IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo itsjustme
itsjustme Hey parabo
parabo what are you up to?
itsjustme Not much. Just ate. You?
dr|z3d hoping that I've got all the minor sidebar glitches and issues fixed now in the latest /dev/ build. please test extensively (having firefox's developer tools -> console view open helps identify js issues) and report back if you find any problems. thanks!
dr|z3d don't forget to ctrl+shift+r in the console view in your web browser post-update!
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: any build server issues ATM? I've been stuck at 11.25 MiB/11.37 MiB for ~30 mins
T3s|4_ and my other laptop is reporting no update available
dr|z3d might have encountered a restart, T3s|4_. old leaseset.
dr|z3d hang back, new build coming shortly.
T3s|4_ k, np
dr|z3d ordinarily if you get a disconnect in the middle of an update, router should retry enough times to pick up where it left off.
dr|z3d these section header badges are proving a little tricky to get right so they correctly update. hopefully the next build will put the issue to rest. testing locally before I upload.
dr|z3d one little typo and *poof* the whole thing falls apart!
dr|z3d re no update available, T3s|4_, a positive result from '~/i2p/eephead skank.i2p/' will force an update to be detected when you check.
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d sup p
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d T3s|4_: also be aware that your update bar might not be updating.. try a manual refresh.. :)
dr|z3d instead of iterating over all the possible refreshable elements in the sidebar, we now have to check each on individually and also check if it's currently collapsed. more complexity.. so the refresh sidebar javascript had to be somewhat redone.
parabo dr|z3d
dr|z3d parabo: you can help test the new sidebar feature if you like. you'll probably enjoy it.
parabo is it gangster shit?
dr|z3d most def.
parabo I'm going to be honest. I think I'm on too much acid
dr|z3d you've got the /dev/ branch configured on /configupdate no? if so, just hit check for updates and download and deploy. easy. probably easier on acid :D
parabo it says I have the latest. it's set to update every 12 hours
parabo what are we testing?
parabo i expect some straight up gangster shit
dr|z3d if it's updating every 12 hours you're missing stuff, parabo.
parabo i did a manual update check and it said up to date
parabo so fuck your family I'll murder them
dr|z3d testing the sidebar section toggles.. hover over a sidebar heading and you'll see.. sometimes it'll say up to date if it can't get the leaseset. anyways.. sidebar section headings
dr|z3d T3s|4: possible bug with the update refresh. on it.
parabo there's tooltips
parabo and they are cool
dr|z3d not tooltips you plank. collapsibles.
dr|z3d try a ctrl+shift+r
parabo you mean cmd+shift+r
parabo control is a different key on apple
dr|z3d yeah, whatever tim cook tells you.
parabo I'll tell you myself!
parabo I don't know what i'll tell you, but it'll be something
T3s|4 dr|z3d: I managed to d/l your latest build and restart on one laptop. However, the other laptop is still reporting no update available, but it's running -3+ from 3 Dec
dr|z3d T3s|4: ~/i2p/eephead skank.i2p until you get a response. then check again.
T3s|4 hard refreshes seem to have no effect
dr|z3d oh, they will, mostly with respect to the javascript, which obviously you won't see.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: thanks, the update finally showed up, grabbing it now
AmyMalik parabo: please try to calm your tits.
dr|z3d *thumbs up* T3s|4
parabol AmyMalik: about what?
AmyMalik This Ctrl/Cmd guff.
dr|z3d sidebar section toggler in action -> skank.i2p/SectionToggler.png
T3s|4 dr|z3d: ^indeed, do you have any room to add a Collapse All and Expand All button(s)?
dr|z3d I could probably find the space, T3s|4, but I'm not convinced that it's needed.
dr|z3d It's more likely that you'll find your own custom config and then mostly leave it that way except when you want more info on a specific section.
dr|z3d all good, NarratorZ?
dr|z3d if you hadn't yet noticed, new /dev/ builds of I2P+ now feature collapsible sections for the sidebar.
NarratorZ every thing is ok,I temporarily switched back to windows, it really sucks
dr|z3d oh, windows. yeah, sucks :|
dr|z3d windows will be a subscription service like office365 soon enough.
NarratorZ when I finished qubes os vga passthrough ,windows can be uninstalled
dr|z3d perfect :)
NarratorZ Subscription windows , that sounds realy suck, but I use the enterprise version of LTSB
dr|z3d it will be really suck. :)
NarratorZ Microsoft, don't expect me to pay you a dime.:-/
dr|z3d they already force new install win11 home users to create an online login to access their LOCAL pc.
dr|z3d what they should do is spin up their own linux distro. but I don't see that happening any time soon.
NarratorZ According to windows' intergenerational failure law, win11 is dead
NarratorZ Yes, if windows becomes a linux desktop may be very interesting
dr|z3d I don't think it's alive yet!
dr|z3d a ridiculously over-hyped, under-delivered OS if ever there was one.
dr|z3d they rounded off the edges of windows, broke the start menu and task bar, and proclaimed "Windows 11 is shipping!"
NarratorZ The ENCOM company in tron:legacy is so similar to the current Microsoft
dr|z3d I'll take your word for it :)
NarratorZ Unfortunately I had to run my game on windows - using wine would just make the launcher memory leak
NarratorZ Shortly I still can't leave the double boot:'(
dr|z3d if that's all you're using it for, then I wouldn't worry. Windows does sometimes do better than Wine/Linux for games.
NarratorZ I saw that, and the collapsed sidebar does look great.
NarratorZ update now;-)
dr|z3d there might still be a few glitches to iron out, let me know if you find anything not functioning as expected.
NarratorZ Ah, how do I enable the collapsed sidebar? (
T3s|4 dr|z3d: noted, and np
dr|z3d NarratorZ: ctrl+shift+r in your browser.
dr|z3d then hover over a sidebar section heading. you can probably work it out from there :)
NarratorZ ah,I see
T3s|4 NarratorZ: one section at a time ;)
NarratorZ Needs to be folded manually
dr|z3d that's the idea :)
dr|z3d collapsed sections will remain collapsed until you decide otherwise. even if you restart the router.
NarratorZ Looks great! No more flipping to the bottom of the page to read it all
dr|z3d glad you like it. and yeah, that's the idea, keep all the important info on screen.
dr|z3d it's something I've contemplated doing for quite a while.
T3s|4 dr|z3d: well, your costly brain speculation cycles paid off to the benefit of all :D
dr|z3d * all I2P+ users. sadly not for I2P or i2pd users :)
dr|z3d if postman's download count is anything to go by, seems to be picking up steam.
T3s|4 great!
parabo itsjustme
itsjustme hey parabo
parabol dr|z3d: wyd
parabo I haz znc
parabo dr|z3d
AmyMalik treason to king and country to defend king and country
parabo hi AmyMalik
AmyMalik run six of them at a time in pthreads for improved performance
parabol itsjustme
itsjustme Hey parabol
parabol what are you doing?