invizzy Downloading the update now.
Invizzy What makes it more of a rodeo?