IRCaBot 2.1.0
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dr|z3d don't forget to get yourself a ramble.i2p account, Quaddle!
Quaddle i will once i have access
Quaddle dr|z3d, whats that fucking ramble for ?
dr|z3d no need for expletives, Quaddle.. the *lovely* ramble.i2p is our answer to reddit.
Quaddle small reddit then
dr|z3d i2p support, general discussion, art sharing.
dr|z3d sure, it doesn't aim to be reddit in totality :)
dr|z3d and it's only recently reopened registrations for .i2p users only. login/signup is now exclusive to i2p.
Quaddle I go with the idea. Why not. I2p has been a bit lame recently
Quaddle ten years i mean
dr|z3d oh, I dunno, it's doing ok lately.
dr|z3d more content, more community always good. but at least we're not tor :)
Quaddle any problems with tor ? // Yeah, i would be thankfurl for interesting sites on i2p.
dr|z3d that's something people seem to forget, often. content is king, in order to see the network grow and improve, content. so contributing interesting stuff can help.
dr|z3d tor's .onion space is overrun with markets and scam sites.
dr|z3d and mostly chock full of adverts.
dr|z3d so, you know, we don't do too badly.
Quaddle well , i dont use tor too often
Quaddle Would be cool, to have a news site like intercept or the alabama sentinel here
dr|z3d there are quite a few sites here, news-wise.
Quaddle ya, i have had trouble finding stuff all the time.
dr|z3d why aren't you using notbob.i2p as your reference point?
dr|z3d there's also planeta.i2p for news feeds.
Quaddle isnt not bob the black adder
dr|z3d no idea what you're referring to, but the answer's probably "no"
dr|z3d look at that link I just posted and then tell me i2p doesn't have any news sites..
dr|z3d is that a link to the ramble review?
tisratil7 hello everyone. been awhile since last time I was here.
dr|z3d hi tisratil7
tisratil7 how are you doing
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, you good?
tisratil7 yeah I've been doing good bro just had been so busy
dr|z3d while you were gone, ramble.i2p has been opened up for new user registrations.. feel free to get yourself an account :)
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - was about 7 mins behind you on the latest; next step on Win is a clean install running java -jar ./i2pinstall_2.3.0+.exe as an Admin :)
dr|z3d 10-4, T3s|4! :)
uop23ip dr|z3d, is there a link for just displaying the sidebar in the webconsole?
uop23ip dr|z3d, works thanks
dr|z3d *thumbs up*
uop23ip dr|z3d, one small thing: disable 5sec refresh does not work for me or i am not fast enough
uop23ip maybe it is just in canon
uop23ip <input type="hidden" name="refresh" value="0" >
uop23ip <button type="submit" value="Disable" >Disable 5&nbsp;sec Refresh</button></form></div>
uop23ip in plus there is no refresh button, you solve this with initrefresh, i guess. Not important nice to get only the sidebar.
T3s|4 what are on about, restart and shutdown are always available in the left side panel; if you only need to 'refresh' - use ctrl-shift-R
T3s|4 is this a new 'word/action': initrefresh?
T3s|4 uop23ip: ^what are *you on about?
uop23ip T3s|4, none of that. Just wanted to only have the sidebar. Changed the refresh value for the sidebar in config. Initrefresh is a function in src
T3s|4 uop23ip: noted, and np :)
T3s|4 uop23ip: so what value did you use to only see the sidebar? shows me 0 sec refresh interval to disable it which is the opposite of 'only view'
dr|z3d uop23ip: what T3s|4 said, configure refresh on /configui
dr|z3d you can also force the mobile theme, which will give you a slightly different sidebar only view.
dr|z3d whether that's up to snuff in canon is a different issue.
uop23ip dr|z3d, there is a mobile version? Link? "m." ?
dr|z3d > /configui
dr|z3d "force mobile theme" or thereabouts.
uop23ip so no link with pre m. ?
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d you're not accessing a publicly hosted site, you're accessing your own private console.
uop23ip which is a hosted site. I don't know how how they manage that with the m. pre, maybe just another separate link. But that's not important. So there is no mobile site/link of the console. I don't want tht permanent/general, that's why i am asking.