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y2kboy23 dr|z3d I've been curious. My Fast and high capacity peers don't seems to change . It that to be expected?
dr|z3d running i2p or i2p+ y2kboy23?
dr|z3d well, the profiler relies on inbound client traffic to assess the b/w of your peers, so without that there's not much for it to go on.
dr|z3d I2P+ uses another metric, and has a higher max value for both, which results in a lot more cycling of fast/high cap peers, regardless of client traffic.
dr|z3d that metric being tunnel test latency.
y2kboy23 Okay. I haven't really been having issues but those numbers never change. So I became curious.
dr|z3d you're talking about the count, or the peer ids?
y2kboy23 Can I see the ids for each of those categories?
dr|z3d there's a maximum for each. lower in i2p.
dr|z3d you can see the router ids on /profiles
dr|z3d for example, for fast peers I think i2p sets the limit at something like 79? so maybe you're maxed out.
dr|z3d i2p will also profile everything your router comes into contact with. i2p+, otoh, only profiles peers that qualify for use in local (client) tunnels.
y2kboy23 My Fast is 24.
dr|z3d oh, snap. almost. 241 here right now :)
y2kboy23 Profiles shows thresholds and I'm above those. It's probably working fine, I was just curious.
dr|z3d those thresholds don't mean much, not a great indicator of anything tbh.
dr|z3d if you pull down a few torrents at high speed, then the speed threshold and speed profiles will start to give you a better idea of peer b/w potential.
dr|z3d another difference between i2p/i2p+ is the max percentage of local tunnels an individual peer can participate in. much lower in i2p+, which means a more diverse set of peers get used to build local tunnels with. if you look on /tunnels, you'll probably see individual peers appearing in manu tunnels.
dr|z3d these are just things to bear in mind when switching from one to the other, because they function a bit differently when you get passed the UI changes :)
y2kboy23 Well, I should probably work on the PR then :)
dr|z3d you probably should. expectations have been raised :)
dr|z3d I'm looking at the docker file in the repo. is it just a question of changing the repo address?
dr|z3d going to make some minor mods to the file here. port 4445 doesn't need to be exposed, but 7667 does.
y2kboy23 The from images should be 3.15. .16 onward has come comparability issues. Some of the metadata is for i2p too
dr|z3d ok. can we specify openjdk-19 there?
y2kboy23 Alpine only has 17
dr|z3d 17 it is then!
y2kboy23 There are other images but that's more of a move. Maybe not. But that would be a bit of research.
y2kboy23 Do you have the ability with gitlab to build and upload to docker hub?
dr|z3d let's stick with the existing dockerfile for now. if that works then maybe we can get more adventurous later.
dr|z3d not sure about gitlab, not something I've investigated. possible, either with gitlab or guthub I'm guessing.
dr|z3d Use Docker to build Docker images all tiers
dr|z3d You can use GitLab CI/CD with Docker to create Docker images. For example, you can create a Docker image of your application, test it, and publish it to a container registry.
dr|z3d nothing groundbreaking, added the open sans font package I mentioned previously.
dr|z3d to get everything working via CI on gitlab looks like a rabbit hole.
dr|z3d still, instructions are there. not something I want to dive into right now.
dr|z3d sup Reinhilde
Reinhilde not much
Reinhilde being a weir d vixen
dr|z3d another rabbit hole!
y2kboy23 dr|z3d There are lots of those. CI is probably the way to go. Setting it up might take a bit of research
dr|z3d yeah, CI is probably the way, ultimately. maybe initially something simpler can be done on docker hub.
dr|z3d or maybe the initial config is done on docker hub and then it'll do some magic and spit out a github CI script. seems it's quite tightly integrated with github.
y2kboy23 I would think gitlab would have an easy way to. Docker hub is the go to spot for images and what most people do.
y2kboy23 GitHub should be easy too. I just think it's a yaml file and then set it up on the repo settings
dr|z3d yeah, either github or gitlab seem possible. now, assuming hub.docker don't refuse to send emails to, I should have a validated account if i2pmail forwards the mail.
dr|z3d I've had this before. takes hours for a mail to come in.
dr|z3d or it never arrives.
y2kboy23 Gitlab has a template for building and publishing to their own registry. It really does matter where, just somewhere and then can update the docker docs for it.
dr|z3d well, without a confirmation mail from hub.docker I'm stuck.
dr|z3d besides, this is your mini-project :)
y2kboy23 I'll see if I can get it setup on my fork and then can walk you through it, if needed.
dr|z3d ok, thanks.
dr|z3d in theory all that's needed is a gitlab ci file.
paraBO dr|z3d
paraBO itsjustme
Reinhilde paraBO, have you washed
paraBO washed?
paraBO Reinhilde: I make automotive parts
paraBO I'm a machine operator
Reinhilde interdasting.
Reinhilde you had BO capitalized, wondered if it was about body odour
parabo Reinhilde: It was typpo
parabo Reinhilde: How's life?
Reinhilde life just is
parabo You should go out and hit the town
Reinhilde No I shouldn't
parabo why not?
