IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d ok, -4+ uploaded, features a new congestion caps count on the netdb summary page.
RN I want it in a popup
RN j/k
RN howsit dr?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, RN, not bad.
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - I see the new Congestion Cap section which is nice...a minor nit, I think 'Congestion Cap' should be left aligned on the NetDb Summary page
dr|z3d T3s|4: should be, which theme?
T3s|4 dark
T3s|4 hold on dr|z3d - a hard refresh fixed the alignment
dr|z3d try a ctrl+shift+r
RN biggest nit pick of mine is lack of displayed info about unsigned updates
RN but same with canon
dr|z3d you get a timestamp, that's as good as it gets.
RN that'd be ok, if it updated
RN I sometimes click download for an update
RN and don't get back to it for a while
dr|z3d as soon as the update's downloading, I usually hit the restart button (assuming part tunnels). normally works fine.
RN but then when I come back the update time displayed seems to be the time of the one that already downalodadededed and hasn't been applied yet even though there is a newer version triggering it
dr|z3d that's a side-effect of multihoming.
dr|z3d if you see a newer update that's ~3m or less newer than the one you just downloaded, ignore it.
RN so, on tuesday I notice an update and click for it, wednesday I didn't restart yet, but am told about the new tuesday update instead of seeing that this one is wednesday
dr|z3d that's related to the checking schedule. if a newer update than the one that's advertised is available, it'll download that.
dr|z3d you can check for updates to get the most recent update notified in the sidebar.
RN maybe take the date out of the 'update available' bubble if it isn't giong to update
dr|z3d date is essential, otherwise you're not being told much at all.
RN but when the date is inacurate you are being told wrong
RN cuz, and I will double check this, my date doesn't increment when it tells me if there is already an update file queued
RN so I downloaded version .xyy
RN didn't apply it yet
RN then get notified that version .xyy is available
RN even though it is actually version .xyz that is now available
dr|z3d date is only correct if you force an update check, usually.
RN not a great feature
RN not just a plus thing though
RN I think
dr|z3d could be better, sure, but you don't want routers hitting update servers every 10m :)
RN but going to confirm by rolling another dev update of my own shortly
dr|z3d and yeah, inherited from canon.
RN 10 min?
RN don't release that often
RN is 10 min really an option in the dropdown config?
RN if so, bump that fucker
RN I feel like more than once a day is a lot to check
RN I mean unless there is an emergency response to a network problem, once a day should be good enough
RN really wish that could be fuzzy though
RN ** feature request **
RN have options to randomize the timeframe that the router checks for updates
dr|z3d no, 10m isn't.
dr|z3d lowest in + is 8h.
RN min = 120 min | max = 2 days
RN even better
RN is canon also 8h?
dr|z3d no, I think 12h is min in canon.
RN sounds right
RN unless user presses check now button
dr|z3d here's an idea. define a rough update schedule for plus, be it every day, every 3 days, or whatever. and just update once during that interval :)
dr|z3d if you update like T3s|4 does, every time a new update appears, you'll be updating 1/2 dozen times a day or more :)
RN yeah, I noticed that
RN props to T3s|4 for their dedication to running bleeding edge
T3s|4_ yep dr|z3d - now running 4+ on my old laptop, and netdb Summary needs a hard refresh on dark to align properly
dr|z3d new css in dev builds always requires hard refresh.
dr|z3d no way around it :)
T3s|4_ gotcha - and sure, have seen that often
T3s|4_ btw dr|z3d - since zzz left, are you working with eyedeekay on i2p code and releases - or is he working independently?
dr|z3d in discussion with eyedeekay, though we're maintaining separate codebases.
T3s|4_ ok dr|z3d - thanks - and I think that is great!
dr|z3d anything I can do to help him focus on stuff that needs improvement :)
T3s|4_ ofc, and I'm damn glad you are paying continuous attention :D
T3s|4 lols RN, I'm bleeding heavily, indeed :D
mesh when I go to /profiles in the latest dev build I get a null pointer error btw
mesh Error 500:  /profiles - java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because "local" is null
mesh java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because "local" is null
mesh at net.i2p.router.web.helpers.ProfileOrganizerRenderer.renderStatusHTML(
mesh at net.i2p.router.web.helpers.ProfilesHelper.getProfileSummary(
mesh at net.i2p.router.web.helpers.ProfilesHelper.getSummary(
dr|z3d are you operating in hidden mode, mesh?
mesh dr|z3d: yup
mesh dr|z3d: because of my location i2p always defaults to hidden mode
mesh dr|z3d: btw performance in the latest dev build is.... terrible
dr|z3d you can override hidden mode.
mesh not sure what's going on but I'm seeing very high message delays, job lag, and tunnel lag
mesh dr|z3d: I would rather not since i2p is technically illegal in my location
dr|z3d regarding performance, it's a bit of a stretch to just straight up claim it's the dev build that's at issue. unlikely it is.
