IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dr|z3d heyhey itsjustme
itsjustme Hey dr|z3d!
dr|z3d all good/
itsjustme Yeah all good here. Tired but good. HBU?
dr|z3d not bad, thanks
itsjustme How's i2p+ going?
dr|z3d great, lots of new stuff happening there. :)
dr|z3d speaking of..
dr|z3d I2P+ 2.0.0-7+ now on /dev/ .. max bandwidth share now increased to 480Mbps if you have a beefy enough system (3GB ram min for JVM, min 6 cores/threads).
dr|z3d been working on "collapsibles", itsjustme
dr|z3d screenshot there.
itsjustme Oh that looks really nice:)
dr|z3d thanks.. that shows the panels collapsed. they have dual states now.
Reinhilde collapsimobbles
itsjustme Hey Reinhilde
parabol dr|z3d: I got promoted today
parabol I am primary machine operator, machine technician apprentice, and now I work 7 days a week with no limits on optional overtime
parabol so I just spent $17,000 on
dr|z3d woohoo!
dr|z3d expect apple to deprive you of that host with no compensation real soon now, parabol
parabol dr|z3d: It doesn't matter
parabol $17,000 is like... I dunnop
parabol not much
dr|z3d where's my 32core colo?
dr|z3d rambler's got some great colo deals.
parabol colo?
dr|z3d co-located server.
parabol I do have SOME of the AGI hardware and setup. it was based in reality at first
parabol the last part that it was real and unimagined, I had upgraded from the 5.8 mil system to a 23 mil cluster and was broke
dr|z3d joking aside, if you need VPS facilities,
dr|z3d very solid packages those. well-priced, not-oversold, great bandwidth and legendary customer support.
parabol I am using
parabol But I have my own hosting
parabol I have 18 server racks of hardware, most in storage
dr|z3d bah, linode. expensive.
parabol lol, expensive
parabol it's quality man
parabol You get what you pay for
parabol and I got a negotiation going on for the Apple 2022 signing keys and toolchains
dr|z3d and sometimes you pay far for what you get.
dr|z3d *far more
parabol I pay for what I get
parabol Well, that's fine
dr|z3d incognet is quality. they're not namecheap.
parabol I want to stay with Linode.
parabol I have tried many other providers. I want premium
dr|z3d I remember Linode. They sting you for overage.
parabol 2 months ago I had no money and asked for a 14 day extension to pay my bill... $90 bill, waived because I asked to push it forward and they say I was obviously a good customer
dr|z3d And their data caps ain't special.
parabol sting?
parabol they allow overage if you request it
parabol also they accept GPUs as payment
parabol I have $1800 credit because I sold them 8 RTX 8000s
parabol I used most of the credit hosting a honeypot of GAN2 generated "child porn"
parabol So it wasn't child porn, it was images tricking the brain into thinking it was child porn, trained without any child porn, but with non sexual child nudity combined with real adult porn
dr|z3d well, whatever suits. if you wnat to put some of that vps bandwidth to good use, I2P+ now supports up to 480Mb/s shared.
parabol I don't want to put it to good use
parabol I want to use it to push things around
parabol dr|z3d: I have 0.19 BTC
dr|z3d useless. just useless. money coming out your ears and doing nothing handy with it.
parabol Money... you mean, that thing that i can make any way or time I want, and that I have enough of invested that I can live without working?
parabol dr|z3d: Non imaginary this time, I got engaged
parabol tonight
dr|z3d I thought you were already married.
parabol Most of the world allows Muslims to have 4 wives
dr|z3d you're too much, parabol.
parabol dr|z3d: I am not going to be with the African wife
parabol and the Iranian wives were imaginary
parabol which makes you wonder... why was there so much fucked up if it was my fantasy?
parabol although... I am a glutton for punishment
dr|z3d you know that story about the boy that cries wolf..
parabol But I am on LSD right now]
dr|z3d you're him. after a while nothing you say is even faintly credible.
parabol so you can definitely rely on what I say
parabol Well, I have been trying to repair that
parabol rather than be lying and be a new person, I am trying to repair what the mental health combined with mental health stigma and general belief I was trolling
parabol I don't want to run away from the mess I caused. I expect it to take years to build myself back up
parabol but a 15 year old girl getting engaged to an older guy in Islam, when she grew up in Afghanistan, seems pretty normal. Although now every islamic state has banned child brides. But unlike the fantasy wives, this is a no sex not even kissing until Marrige. AFTER SHE IS DONE UNIVERSITY
dr|z3d 40M/s parabo.
parabol what about 40M/s?
dr|z3d participating traffic.
dr|z3d that's 40MB, not megabits.
parabol Well, I don't have bandwidth to share
parabol I'm on a linode
parabol My home internet sucks. I'm getting 5G unlimited data tomorrow
parabol from my ISP
dr|z3d that's what's been happening lately on a router.
parabol Well, my router is set to 372kb up/down
dr|z3d I'd have thought you'd want to best that just for bragging rights.
