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uop23ip dr|z3d, are you reading/posting on the i2pforum? I see that i2p+ got a topic, but the forum itself seems so empty. Is there a new forum online?
dr|z3d uop23ip: occasionally I check i2pforum for new posts, but it's not the exactly buzzing with activity.
dr|z3d as for new forums, no, I don't think we're there yet.
uop23ip Yeah i don't know if it really it worth to post something, but there is no other i guess. Read that lemme is somewhat considered.
dr|z3d lemme isn't a viable in-network forum. that's just as a fallback in case reddit gets worse than it already is.
uop23ip Ok so no i2p-lemme in sight. Never heard of it and was quite surprised and hoped it would be easy to cross-i2p it.
dr|z3d we might breathe some new life into ramble.i2p soon and make signups and posting to it i2p-only, with tor and clearnet as read only mirrors.
dr|z3d as an i2p-focused reddit replacement, that's somewhat viable. as a replacement for reddit in its entirety, not so much.
dr|z3d it might just remain manageable with write access on i2p only, it got out of hand when it was available over tor/clearnet.
uop23ip as a somewhat backup place, i2pnews and i2p planet mix? Was is that ugly, even with only clearnet?
dr|z3d please rephrase the question.
uop23ip ok sorry
uop23ip I am not big reddit user. I see reddit more as news and chat app. Not so for guides, i think. This is not its goal, right. For this the i2pforum is the place to go?
dr|z3d i2pforum is the only i2p-focused forum available right now with an i2p and clearnet presence, positioned as a user-support forum. so if you need help you can't find here, sure, use that until something better comes along.
uop23ip The question was about that ramble.i2p even with only clearnet and not tor was not manageable (ugly). I thought this problem is most present with tor access.
dr|z3d access via the .onion, or tor access to clearnet. both present the same set of issues. asshats.
dr|z3d (and too many of them to moderate without moderation becoming onerous)
uop23ip It is one the biggest problems of all unmoderated boards, i guess. Have anti measures success with ai-filters? Does pow help?
dr|z3d no, and no, probably. you're stuck with whatever the platform you host provides, and mostly that's not much, if anything, other than manual moderation tools.
dr|z3d ai filtering is future stuff. give it a couple of years, everyone will be using chatGPT or similar to moderate.
uop23ip So no ai censor twitter/google/ms tech for the poor man? I picture volunteers for 2 bucks/hour clicking thru. no,no,never,no,yes,no,maybe,nice,bad,wtf,no,yes. With 2 weeks off, because the content is so daming. But after a while you got your ai filter :)
uop23ip Those people will get worn out fast and soon are fucked up for life. The human mind will then create a superior asshat that no ai can filter. That's why the tech is so dangerous: it will fuck up people by training ai :)
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - did I miss 33+ or was it skipped on the way to 34+?
xeiaso eyedeekay: how is the netdb change testing going?
dr|z3d hi T3s|4... you must have skipped -33+
T3s|4 thx dr|z3d - was buried yesterday :)
T3s|4 lols - above ground ;p