IRCaBot 2.1.0
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Afkaid Hello
Afkaid I noticed that, when browsing on the i2p+ web ui, when we go to the /sitemap page, the web browser zoom is reset to 100%
Afkaid I find this a bit annoying, as I like to zoom the page to fit my poor vision
dr|z3d that's your browser, not i2p+
Afkaid that's strange
Afkaid because I can browser on every page, and this happens only (I believe) on this /sitemap page
Afkaid well, I am wrong, that happens also on other page
dr|z3d If I set the pagezoom in firefox on any console page, it persists when I browse around the console, including on the sitemap page.
Afkaid seems it happens on every page :$
Afkaid That's weird, I was sure the zoom level was persisting in most page
Afkaid I don't understand at all
dr|z3d if you've over configured firefox to forget pagezoom, then..
dr|z3d always test with a new profile before assuming it's an i2p+ issue.
Afkaid maybe related with anti-fingerprinting options or something like that
Afkaid yeah... :$
Afkaid But I was pretty certain it was not acting like that before
Afkaid I'll look more deeply...
Afkaid That's it !
Afkaid It is the "privacy.resistFingerprinting" option that was messing things up
dr|z3d just turn off all protections for the console host.
dr|z3d easy.
dr|z3d click the shield far left in the addressbar.
dr|z3d that is, assuming fingerprinting is part of that.
dr|z3d shiver: let me know if you're still having issues reaching skank.. latest builds send out lookups to more floodfills concurrently, so less chance of them all being shit.
Afkaid doesn't made it
Afkaid the fingerprinting option is global, and not site related
shiver dr|z3d, just did a eephead and got the response immediately and it wasn't a issue before the unpublished ff stuff.
dr|z3d shiver: yeah, it's a minor thing, but you notice when you don't get an immediate good response from a ff when looking up a site.
dr|z3d so we've just made it a little less likely to return shit results from a ff.
dr|z3d or rather, from a lookup.
dr|z3d why hit one ff at a time when you can hit 5? :)
dr|z3d 4 or 5, anyways, as long as your cpu isn't working overtime.
dr|z3d that's for non-ffs, I think I bumped ffs up as well.
shiver i don't know, can imagine zzz got opinions about that.
shiver (not to bash zzz)
dr|z3d he's got his own codebase to play with as well :)
T3s|4 hai Afkaid - is skank.i2p loading properly now? It loads almost instantly for me, while FF is running behind tor and privoxy daemons
Afkaid I'll look
Afkaid seems to work well, yes
T3s|4 great!
Afkaid but I have never seen any problem with skank.i2p
Afkaid It has always load quick and nicely from my side
T3s|4 Afkaid: np, but I always use zzz.i2p and skank.i2p as test sites to let me know whether I borked my FF config - or that I have a much deeper Net connectivity problem ;p