dr|z3d *isn't
mesh dr|z3d: I mean I had good performance then updated to the dev build and now I have terrible performance
mesh the other things that changed... I did upgrade to jdk20 and I did give i2p less ram (1g)
dr|z3d bah, put another way, nothing in the dev build per se should be causing those issues. prevailing network conditions are more likely the problem, either local to your connection, or on the network generally.
mesh but I don't think those are the problem
mesh dr|z3d: I will probably downgrade to the non-dev build in a few mins
dr|z3d the only thing that's changed that could be impacting things is more tolerance towards temp banned routers.
mesh why would the /profiles page throw an NPE?
dr|z3d if you update, it shouldn't, but in hidden mode it appears that the router can't determine your local router caps.
mesh huh
dr|z3d and thusly when accessing /profiles, when the console attempts to determine if you're a floodfill in order to decide what time cutoff to use for profile display, it appears to fail when in hidden mode.
dr|z3d but try the latest update, should fix.
mesh dr|z3d: the latest update to what? you just released a new dev build?
mesh any idea why my job lag is going through the roof?
dr|z3d when I say latest update I always mean latest dev build unless otherwise qualified. so yeah, there's a new build up there.
mesh (btw the cpu monitor in the sidebar also randomly disappears but I'm less concerned about that then the NPEs and the bad performance)
mesh alright I'll update again to the latest dev build
dr|z3d check /jobs and see what's lagging.
dr|z3d I don't have a crystal ball here.
mesh I'm getting no update available btw
dr|z3d ~/i2p/eephead skank.i2p
mesh I'm getting a lot of "TestLocalTunnel" jobs being dropped
dr|z3d if you're not getting the leaseset, that suggests the network may be under attack from shitty ffs.
mesh TestPeers Job is of course the most common and longest running job
dr|z3d test local tunnel job will get dropped if your job lab is > 250ms.
dr|z3d dropped as in rescheduled.
dr|z3d re the cpu bar, if you have customized the sidebar before the cpu bar turned up, then you'll only see it on /home and will need to manually add it on /configsidebar to see it elsewhere.
mesh dr|z3d: ah that's why the cpu bar comes and goes. I thought it might be fucking with me hehe
dr|z3d you can also hit "restore full default" on /configsidebar and it'll appear.
mesh dr|z3d: do you think peerTestTimeout might be too little
mesh I wonder if I'm too aggressive
dr|z3d if you set it too low, lower than the avg, then it'll adjust to the avg.
mesh dr|z3d: btw is there some place I can go to read about peerTestTimeout and other i2p+ configuration options? I always forget exactly what these mean and end up asking you the same question over and over to explain peerTestTimeout hehe
dr|z3d > /help/advancedsettings
mesh wonderful
mesh let me bookmark that
mesh dr|z3d: /profiles works but it takes quite a while to load
mesh Floodfill tab loads no data
dr|z3d do you have reverse lookups enabled?
mesh dr|z3d: I would hope not. I certainly never enabled such a thing
mesh dr|z3d: how can I check the current value of reverse lookups?
dr|z3d ok, then you don't. some pages with a huge number of entries will take some time to load.
dr|z3d if you don't have routerconsole.enableReverseLookups=true in your router.config then it's disabled.
dr|z3d floodfills tab may take a little time to populate on startup.
mesh dr|z3d: why do I have a message delay > 0 at all if I'm in hidden mode
mesh I always found that strange
dr|z3d if you did have it enabled, /profiles would show you a host / domain column.
dr|z3d you still have to send messages (packets) to other routers...
mesh dr|z3d: huh ok
mesh dr|z3d: anyways I still see some bad numbers. Build Success: 57%. High Tunnel Lag. but Job Lag is perhaps acceptable
dr|z3d tell 57% to anyone using i2pd and they'll say that's good.
dr|z3d which it is. anything above 30% is ok.
mesh really. I thought it was supposed to be 70%+
dr|z3d ask orignal, he'll tell you.
mesh well no it's climbing to 69%
mesh I noticed that I could iincrease build success by being more aggressive with the profiling
dr|z3d it takes at least 30m for success rate to stabilize.
orignal it is good because i2pd uses different approach then Java
orignal instead using separate lists for firs second and third hops it select randomly
mesh orignal: but why? doesn't it do profiling?
mesh dr|z3d: btw how do I see the latency time for each peer? /profiles doesn't actually show a number, just a column Low Latency
dr|z3d view the profile for the peer.
dr|z3d review section titled "# Time to test a tunnel this peer participates in (ms) [tunnelTestResponseTime]"
mesh ah ok thanks
dr|z3d not all peers will have profile data, and not all profiles will have latency info.