IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
orignal yes, maybe
XANA huh so hot outside
dr|z3d what's up XANA
XANA I have just changed my main machine :)
dr|z3d new and shiny?
XANA Trashed Windows 11 and fully switched to Linux
dr|z3d good plan
uop23ip dr|z3d, Hi, if i switch from canon to i2p+ and back, are some config changes which are still there after back to canon? Outproxy for clearnet and tor are still there.
dr|z3d uop23ip: switching back and forth shouldn't change your router.config file, though some of the settings in I2P+ (if configured) won't have any effect in I2P. tunnel configurations remain the same.
uop23ip dr|z3d, outproxies to use,too? I always thought it was a speciality of plus to have them preconfigured.
dr|z3d outproxies get configured at install time and are stored with your tunnel config.
uop23ip Ok thanks. always thought that this might a remain of plus. In the tunnel config i've got stormycloud and tor.meeh. Don't know how they got there. Just delete the entries to remove them?
dr|z3d uop23ip: i2p+'s default is purokishi.i2p
dr|z3d if you want to use both I2P+'s and I2P's outproxies, randomly allocated, you can use purokishi.i2p,exit.stormycloud.i2p
dr|z3d otherwise, just specify purokishi.i2p for both outproxies and SSL outproxies
dr|z3d what up Stormy
StormyCloud Not much just enjoying not working this wonderful juneteeth day
uop23ip Thanks, dr|z3d . Still don't know how i got them there. It is not possible to add them by one click on someones site, i guess? Although outproxies are nice i will delete the entries for pure i2p :)
StormyCloud They are there by default
dr|z3d uop23ip: no method to add via click, but the presence of both stormycloud and meeh suggests you manually edited them, as I don't think that specific combination was ever present in an installer.
uop23ip oh dr|z3d i fucked up. deleted the entries in http tunnel config and it deleted the complete tunnel,lol wtf: Tunnel I2P HTTP Proxy removed
dr|z3d lol. woops!
dr|z3d you must have hit the delete button by accident.
dr|z3d Now's a good time to learn how to recreate the tunnel :)
uop23ip how did it know it was a good time?
dr|z3d I know it's a good time because you just deleted the definition :)
dr|z3d create http client tunnel, listen on :4444, new keys on reopen, 2 tunnels in out, 3 hops. that's the baseline. tweak as you see fit. I'd also wait until activity to open port, and close when inactive.
uop23ip i will be brave. someday i will have to do it anyway.
uop23ip dr|z3d, share tunnels with other clients (it's activated in the https tunnel)? Autostart?
dr|z3d autostart, yes, share tunnels, no.
dr|z3d you've got a separate https proxy tunnel? that one you can safely delete.
uop23ip something seems not so right. why is https proxy and http client tunnel?
dr|z3d the https proxy tunnel was something that was introduced a few years ago when false.i2p was http only. it's now redundant.
uop23ip deleted the https proxy. Still running but i didn't restart the router. besides pop3,smpt,irc,http client, i also got gitssh.idk
dr|z3d unset autostart for any tunnels that are enabled that you're not using.
dr|z3d if you're not intending to use idk's gitlab over i2p to pull or push code, you can delete that one.