IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d ok, not_bob_afk, ready when you are...
dr|z3d the torrent filters should now filter all loaded torrents, not just those on the page if pagesize < # torrents.
dr|z3d optimizing the css injection then I'll build a new standalone.
dr|z3d_ ok, latest build's up, i2psnark's filtering should now function on all loaded torrents, not just the torrents on the page if you're in multipage mode.
dr|z3d_ and for you, not_bob_afk, a nice new shiny standalone snark in the same location as before.
not_bob dr|z3d: I can't search for cyrillic characters with the search feature in i2psnark+
not_bob Thoughts?
dr|z3d yeah. it's a zzz problem.
dr|z3d he's in one of those moods where everything I2P+ is a problem.
dr|z3d the search is all his code.
dr|z3d if (s != null)
dr|z3d out.write(" value=\"" + DataHelper.escapeHTML(s) + '"');
dr|z3d probably that is breaking the input. dunno.
not_bob That's why I brought it up to him...
not_bob But, he redirected.
not_bob I'm sure you saw that.
dr|z3d > he's in one of those moods where everything I2P+ is a problem.
not_bob That's also why I was not in a hurry to bring it up to you. But, wanted to do so just to say that I did.
dr|z3d I think he's a bit stressed lately. So don't go too hard on him.
not_bob What is his deal with I2P+>
not_bob I will not.
not_bob I'm just glad he jumped and make the search thing happen. That's made my life much simpler in the last few days!
dr|z3d someone filed a bug report on zzz.
not_bob Eight pages of torrents.
dr|z3d not exactly a regular event. but anyways.
not_bob i2psnark is klunky, but it works well.
dr|z3d just fixing up the css and a new standalone build will be up.
not_bob Sweet.
dr|z3d to say it's clunky isn't entirely correct.
not_bob I'm not in a super hurry to update. That means I have to restart snark which takes a good while.
not_bob TBs of torrents.
dr|z3d it's a browser based torrent client that can at times overwhelm the browser.
not_bob As a whole. But, it works well.
not_bob Easy to use, works well.
not_bob Any browser based solution is going to be less than perfect.
not_bob Though, one time I use microsoft excel with Edge. Holy shit that was slick.
not_bob Inside edge.
not_bob Then again, paid devs, and access to every bit of API.
dr|z3d ok, about to build a new standalone.
not_bob Good luck
dr|z3d (and I2P+ update)
dr|z3d bah, no luck involved.
not_bob You know what I mean.
dr|z3d :) update uploaded, standalone in t - 10s.
not_bob Shoot me the link and I'll update here.
dr|z3d same as before.
not_bob Getting
not_bob Slowly.
dr|z3d if you hit the show all filter button, it should reset to normal page navigation. otherwise, you should get filtered results from all loaded torrents. how fast that's going to be with several hundred torrents loaded is for you to report back :)
not_bob I'll let you know.
not_bob If it ever connects.
dr|z3d with around 100 torrents loaded on a slower system, not too shabby. I've done some optimizations at the same time.
not_bob 36 build success here for tunnels.
dr|z3d i2pd or?
dr|z3d who cares!
dr|z3d I2P+ now has a readout :)
not_bob It uses less memory.
dr|z3d let's not go there again. it's perfectly fine. no argument :)
not_bob Anyway, geting the update for snark now.
not_bob Getting the update for i2p+ too, but likely will not install that tonight.
dr|z3d that has the build success readout in the sidebar. you'll also probably want to enable the Router -> CpuLoad graph and the Tunnels -> TunnelBuildSuccessAvg graph post-install.
dr|z3d via /configstats
dr|z3d tunnel success readout is for the previous 10m interval, averaged.
not_bob Nice, I like that.
dr|z3d I've seen values in the range of 10 - 80%.
not_bob I consider around 50% to be good.
dr|z3d 30-35% is fine. normal.
dr|z3d 50% is great.
dr|z3d when you're at 25% or below things aren't so hot.
dr|z3d I don't know how orignal's calculating his, someone submitted some new code to smooth out the averages.
dr|z3d averaged over 10m is fine enough. gives you a more or less current view of your router.
dr|z3d re torrent integrity checking, it's probably something to do with the way you've symlinked the data dir. if possible, configure snark to use the actual location and maybe you won't have to watch that every time it starts.
not_bob That was odd.
not_bob NOrmally I can get right back on.
not_bob Anyway, I've updated snark.
not_bob You said to click on "show all" to clear the search?
not_bob This is going to take a while to load all the torrents back up.
dr|z3d > re torrent integrity checking, it's probably something to do with the way you've symlinked the data dir. if possible, configure snark to use the actual location and maybe you won't have to watch that every time it starts.
dr|z3d no, show all clears the filters.
dr|z3d what theme are you running?
not_bob It does that when not symlinked too. I've tested that.
not_bob light
dr|z3d I guess show all could in theory clear the search.
dr|z3d have to think about it.
dr|z3d the clear search button not yet implemented in light. try ubergine.
dr|z3d coming soon!
