IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d y2kboy23: hi
y2kboy23 dr|z3d hellp
dr|z3d ok, re your questions..
dr|z3d re irc issue, occasionally postman's irc server misbehaves. you can remedy that issue by adding irc.echelon.i2p to your list of servers in the tunnel manager for the i2p client tunnel.
dr|z3d servers are comma separated.
y2kboy23 Both are in my list of servers
dr|z3d ok, then you should be good. the default i2p+ config only ships with postman iirc.
y2kboy23 fyi im not on i2p+
dr|z3d re pulling from upstream, you create a new local branch for upstream, pull to that, then push to your upstream branch.
dr|z3d checkout the main branch, then cherry-pick the commits you want from the upstream branch.
dr|z3d I wouldn't say i2p+ is unstable, in any event, but if you bumped into the occasional postman irc issue it can feel that way.
y2kboy23 For a clean profile, I shouldn't be having the bizarre issues that I am experiencing.
y2kboy23 I did just reboot my host so maybe that could have been affecting it
dr|z3d aside from postman irc issue, what else?
y2kboy23 Sites not loading
dr|z3d there appear to be a bunch of sites offline right now.
dr|z3d use something like zzz.i2p or tracker2.postman.i2p to test.
y2kboy23 I use both actually lol
dr|z3d if either of those is up, then it's probably an issue with whatever other site you're attempting to visit.
y2kboy23 I sent you a PR to hopefully fix an error I saw with i2p+
dr|z3d ah, thanks.
y2kboy23 Also, to have Gitlab build containers on their infrastructure, they need a cc "just" to validate the account.
dr|z3d oh, cute.
y2kboy23 I might reach out to their support to see if something else can be done
y2kboy23 its to prevent abuse, I get that, but there must be something else.
y2kboy23 maybe a long repo history of commits?
dr|z3d you'd have to talk to them, but they're receptive to open source projects. you can apply to them for an acct upgrade for free.
dr|z3d so it's entirely possible you can work something out.
y2kboy23 The other option would be to run their builder program by ourselves.
dr|z3d sure, also possible.
y2kboy23 Just have to play around with it and see how to hook it up.
parabo hi dr|z3d
parabo hi itsjustme
parabo hi para
parabo hi Reinhilde
T3s|4 o/ dr|z3d - anything ssu2 related prompting the moves to -10 or -11?
parabo hi T3s|4
dr|z3d SSU2 peer test fixes, T3s|4
dr|z3d what up p
parabol dr|z3d: you know, straight up gangster shit
Reinhilde umbrellix was once a great IRC network, but now it's just a ghost town
parabol make umbrellix great again'
dr|z3d shizzle dizzle, normal.
parabol dr|z3d: get a MacBook
parabol and a haircut
y2kboy23 dr|z3d After running i2p+ with i2psnark for a few hours, webpages and IRC just stopped connecting. One thing I saw in the logs under INFO was "message delivery failed". I had to restart the docker image to get things working again.
dr|z3d if you can paste logs (sanitized where required) to cake.i2p/pastebin/ that would help, y2kboy23
dr|z3d I'd put the issues down to teething problems, or maybe some minor issues with the docker config.
dr|z3d Info level logs can mostly be ignored, in any event. usually ERROR or CRITICAL are indicative of actual issues.
y2kboy23 It was a Warn message
y2kboy23 But it seems like my messages are not leaving the router.
y2kboy23 I just lowered my logs to warn just to see if I might find something to help identify
dr|z3d would need to see logs.
dr|z3d can't speculate. often warn is noisy and isn't an indication of an actual issue.
y2kboy23 Looks like its currently happening.
y2kboy23 Refreshing zzz.i2p just tries to load
dr|z3d 2022/12/23 06:22:05.923 | WARN [...nark #14751] ...ionDemultiplexer: No listener found for proto: 17 port: 61007 msg id: 36962344 from pool of 1 listeners
dr|z3d that seems like it might be the root cause.
