IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo itsjustme
parabo not_bob !
not_bob I am here!
parabo How are you?
Molnija hello parabo!
not_bob tired
parabo Hi Mo1nja
parabo Oh you know, straight up gangster shit
not_bob Good.
not_bob I'm glad to hear that you are doing well.
parabo today, I received an iPhone, gangster. Ate a burger, Gangster. Urinated several times, gangster
parabo everything is gangster
itsjustme hey parabo
not_bob Perfect.
parabo baby yet not_bob ?
not_bob parabo: Just one, toddler now
not_bob Gets into everything.
parabo i know how that can be
Molnija parabo: it's an L, not an I
MOLNIJA this clearer?
parabo MOLNIJA
not_bob Yes, it's fun.
not_bob Makes me feel alive.
parabo Hey RN
parabo not_bob you still with the lady?
not_bob parabo: Yep
not_bob Culd not do the kid thing witout her.
RN you can mail order a baby kit.
RN but a womb is reqired
not_bob It is nice to have her around.
MOLNIJA doesn't matter who or what has the womb as long as it's a human womb
not_bob dinner!
not_bob later al!
RN :)
parabo bye not_bob
RN aloha NB
parabo RN: WHAT UP YOU?
RN not much, just chillin and tryin' to decide to go get more beer and smokes, or not.
parabo maybe just smokes?
parabo alcohol bad
RN nicotine bad too... in for a penny... in for a pound...
parabo I am also addicted to the nicotine
MOLNIJA it does seem as though some of the religious stuff stuck
parabo I am still muslim
parabo dr|z3d I have a suggestion
parabo dr|dr3
parabo be dr dr3
dr|z3d let's hear it, parabo..
dr|z3d oh, that's the suggestion?
dr|z3d there I was thinking you might have something vaguely serious to share.
MOLNIJA ushaosetuhsaoetuhsotehusatheousnthoseuh-ohi-eunstd-eutfslpyrcf-.lrct
MOLNIJA did I get /killed out
MOLNIJA ah, connection closed by peer
parabo that peer asshole
parabo always resetting our connections
MOLNIJA indeed
MOLNIJA absolute vituperation
parabo what that means?
MOLNIJA The act of vituperating; severely blaming or censuring.
MOLNIJA Criticism or invective that is sustained and overly harsh; abuse, severe blame or censure.
MOLNIJA from Wiktionary
parabo that actually doesn't help me understand that
MOLNIJA a vituperation could colloquially be an object that is worthy of vituperation
parabo that actually still doesn't clarify anything in my mind
MOLNIJA okay then
MOLNIJA DROP TABLES where TOPIC like 'absolute vituperation';
MOLNIJA one day I should write a Jabber client
parabo I wrote Hello World for iOS
MOLNIJA I should write a simple threaded chat program for PUC-Rio's IUP
MOLNIJA Threaded here meaning the OS concept
RN is your comment unrelated to vituperative dot gitub slash thingy?
MOLNIJA RN: it is related, but not relevant
RN hahahha
RN and thing
parabo This adds to the confusion
parabo I bought a bag of sour cream and onion chips
dr|z3d hold off on the /dev/ updates for the time being, still resolving the navigation for /peers with the new summary page.
dr|z3d OK, mostly sorted. I've decided to lose the "All Tranports" tab on /peers .. with a good number of connections active, that page bogs down the browser.
dr|z3d next up, toggle for auto-refresh on /peers pages.
dr|z3d and likely all over where we've got ajax refresh happening (in time).
dr|z3d ok, latest /dev/ build now has a toggle for auto-refresh for the tables on /peers
dr|z3d only active in the dark theme right now.
dr|z3d if you hover over the table heading for any of the 3 pages, you'll see an auto-refresh toggle.
dr|z3d feel free to let me know if it works :)
dr|z3d the ssu/ntcp counts are off, they're currently calculating for a 5 min span instead of 1 minute. will be fixed shortly.
parabo dr|z3d
parabo there's no Uber drivers around
dr|z3d oh noes!
parabo i want a cheeseburger
albat hi parabo :)
parabo hey albat :D
parabo how are you?
albat fine here, you?
dr|z3d ask albat. he'll fly one over to you on his nas.
parabo I'm good too
parabo albat, load that NAS up with cheeseburgers and head over
parabo you know cheeseburger hard drives can do 7RPM
parabo anything more than 7 and they fly apart
parabo albat
parabo I saw Iron Maiden live
parabo like 5 weeks ago
parabo it was funny because I was on LSD and I tripped and fell on the way to the concert so my hand was broken
parabo I told my friend I broke my hand, he's like so you need to go to the hospital? I'm like we'll go after the concert
albat yes?
albat ok lol
albat #albatmetal
albat your hands are ok now?
parabo i major
albat you are major?
parabo I'm parabo
albat why major did copy my chat? :/
parabo I dunno. it confused me
albat i only use albat nick
NarratorZ Good afternoon,everyone. the ssu tab on the peer page is missing
NarratorZ Remember to add it back in the next development build (
NarratorZ Here is the screenshot:http://cake.i2p/file/LF4hvCFK0k_miCkj70ItOKFtUSQG7v61YuS2qhek7_9AvZvLTZbj/%E6%88%AA%E5%9B%BE-2022-11-24-15-01-42.jpg
dr|z3d hey NarratorZ. can you check you've got the latest /dev/ build? give me a few, I'll run some tests here.
dr|z3d NarratorZ: I can't reproduce that issue here, are you sure you didn't disable SSY in your configs?
dr|z3d and can you make sure you have the latest dev build.
dr|z3d full styling and aut-refresh toggle only in the dark theme right now, btw, NarratorZ, the other themes will be coming later today.