parabol Well I'm different on LSD. self aware. I start typing out some nonsense bullshit and catch myself and rewrite it to be honest and true
parabol I'm on 12 hits of LSD, and they are 2.5 recreational dose per tab
dr|z3d 40MB/s on a quad core vps, ryzen9 @ ~ 3.7Ghz, 3GB allocated to the JVM.
dr|z3d that's your target.
dr|z3d 40MB/s more or less saturates 4 cores.
dr|z3d parabol loves a technical challenge. *chuckle*
dr|z3d for the full 480Mb/s from your i2p+ router, you need min 6 cores, 3GB ram.
dr|z3d *allocated to jvm
dr|z3d still, if you're on the latest build +-, you can test what your router can theoretically be configured for. used to be around 220Mb/s max.
parabo I could, but I won't
dr|z3d if you make upstream b/w 99999 it'll report the max.
dr|z3d I remember when you were sponsoring the Linode vps the 2MB/s
dr|z3d (on the i2p+ router)
dr|z3d at that time it was a big deal, and the router had to be b/w limited to prevent overage. fun times.
parabo dr|z3d: I was, yes, for a while I had migrated it to my own server, but then back to linode
dr|z3d now we're chasing in excess of 40MB/s
parabo The funny thing about my deceptions to others, was I believed them. I suspect, that there is multiple personality issues in play, and one that I do not notice or feel, is a compulsive liar, but my consciousness that you know, believes that liar
parabol dr|z3d itsjustme albat LxGHTNxN1 StormyCloud
dr|z3d parabol: sort your ports you douche.
parabol dr|z3d: I have a new ISP
dr|z3d are you firewalled?
parabol I am getting a 250Mbit up/down with static IP and no NAT or uPNP or firewall, unlimited data, for $50, today
parabol I don't have the dual sim 5G router/modem yet
dr|z3d oh, great. you'll be able to push i2p+ a bit harder then on that connection.
parabol Also, I ordered... Everything on with the highest specs
parabol and after I told her I have $17k in my cart but I want an Apple Watch, and you look at App Store, Apple services, and products bought in the last 3 months, you're looking at over 35k, you can't give me a $1399 watch for free? And you don't finance it. And there's no way I can pay for it tomorrow when the bank opens because I am maxing out my credit card and get paid in the morning but I have 8am pic
parabol kup for same day courier and she's like no you have to pay the full price... I said, well... I can pay less than the full price, over 24 months equal payments no interest, and get a 6gb data line for 2 years, combined I will pay less than buying from you, and you will get carrier's OEM/BULK price instead of what I can pay you at 10am
parabol So I have a LOT of new stuff coming
parabol new MacBook Pro 13" 32Gb RAM, 512Gb SSD, and I ordered from Amazon coming by 10pm a touch screen membrane with very sleek little dongle for bluetooth and it charges from the magnetic induction.
parabol I need to go pick up my new iPhones
parabol I have to pick up about 80 sim cards, and register about 40 esims now
parabol dr|z3d: I have officially bought everything from Apple that I will need in 2022
dr|z3d where's my co-located server, parabol? 32 threads is fine :)
parabol dr|z3d: you can't have it
dr|z3d y2kboy23: i2p or i2p+ for the snark issue?
dr|z3d it sounds like standard i2p.
dr|z3d whichever, prevailing network conditions may be the issue, nothing more. nothing in the post-install dev work that should impact snark's performance per se.
dr|z3d and be careful with mesh, he means well but isn't the full ticket. :)
y2kboy23 Should I open a ticket on gitlab? I was hoping idk or zzz might see what I was reporting
dr|z3d no, don't bother. it's probably just a transient network issue.
y2kboy23 The tunnel data usage on the tunnels page was way wrong.
y2kboy23 That was my alarm bell when I saw it.
dr|z3d the disparity between torrent data transferred and tunnel usage is likely due to all the cross-talk with the various peers and trackers.
dr|z3d if there's some sort of network congestion at play, snark may well be more chatty than usual.
y2kboy23 But 15GB worth of just talking?
y2kboy23 That's a liberal number too
dr|z3d has the router been up a while?
y2kboy23 At most a day when I saw that
y2kboy23 I just restarted the container when I attempted to back down to 2.0 release.
dr|z3d and many torrents in snark?
y2kboy23 There was 1 earlier that just seemed slowe than usual. I abandoned and tried another and same thing. Both in total would have been 10 GB.
dr|z3d so if you abandoned ie deleted a torrent, and then re-added it..
dr|z3d Blinded message
y2kboy23 Lifetime now says 68/44 GB. It's been on for 40 mins.
dr|z3d well, I doubt it's any consolation, but I'm not sensing anything's particularly wrong other than maybe network conditions being sub-optimal. you can always try enabling some snark logging on /configlogging to get some insight into what's going on.
y2kboy23 122/64 now.
y2kboy23 I'll track back tracking to 2.0 to see if it behaves the same.
dr|z3d if that's solely non-torrent data, then it's a bit strange.
y2kboy23 Most of it has to be.
y2kboy23 It's a 4gb torrent.
y2kboy23 Adding to exploration tunnels did help
y2kboy23 Regarding speed.