dr|z3d smells like a docker config issue.
y2kboy23 There's these files in the docker rootfs folder.
y2kboy23 That's my fork but still. Those are most likely what I have with my setup right now.
dr|z3d let's see what you got there
dr|z3d not entirely sure router.updateDisabled=true is required in router.config
dr|z3d that said, I don't know how a docker image would behave if the router attempted to update.
y2kboy23 It would update the image, not that big of a deal.
dr|z3d probably worth enabling then.
dr|z3d flu's got me floored. will be back later.
y2kboy23 the clients and i2ptunnels files match upstream i2p
y2kboy23 Feel better!
parabol dr|z3d: you got a flu huh?
T3s|4 dr|z3d: thanks - and hope you feel better soon
parabo itsjustme
dr|z3d hi NarratorZ
parabo dr|z3d: how you felling my man?
dr|z3d shit, parabo
dr|z3d but slightly less shit than yesterday.
parabo that's good
parabo Everyone at my work is sick
parabo like I was sick at work last night, but I didn't go home. Half our crew called in sick
NarratorZ hi dr|z3d
dr|z3d all good over there, NarratorZ?
dr|z3d did you notice the recent updates to the sidebar, NarratorZ?
NarratorZ already updated
dr|z3d yeah, I'm asking if you noticed the sidebar changes? :)
NarratorZ Collapsible sidebar?
dr|z3d that's the one :)
NarratorZ Ah, the last time I was online - about a week ago we talked about this
NarratorZ Wow, more information
dr|z3d ah, don't mind me then :)
NarratorZ Sooner or later, the collapsed sidebar will become the default sidebar;-)
NarratorZ This looks much better than the default text message
dr|z3d you might be right :)
dr|z3d more information density, less need to scroll to see everything. that's the basic idea.
Reinhilde *** dies ***
dr|z3d you may also be noticed much lower Job lag in the latest builds, less than a millisecond.
dr|z3d *noticing
NarratorZ Indeed, the performance improvement is obvious!
NarratorZ I also noticed that the number of medium and high speed nodes in the network is steadily increasing
NarratorZ It's a good sign
dr|z3d those will increase relative to your known routers, and there's a huge influx of known routers at various points.
NarratorZ The i2p-metrics data I looked
NarratorZ Not my own router
dr|z3d i2p-metrics?
dr|z3d oh, the site you mean.
XANA Umm so MuWire is dead?
dr|z3d what up XANA
dr|z3d muwire isn't being actively developed but someone may yet step up.
XANA I seen some dev drama happened
dr|z3d well, yeah, zlatinb has departed.
XANA will need prebuild MuWire then
XANA or find alternative
NarratorZ postman's tracker(
NarratorZ or freenet over i2p :(
XANA dr|z3d, anything new happened when I was off?
XANA wow 366 kb's speed of torrent :D
parabo dr|z3d: eggs
parabo itsjustme
parabo what happened to itsjustme?
itsjustme Hey parabo
parabol itsjustme:
parabol i missed you
dr|z3d new is SSU2, XANA. new is new stuff in I2P+.
parabol itsjustme: what you doing?
itsjustme Hey parabo
itsjustme How are you parabol?
itsjustme You missed me? I didn't go anywhere:)
itsjustme I missed you <3
itsjustme Not to much. Just working. You?
parabo Just enjoying holiday time off work
XANA dr|z3d, how do I know if I use SSU2?
y2kboy23 dr|z3d I think found a way to re-create the issue. When running the router with a share ratio of 10%, then webpages/IRC2P stop communicating. Increasing this to say, 20%, improves this.
y2kboy23 With a well integrated router, participating traffic seems to starve out bandwidth for client traffic.
dr|z3d interesting, y2kboy23
dr|z3d better to leave share at 90% and either set bandwidth to whatever's available and then limit part tunnels, or just set upstream b/w lower and leave at 90%. the former I'd recommend.