not_bob Trying that now.
not_bob Perfect, that's exactly as it shuld be.
dr|z3d when you input a search query, hovering over the searchbox should display an X icon. but only if the search isn't blank.
not_bob Yep, saw that.
not_bob That's better than good.
dr|z3d still not perfect, but thanks.
dr|z3d what eventually will happen is that the search box will persist while a search is active. have to implement that via javascript.
not_bob I see the search is not implemented in all the themes yet either.
not_bob *nod*
dr|z3d not yet, been busy with a whole bunch of other stuff. will be done in the next day or so.
dr|z3d just getting the filtering working on all torrents was a day's worth of work.
not_bob No rush. Having to edit the url to clear a search was trivial.
dr|z3d so when you post on zzz.i2p and say x feature "only does y", remember the graft that went into making the only does feature happen :)
not_bob You, zzz, idk and friends keep very busy.
not_bob Oh, I am well aware of the effort.
not_bob And am quite thankful.
dr|z3d do all your torrents have to load before the filter bar is active?
dr|z3d or does it work on those that have?
dr|z3d I don't remember.
not_bob If I search now, it will only search the ones loaded.
dr|z3d not search. filter bar.
not_bob Same.
not_bob It will filter any that are loaded.
dr|z3d so it does work on loaded torrents then. that would be a "yes" :)
not_bob Any that are not loaded are ignored.
dr|z3d does it feel any faster right now?
not_bob I'd like to say yes.
dr|z3d and more's the point, is it still functioning as expected?
not_bob Though, I'm using it via an i2p ssh tunnel port foward.
not_bob So, there is slowness to be expected.
not_bob Yep, it functions as I expect.
not_bob Hmm, it may not have chekced them all this time.
not_bob I seem to be about 80% loaded for torrents.
not_bob Oh, there is a number by active showing the number active. Is that new?
not_bob Well, shit.
not_bob Welcome back.
dr|z3d > you should also see a count badge on the filter button if > 0 and not "Show All". will take a couple of seconds to appear.
not_bob I saw that!
not_bob The entire screen flashes now.
not_bob Every 3-4 seconds?
not_bob It must be 5.
dr|z3d try a ctrl+shift+r just in case.
dr|z3d but that's possible, but unintentional. it's refreshing via ajax so flashing shouldn't be happening unless you've got javascript disabled.
not_bob Let me set therefresh to 30 seconds and see if that is it.
not_bob I've done that already, but doing it again.
not_bob Nope, I have js enabled for localhost.
not_bob How does it remember which filter is selected upon refresh?
dr|z3d it's using the local storage api. think cookies, only more persistent.
not_bob Ahh, ok.
not_bob Anyway, I set the refresh to every 30 seconds. It now flashes every 30 seconds. More like re-listing and deciding what to show.
not_bob Let me check a previous version. I have several running.
dr|z3d restart the browser? no problem.
not_bob Fresh start of the browser did not help.
dr|z3d it's doing 2 ajax refreshes, 1 to refresh torrents, and the other to refresh the filters when enabled. but I'm not seeing any flashing here.
not_bob It may just because my system is slow?
not_bob Or the remote connecton to i2psnark?
not_bob slow connection.
dr|z3d not finished, anyways. I'll see what I can do to mitigate that.
not_bob Thank you.
not_bob I often try to do too much with too little.
dr|z3d optimizations are next up.
dr|z3d could be slow connection, sure, if high latency, but that's something that shouldn't happen, regardless.
dr|z3d if you temp disable the filter bar you'll probably find it stops flashing.
not_bob Let me try that.
not_bob That fixed it.
dr|z3d ok, so it's the interaction of 2 ajax refreshes it sounds like. will look into getting that sorted.
not_bob Yep, at least it's explained.
not_bob Alas, sleep for me.
not_bob Night sir!
dr|z3d aight, thanks for beta testing. sleep well o/
NarratorZ good afternoon:)
mildseven hello there
parabo dr|z3d
parabo itsjustme_
parabo albat
dr|z3d parabo: sort your ports you douche!
parabo dr|z3d
parabo ShadowPC
parabo dr|z3d: ShadowPC
parabo cloud computing
dr|z3d what about it?
parabo It's good
parabo I have a ShadowPC
parabo It's $40 CDN monthly, I added for $4 more upgrade to 512gb SSD
dr|z3d that's expensive.
parabo Not really. you get a P5000 GPU, 4 2.5ghz 5th gen Xeon cores with 2 threads each, 12gb DDR4 RAM, and 515GB SSD
parabo and you get unlimited 500mbit connection
parabo it's not as expensive as owning top end gaming hardware
dr|z3d so you're using it for gaming?
dr|z3d tell albat. he's probably interested. me, not so much.
parabo albat
parabo ALBAT!
dr|z3d ok, not_bob_, new standalone build up with fixes for the over-excited ajax refreshes. shouldn't flash on refresh anymore.
dr|z3d the filter count badges should be a lot more responsive now, too.
parabo albat: hui