IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d hey hey rambler
dr|z3d all good over there?
rambler Ready for Spring. You?
dr|z3d not bad here, thanks.
dr|z3d shiver_: some more optimizations to the sidebar refresh in the latest + build, might resolve your cpu spike issues.
dr|z3d I've also added a cpu load average monitor, which will increase the refresh interval for the sidebar to 5s if less than that when it detects a sustained cpu load at 90% or more.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: I'm really liking your latest sidepanel and filter bar tweaks - thanks!
dr|z3d thanks for the feedback, T3s|4 :)
dr|z3d sidebar feels snappier on load for you now?
dr|z3d on a reasonably fast system, the transition from non-collapsed to collapsed sections should be no more than a quick flicker.
T3s|4 ^that's what I see - no more than a couple of milliseconds
dr|z3d sidebar gets loaded sooner, and the collapsed sections get initialized sooner, too. and if the console page doesn't show, page shouldn't be running any refresh now, both snark and console.
dr|z3d also new is the build success on the tunnels badge when section is collapsed.
T3s|4 ah, nice - works here
dr|z3d having fixed a bug, we've now got a fairly fascist policy regarding L tier routers. I may yet scale that back, but for now, given we don't use them for anything, it's no great loss.
dr|z3d check your netdb summary and you'll see what I mean.
dr|z3d wasn't entirely intentional to eliminate them altogether, but fixing a bug with the IterativeSearchJob as obviously unlocked something else.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: yup, no L's in netdb bandwidth tier - however, my own router shows: Capabilities: L - are those two different things?
dr|z3d different, T3s|4
dr|z3d though in theory if you're L it should show 1 L tier router.
dr|z3d if you're on fiber you could do with upping your b/w share, even if you are hidden :)
T3s|4 do mean upping beyond my actual ISP fiber u/d speeds?
dr|z3d no, but commensurate with your actual speeds.
dr|z3d L tier means you're only sharing max 48KB/s
dr|z3d oversight on your part?
T3s|4 that's where I've been for a long time = matching my ISP speeds, 300 Mbps u/d - and my share ratio is 80%
T3s|4 how is that only 48KB/s?
dr|z3d well, that's odd then, assuming your router is reporting L capabilities on
dr|z3d L is the bandwidth tier your router thinks it's on, key at bottom of /tunnels
dr|z3d are you in hidden mode?
T3s|4 Under our info: LU 0.9.57 Memory usage: 512M and next to Stats: Capabilities: L
T3s|4 yes, hidden
dr|z3d that's probably why, then. I suspect the router's masquerading as an L tier router when you're in hidden mode.
dr|z3d thing is, in hidden mode your share b/w is exactly zero. nothing.
T3s|4 hopefully only masquerading, with no actual speed impact(s)
dr|z3d major speed impacts.
dr|z3d not least on the sharing front.
dr|z3d but also generally on the network.
dr|z3d tunnels take long to build, browsing is generally slower.
dr|z3d instead of connecting directly to a resource on the network, you're introducing another hop for everything, via intermediate "introducer" routers, and they can be unreliable vs a direct connection. also slower.
dr|z3d I think I know who that is.
T3s|4 sounds like a complete cluster fuck ;p
dr|z3d regardless, join/quit ad nauseam got tedious.
dr|z3d well, it's not a complete clusterfuck, but you're not making best use of that 300Mb/s pipe you're on :)
dr|z3d you'd be better off forwarding i2p to a vpn tbh, if you really don't want your own ip in the netdb.
T3s|4 I'll run some non-hidden mode tests when I get a chance, and see if I can significantly surpass my current snark record of 1.2 Mbps
dr|z3d was that on a single torrent, or multiple?
T3s|4 that was with 5-6 large files each with a good number of seeders
dr|z3d also remember that with hidden mode, there's zero cover for your own traffic.
dr|z3d with participation, plenty of cover traffic.
T3s|4 I can test the vpn route, if my connection remains stable
dr|z3d highly recommended.
dr|z3d ok, another new feature for the sidebar coming up...
dr|z3d if the height of the sidebar is less than the height of the viewport, and the height of the viewport is less than the height of the page, sidebar will stick to the top of the page.
dr|z3d which in practice means if you've got a collapsed sidebar and your viewport height shows it all on page with scrollable content, the sidebar will persist.
dr|z3d aight, sticky sidebar is live via /dev/ update url.
dr|z3d works on all themes except midnight right now.