Reinhilde I'm autistic, are you mad?
parabo obviously
Reinhilde RL socializing is a minefield, plus covid is still a thing
Reinhilde Bonnie lied, people are dying
parabo I've had covid so many times I forget how many times
parabo I'm immune compromised so i get it easy
parabo Reinhilde: sudo everything
Reinhilde *** throws a molotov at parabo ***
parabo but I said to
parabo T3s|4_: sudo everything
Reinhilde parabo, printf '%s\n' "#!/bin/sh" "exec echo lol" > /bin/everything; chmod +x /bin/everything
Reinhilde actually idk if exec echo would work if echo is a shell builtin
itsjustme hey parabo
dr|z3d blngq: on /configclients if you stop the SAM application bridge you should be able to edit the class and arguments and modify the tcp port.
dr|z3d sorry, not port, ip address.
dr|z3d best leave the ports alone unless you need to change those.
blngq thnks
dr|z3d sure thing!
blngq I have i2p running on a vps but uses the proxy through wg
dr|z3d presumably you're on java i2p, blngq?
dr|z3d well you have a couple of options. ssh -L is one.
blngq so it has to be
blngq Any links to documentation?
dr|z3d you can also expose SAM via a server tunnel and connect to it over a local i2p instance.
dr|z3d for SSH?
blngq no for i2pchat
blngq oh so I have to run i2p locally in order use i2pchat?
blngq cant i specfy like IP= in the config file?
dr|z3d in i2pchat's settings, check network -> SAM Host IP.
blngq ohh I see
blngq thats the prob for seg faults whenever I try to access settings
dr|z3d that, in combination with the address configured in your remote i2p instance should be enough to make it work.
dr|z3d oh, what version are you running?
dr|z3d and did you make any modifications to the source before you built, assuming you built?
blngq v0.2.36
blngq no mods
dr|z3d ok. well, in the application.ini file SamHost= is what you want to change while i2pchat isn't running.
blngq ok, thanks I'll do that right away
dr|z3d 0.2.37 is also probably worth building if you can.
dr|z3d the settings, anyways, can mostly be configured via that file.
dr|z3d you can also try updating your installed Qt version.
blngq okay, is there any docs on what parameters there are in general?
blngq I just built it with the git clone version, and settings worked
dr|z3d no, but they should be self-explanatory if you look at the application.ini file. mostly people configure via the UI settings when it doesn't segfault.
dr|z3d aha, there you go. you're winning.
blngq Thats my bad
blngq I read it wrong
dr|z3d live and learn :)
dr|z3d the main thing is you can now access the settings. so it's all good.
blngq i built the one that says for qt <5.14
blngq Yes, thats the good part
blngq 1 sec, I will be down
blngq its up
dr|z3d great. so working as you wanted then?
blngq dr|z3d: one last do I add ppl?
blngq yup :)
dr|z3d they supply their destination or destination web address.
dr|z3d and then you paste it into the box that displays when you hit the + icon in the toolbar.
blngq IHqIqo~PyJrb-HEPoXQNtE1AchkqXW4WVKQE3xV6gy8EVDzStctLxyKbWOQGjJ2-isjhA5y-B79eIsfxurhUZLv71VoupR6v35-vmtkzkUscHYgH3aM2W3bmVFK~97PaxVOL8bHp3BBg5XJ~qYdD0Wxzz4hRta7oJH8Y9uWOOTcapYTQsgObRfDAbbPUVKBPP6InHXQRaHWSafhO01u5ZFl60Fs~dMO8lP7UUJv-ORMfrRXgwLpedwfun9bv3sl2dyGRDE0Z4m2iLoeyhGRLA1CtoQfmUKaZ7~
blngq NCWJm0JLjWghut0JUsiOvr7teFlaDYLIpuIeiYuf9pU2TAvSO9qZe95IVSymmDGSksdB1Jwd5odooa1y0Klhjob1NFjecOWFoaWpr9F58PJcrv8p7wrVhHPOTvB3jd2j~lP1JtrgPvFMMGBjpDjscKnmBeLiz8Rn6NSvvgaiAWPpMoy0uv9CUy4COWrYIsUCg9feSi5WmYHAPVW6~ZKggYJpuUrybRBQAEAAcAAA==
dr|z3d you don't need to exchange dests both ways, 1 way is enough.
blngq ok thats awesome
dr|z3d you should have a web address you can post that makes it easier to share with people over irc.
blngq 1 sec
dr|z3d and you can edit that page using the template supplied on gitlab, keeping the [variables] intact.
blngq I forgot how to do this
blngq its in webconsole right?
dr|z3d single file, index.html -> ~/.i2pchat/www/
dr|z3d should be in settings if you're online.
dr|z3d settings -> security.
blngq 0blngq.i2p
dr|z3d no, you want the b32 address in settings -> security.
blngq so 0blngq.i2p wont resolve?
dr|z3d there you go. that makes it easy to share you chat dest with other users.
dr|z3d is it registered?
dr|z3d and I wouldn't use a registered hostname for chat, in any event.
dr|z3d you can just put the dest on a webserver page if that's what you want.
blngq 0blngq.i2p yes
dr|z3d website unknown. doesn't matter anyways. hostname for content, i2pchat b32 if you just want to share your dest.
blngq okay, I'll just use the b32 then
Reinhilde b32s are useful if you can't be arsed to go to the registrar to get added to the hosts system
Reinhilde why are we still running on hosts? why isn't there a dark DNS?
Reinhilde (of course the endpoint hosts would need to be long text strings representing the b64 target; I suggest finding a DNS record that is presently nonexistent)
dr|z3d we're talking about i2pchat destinations, for which a hostname isn't required.
parabo dr|z3d
dr|z3d parabo: sort your ports you douche!
parabo dr|z3d: I can't because ISP