IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
uop23ip a friend of mine, got it if he wanted to create a submission. Is there a max text lenght?
dr|z3d there is, but it's fairly generous, though not tome-length generous.
dr|z3d -> Building a minimal debian for i2p use in qemu vm WIP plus usblivebuild ?
dr|z3d if that's the post, it's live.
dr|z3d 3* live.
dr|z3d tell your friend to always check the homepage before he reposts what he thinks is a failed post :)
dr|z3d and it should be noted that where a site has both a clearnet and i2p hostname, you should use the clearnet hostname and the site will automatically show the .i2p version on the .i2p site.
dr|z3d also, your friend needs to learn how to embed links. that post is a dog's dinner. :)
uop23ip dr|z3d, >you should use the clearnet hostname and the site will automatically show the .i2p version on the .i2p site. Nope didn't work he says. .net is still .net or did i misunderstand?
dr|z3d I2P+ 2.3.0+ update now available via torrent -> tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=70689
dr|z3d Please seed for the duration of the release cycle if you can. Thanks!
dr|z3d uop23ip: if it doesn't work, it will do. we're also on and .onion, so a clearnet link is always preferrable to an .i2p link where both exist.
dr|z3d I2P+ 2.3.0+ >> | skank.i2p | purokishi.i2p | | natter.i2p | notbob.i2p | ramble.i2p | teddit.i2p | cake.i2p | /msg an op for voice
dr|z3d uop23ip: / i2pforum.i2p swapouts fixed.
dr|z3d note that when editing a post, you'll need to edit the url link and revert to the clearnet domain.
uop23ip dr|z3d, will every url be checked in the post for a onion/i2p analog?
dr|z3d Blinded message
uop23ip How to prevent that, if needed ? quotes?
dr|z3d you don't want to prevent it.
dr|z3d the swap will only occur on ramble.i2p when an .i2p mirror exists.
uop23ip does it check if the mirror is up?
dr|z3d it will only perform a swap for *robust* mirrors, not fly-by-night sites.
uop23ip is ther a mouseover info that the url has been swapped?
uop23ip ok nice feature anyway
dr|z3d is the right answer :)
RN so the swaps are set up manually?
dr|z3d they are.
RN ok, so someone could request exclusion if they had a reason. (But I can't think of one if the same person runs both)
dr|z3d they could, though that seems unlikely.
dr|z3d >>> I2P+ 2.3.0+ installer now available via torrent -> tracker2.postman.i2p/index.php?action=Download&id=70691 <<<
dr|z3d Please seed for as long as you can, ideally until next release. Thanks!
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - no surprise that I missed -61+ yesterday; was buried most of the day, obvious now moot. Seeding both new + packages :D
T3s|4 *obviouisly
dr|z3d great, T3s|4! thanks! enjoy 2.3.0+ :)
dr|z3d *obviousully
T3s|4 failed spell checker, *obviously :D
T3s|4 lols
dr|z3d turned out to be quite a nice release. aside from the backend stuff, some new console features and plenty of super minor theme glitches fixed.
T3s|4 Thanks for your great work dr|z3d!
dr|z3d you're welcome, T3s|4. also hat tip to eyedeekay and obscuratus for the work they put into this release.
dr|z3d Hypnosis!!!
Hypnosis dr|z3d: i need to help the java i2p team
Hypnosis but currenly i am working on helping an ukrainian singer
Hypnosis to send some money to her
Hypnosis but i2p is of equal priority or higher
dr|z3d ukranian singer, sounds like that's important :)
dr|z3d java i2p, we can wait until you've launched her global career :)
Hypnosis i will try to do in parallel, i2p & ukr
dr|z3d ok, sounds like a plan. what's your intentions re java i2p?
dr|z3d Hypnosis: register your nick with nickserv and then I can autovoice you.
Hypnosis dr|z3d: the intent to repair all defects at least, i am not very sure i'm able of course
Hypnosis [23:12:44] <dr|z3d> ok, sounds like a plan. what's your intentions re java i2p?
Hypnosis [23:22:40] * Disconnected (Удаленная машина закрыла сокет)
dr|z3d 10-4, Hypnosis.
Hypnosis dr|z3d: ?
Hypnosis what should this mean?
dr|z3d 10-4 means roger that. "ok, message received" :)
T3s|4 Hypnosis: yep, 10-4 is never meant in any offensive way; it simply and only means 'I heard exactly what you said' ;p
T3s|4 Blinded message