dr|z3d router.maxParticipatingTunnels=2000 for example.
parabo dr|z3d
dr|z3d parabo: sort your ports you douche.
y2kboy23 I have a data cap so I'm reducing to have a bit more control over usage
parabo dr|z3d: I can't
parabo ISP blocks all P2P traffic
parabo it's not the ports, I actually tried seperate ports for TCP/UDP like you suggested
dr|z3d y2kboy23: ok, whatever works.
dr|z3d parabo: what about running wireguard and punting all your i2p traffic out to your vps?
y2kboy23 dr|z3d I reduced my upstream and increased my share ratio. Let's see if that improves things.
dr|z3d 10 4, y2kboy23
dr|z3d you probably want to ensure you can update if you haven't done that already. SSU2 fixes coming thick and fast lately.
parabo dr|z3d: I don't feel like messing with that
parabo sounds like a lot of trouble, I'm struggling to learn and become pro at Mac
dr|z3d it's what you've got a vps for, parabo.
dr|z3d why would it be a lot of trouble?
parabo To learn WireGuard, to configure VPS and maintain it more actively
dr|z3d wireguard on both ends, you'll get a virtual nic you can then pipe traffic through. there are some simple UIs to configure it these days.
parabo dr|z3d: I bought a Asus VivoBook 14 Flip, with i7 11th gen quad core 4.6ghz and 8Gb 4766mhz RAM, Iris Xe graphics, 512Gb SSD, 14" touch screen. converts to tablet
parabo For $210
parabo from a friend
dr|z3d good price.
parabo the $210 is 3 months of his cell phone bill which comes on my bill, because he has no credit
parabo so he's giving me the laptop and I pay $68 per month for 3 months
parabo it's worth $700 new
parabo on amazon
parabo I need a gaming laptop
y2kboy23 dr|z3d So far so good. Even turned snark back on. pages are still loading and IRC is still connected. One downstream issue is snark setups its limits based on the router bandwidth. I had to manually adjust to account for the switch.
dr|z3d y2kboy23: snark has a default fairly conservative upload speed, but the max download speed should be as fast as you've configured the router's down b/w
y2kboy23 snark is even connecting to most peers too. So that's the issue, in that low share ratio, things just act like the pipe is congested
dr|z3d you'll notice there's no explict config option for download speed in snark.
dr|z3d (only upload speed)
y2kboy23 I did see that. I did ask, but was wondering why it wasn't there
y2kboy23 didnt*
dr|z3d it just assumes you want to download as fast as you've configured your max d/l speeds to be.
y2kboy23 That's a very good assumption
dr|z3d not everything needs an explicit config button or checkbox :)
y2kboy23 very true statement
dr|z3d you can now access the debug feature in i2psnark by hovering under the start/stop button in the table footer.
dr|z3d (a green bug should appear)
y2kboy23 Ohhh!!!
y2kboy23 That's awesome!!
y2kboy23 So, I think that's a bug that I found out. Especially since a first install of i2p will do a bandwidth test, so I'm sure I'm not the only one who limits data but reducing the share ratio
y2kboy23 Just not sure if its here or upstream i2p
dr|z3d i2p+ doesn't force the new install wizard on users, you have to select that from the homepage.
dr|z3d it's like a problem both with upstream and i2p+ if indeed it's a bug.
dr|z3d *likely
y2kboy23 I had 5% on vanilla i2p. I think that's what I was experiencing back when I first switched to -6 too.
y2kboy23 It just acts congested when the share ratio is very low
y2kboy23 Things are so much better right now.
dr|z3d that's good to hear.
dr|z3d hopefully you'll now have a chance to poke around i2p+ and enjoy it, rather than battling with it :)
parabo dr|z3d: I am getting a PC
y2kboy23 dude, I literally felt like I was in a fight trying to get the dang thing to work
y2kboy23 and then I was trying to narrow down why, when I'm not very familiar with the inner workings
parabo dr|z3d: how you recovering from that flu?