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shiver Moin, dr|z3d there is a bug that i hope is only visual(after some testing i can't see it changing anything): when i go to, start for example i2pchat and when it's connected refresh the page many tunnel settings changed. exploratory goes from 3 out length 3 random 0 backup 0 to 1 out lenght 0 random 3 backup 3. this is also true for bigly etc. but different changes. it stays
shiver this way till i switch to a different page and back to configtunnels.
shiver i don't know if it's only in i2p+
dr|z3d hi shiver
dr|z3d exploratory tunnel hops will change according to the network conditions.. if building tunnels fails repeatedly, it'll drop down the hops.
shiver don't think thats it, as i wrote the page also shows a change to bigly and i2pchat
dr|z3d hops, or tunnel count on those?
shiver both, it shows 0 hops out.
dr|z3d for both big and i2pchat?
dr|z3d and you've setup randomization on both?
shiver no random and i'm not that crazy to use 0 hops xD
dr|z3d so bigly and i2pchat are showing 0 hop tunnels? can you verify that's the case on /tunnels ?
shiver no, as i wrote it looks like it is only visual
shiver the same changes happen when i start bigly
dr|z3d not seeing anything like that here, so hmm.
shiver but vanish when i switch pages
dr|z3d maybe a bigly bug, then.
shiver no, again. it also happens with i2pchat.
dr|z3d I look at all my service tunnels here, the hop config is exactly as it should be. with i2pchat running.
dr|z3d refreshing the page makes no difference.
Afkaid I see nothing like that neither
Afkaid but i haven't watched before launching irc
dr|z3d I doubt it's a version thing, either, but are you on the latest build, shiver?
shiver did you follow the steps i described above?
Afkaid shiver, a ctrl+r maybe ?
shiver go to with i2pchat closed, open it and wait for it to connect then refresh the page
shiver it even changes things when i close i2pchat and refresh, but it's back to normal when switching pages
dr|z3d if it's cosmetic, then safe to ignore.
shiver i'm on -9+
dr|z3d but i'll look into it.
dr|z3d if it's bigly/i2pchat related, that indicates a possible issue with sam/i2cp.
dr|z3d that page, /configtunnels, is mostly useless, anyways. the only thing of interest there is the exploratory config.
shiver i report this because i don't know if it actually affects tunnel settings in that fraction of a sec. or if it's only a visual bug. maybe it's just on my end
dr|z3d if there was any actual correlation between hop count there and reality, you'd see that reflected on /tunnels
dr|z3d and it wouldn't be for a split second, either, it would be for the entire duration of the created tunnel.
shiver thats the issue, the change i see is only there for a short time or not atall and if in that short time a tunnel gets build it may have an effect but it's hard to test
dr|z3d no, it's very easy to test. just watch /tunnels
dr|z3d if you see any 0 hop tunnels for i2pchat or bigly, then problem. otherwise, no problem.
shiver can't see any for now, i test some more.
Afkaid dr|z3d, I don't understand, the I2P+ installer for Linux is a .exe file ?
dr|z3d universal installer, Afkaid
Afkaid ok, I don't know what that mean
dr|z3d it has an exe wrapper. for anything other than windows, java -jar installer.exe
Afkaid to me, .exe is for Win sys
Afkaid first time I see that