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uop23ip Is the 50 KB/s per tunnel still correct or have the defend methods changed that?
RN is 50 KKB/s correct for what?
dr|z3d uop23ip: 50KB/s per tunnel? what's that referring to exactly?
uop23ip connection speed. it was 50KB/s iirc. Searching in the docs...
dr|z3d you're referring to the default configuration or something else? because we don't limit speed by tunnel explicitly.
uop23ip Didn't find. I mean the max speed i can have with one tunnel on one hop and i mean that was 50 KB/s, so i could calc tunnel number X 50 KB/s for one direction
uop23ip got it. fuck brave search:
uop23ip Together these conditions set a limit of max bandwidth per tunnel of 20-50 kbyte/sec. But if ONLY ONE hop in the tunnel has only 5 kb/sec bandwidth to spend, the whole tunnel is limited to 5 kb/sec, independent of the latency and other limitations.
dr|z3d I vaguely recall the max bandwidth handling per tunnel to be 8MB/s, at least in canon i2p.
dr|z3d that's assuming you have L tier routers in your tunnel chain, no?
uop23ip these guys with analog modems?
dr|z3d ADSL often doesn't do much more on the upstream.
uop23ip i mean max when everything is a perfect router bandwithwise
dr|z3d there is no perfect, but on a single hop tunnel on your end, 2-300KB/s isn't unreasonable to expect.
uop23ip per tunnel?
uop23ip docs wrong or me no understand?
dr|z3d the docs are basing the calculation on the assumption you may have an L tier router in your tunnel chain, which will limit you to max 50KB/s
dr|z3d If you're using I2P+, you'll never see L tier routers in your own client tunnels.
dr|z3d with canon I2P, under normal circumstances you shouldn't be using L tier routers either.
dr|z3d 3 hops local to a 0 hop outproxy, speed tested on -> 1.4Mb/s
uop23ip L tier 50KB/s general bandwith? I don't see this in the link which bandwith router they assume for 50 KB/s
uop23ip i mean per tunnel
dr|z3d check the bottom of /tunnels for a key to tiers, assuming you're using I2P or I2P+
dr|z3d Tested again, I'm seeing 3.6Mb/s download on the test. (same config)
uop23ip Yeah you're right Got some with 150KB/s. Not to much of them, it goes fast downn to B/s. canon router.
dr|z3d I've seen single participating tunnels pushing 2MB/s
dr|z3d That was at the beginning of the year when resource exhaustion attacks were in play. That router, one of StormyCloud's outproxies, was pushing 40MB/s
uop23ip canon to indicator of the tier in participating tunnel. in explore, shared they are there
dr|z3d exploratory tunnels allow L tier in canon.
uop23ip But i2p+ and canon don't use them in participate?
dr|z3d I2P+, never, canon, rarely.
uop23ip So the docs only need to add that they are using L-tier routers in their example?
dr|z3d they could use some clarification / revision, sure.
uop23ip Thanks dr|z3d , but what is the max bandwith for tunnel or isn't their any?
dr|z3d theoretical max is limited by bloom filters, so afaik that's 8MB/s
dr|z3d it may be more in I2P+, not entirely sure how the filters relate to per tunnel b/w limits, but total b/w share limits are I think 128Mb/s max in canon (?), and up to 1Gb/s in I2P+ if you allocate enough resources to the jvm.
uop23ip have to ask: per tunnel?
dr|z3d min 8MB/s afaik, theoretical limit.
uop23ip so i2psnark with 16 tunnels X 8MB/s theoretical