T3s|4_ y2kboy23: you could always `mv ~/.i2p/i2psnark ~/.i2p/i2psnark-FuBar, then restart i2p, with only the problematic torrent copied back into /.i2p/i2psnark/
T3s|4_ * ~/.i2p/i2psnark/
dr|z3d can also restart i2psnark from /configwebapps
dr|z3d if you do restart snark, stop, wait at least 10 seconds, then restart.
dr|z3d otherwise you run the risk of dupes appearing in the sidebar.
y2kboy23 and I'm back. Switched to 2.0-0. Same crazy accounting for the tunnel usage. So might be an older bug.
y2kboy23 Speeds are about what they used to be and connections are about what they should be. Connected with all seeds and most peers are connected down/up.
y2kboy23 The download time estimate is lower than I saw with -7 too. My routers uptime is 21 mins. I still think somethings off, but not sure I can prove it.
dr|z3d transient networking conditions I'd notch it up as.
y2kboy23 dr|z3d I'm wondering with all the SSU2 fixes. Maybe that's affecting connecting with those without.
y2kboy23 Since it was a development build
dr|z3d shouldn't do, if routers don't have SSU2, SSU1 is used, or NTCP2.
dr|z3d and the dev build fixes mitigate issues otherwise present in non-dev builds, so it's improvements all round.
dr|z3d you can always disable SSU2 if you want to test, but that will mark your router out as a bit special.
dr|z3d you can also disable SSU1 in dev builds. I haven't see that have much of an overall impact here.
albat SSU2 is a transport thing?
albat (hi dr|z3d)
dr|z3d no, albat, it's your mom. hi albat!
dr|z3d besides, you asked the same question before.
dr|z3d yes, transport. I think I linked the blog post which is/was in your console news section.
albat forgot :/
y2kboy23 Thanks for the help dr|z3d. I'll probably switch back to dev shortly and keep an eye on it. There definitely is an accounting but on the tunnels page tho.
dr|z3d np, y2kboy23. if you're convinced there's a bug in the math on /tunnels, feel free to file a bug.
y2kboy23 dr|z3d There definitely is. It has now dropped down in value.
y2kboy23 dr|z3d I switched back to the -7 dev build. Uptimes 20 mins. The torrent only has 3 connections. Considerably slower than the non dev build. I'm just switching the docker image from my end. Everything else remains the same.
dr|z3d that is strange, y2kboy23. not something I can explain in terms of dev commits.
dr|z3d that said, there are some SSU2 bugs which zzz is working through. maybe build -8 now it's available. fixes stuff.
y2kboy23 When I switched, it downloaded the latest version.
dr|z3d -8 has only just gone up.
y2kboy23 What level is logging is the most chatty? I might try to investigate there if I can identify anything
y2kboy23 Or an acceptable amount of chattiness?
dr|z3d real depends on the class you're logging, for some, warn is about as much detail as you'd normally want, for other classes, info or debug might be required to get the info you're after.
dr|z3d you'd want to do that per class, not globally.
dr|z3d definitely not info or deug globally. you can kiss goodbye to router perf if you do that :)
dr|z3d *debug
y2kboy23 I found a Snark class. Switched to Info for the time being.
y2kboy23 Im still at 4 connections. 30 min uptime. It's a noticeable difference in performance
y2kboy23 There's definitely more peers available to seed to
dr|z3d there's a hidden debug mode in snark, not sure how useful it'll be, but still.
y2kboy23 That's overwhelming. I'm not sure of what everything means on there anyways.
dr|z3d yeah, it's not intended for us mere mortals. :)
y2kboy23 Ohh, I was looking at DHT. I know what it is, but not sure of the protocol specifics
dr|z3d ah, DHT is definitely overwhelming. and mostly useless.
dr|z3d in I2P+ we do away with that huge DHT block.
dr|z3d the more torrents you have running, the more peers in your DHT is a general rule of thumb, but the DHT gets cleared quite frequently, so don't be surprised if you don't have many.
dr|z3d I should also probably mention that I2P+ does a few things with snark to increase overall performance, especially when you have a few torrents running, or a torrent with a large swarm. or both.
dr|z3d but I guess if you manage to get an I2P+ docker image up you'll discover that soon enough :)
y2kboy23 Speaking of, I got it to build. Haven't tried it out yet
dr|z3d oh, great. now might be a good time to take it for a whirl :)
y2kboy23 Was going to duplicate my existing config to a new folder and try it out independent of my current router.
dr|z3d sure, not a bad plan initially, though the configs should be interchangeable between the two.
y2kboy23 True. I'd like to have a backup to go back to.
dr|z3d with all that said, a new I2P+ install is generally recommended if you want all the install-time enhancements that don't come with updates.
dr|z3d default susidns subscriptions, default server/client tunnel configs etc.