IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
parabo dr|z3d
parabo itsjustme
parabo Ellenor
dr|z3d sup parabo, been a while.
dr|z3d you good?
parabo I have learned I do not know the difference between reality and opsec gone overboard
dr|z3d how was your meeting with Putin?
itsjustme hey parabo!
parabo That didn't happen dr|z3d. one of the opsec gone overboard effects
dr|z3d ah. no surprise there. you exited fantasy land. good :)
parabo I am working on getting better
dr|z3d only so much bullshit the channel can swallow :)
parabo I believe some combination of real events and opsec purpose bullshit took over my mind
dr|z3d hey ijm
parabo But, I'm a new me
parabo how is you itsjustme?
itsjustme I'm doing alright parabo :) how about you?
itsjustme Nice to see you back :)
parabo I'm, well I'm just fine
parabo I am a new me
itsjustme Hey dr|z3d
itsjustme A new you?
parabo I have exited fantasy land
parabo which was some strange psychological complex
dr|z3d nothing like parabo to wake the channel up, eh, ijm? :)
parabo the real problem I have now, is I am not sure what parts of my memory are based in reality and which aren't
parabo how have you guys been?
itsjustme Yeah dr|z3d :]
dr|z3d not bad, thanks, not bad, parabo
parabo I'm an apple guy now
parabo I am learning apple app dev
dr|z3d network kinda exploded while you were gone. in a good way.
dr|z3d oh dear
dr|z3d be a linux guy.
parabo but ML
dr|z3d in fact, be a java guy. :)
parabo Apple chips have neural processor cores
parabo and you know I hate java
parabo so network exploded... define exploded doc
itsjustme Lol dr|z3d
itsjustme I've been well parabo. Just chugging along
parabo I did some engineering at my last job
parabo it was cool
parabo I got to make changes to the blueprints and walk around finding things to improve on
parabo itsjustme: how's life?
itsjustme Good overall. I've mostly just been working and chasing a guy
dr|z3d just have a look around notbob.i2p or scanner.linuxfarm.i2p and you'll see, parabo, or run a recent I2P+ and check /home
parabo I have the developer build from the website link, just downloaded it
dr|z3d installer?
dr|z3d make sure you /configupdate to the /dev/ branch and update to -16+
parabo I had to use, wrapper and app launch icon both don't work
dr|z3d some fixes and ting in that build. installer's slightly older, because gitlab decided to monitor my CI minutes :|
dr|z3d runplain? for which OS?
parabo MacOS 13.0.1
dr|z3d oh, no idea about wrapper and that one.
parabo Well, works
dr|z3d good enough.
dr|z3d so get yourself on -16+
parabo so there's really no issue for anyone who knows enough to launch it
dr|z3d maybe that's something you can troubleshoot and suggest fixes for :)
parabo I suggest a launcher .app
dr|z3d maybe it requires compiling wrapper for arm.
parabo maybe
parabo I can enable Rosetta 2
dr|z3d well, you're developing on mac now, over to you :)
dr|z3d there's a native arm version, but not i2p+
parabo I'm learning to develop on mac, I am not developing yet
parabo I literally started learning today
dr|z3d I'm not sure how much perf you lose from running via rosetta2, but probably not much.
parabo probably not a notable amount
parabo it works like wine, except instead of API call translation at runtime it's binary format translation
parabo although I don't know if that acceleration would apply to a java app
dr|z3d so you're running I2P+ via rosetta2 now?
parabo no, I have OpenJDK 19
parabo I am running it through via zsh
dr|z3d oh, ok. so maybe it's just the wrapper wants to be natively compiled.
parabo probably
dr|z3d anyways, /configupdate, enable dev updates, and check /home
parabo I might even be able to enable rosetta2 for the wrapper
parabo but I'm still learning Mac skills
parabo I haven't used OSX since hackintosh was like a new thing
dr|z3d looks like native wrapper is available for arm.
dr|z3d you'd have to dig around and work out how to replace the current version, but you're a hacker, you'll sort it I'm sure :)
parabo I'll look at some point soon
parabo right now I'm relaxing to sleep
dr|z3d as you wish.
parabo I feel like, if I open the .app package, the wrapper can be set for Rosetta 3
dr|z3d no experience with Arm Macs, so you're on your own. If you come up with something that can be added to the repo, let me know.
parabo I may do that, no commitments
parabo Apple Silicon MacOS can run Intel MacOS binaries with Rosetta2
parabo but I am still learning this stuff
parabo it'll take years to be an expert in MacOS stuff
dr|z3d anyways, relax on /home .. that's the network explosion bit I mentioned earlier.
parabo I have the best medication ever
dr|z3d oh noes!
parabo I've been on LSD for like 2 weeks
parabo apparently me on LSD, is more like a normal person sober, than a normal person on LSD
dr|z3d funny
parabo Well, you can't get worse than I used to be
parabo So... yeah
dr|z3d oh, I'm sure you could exceed yourself if you tried :)
parabo Well, it's a new me now
dr|z3d shiny, chocolatey parabo.
parabo PARABO!
parabo I R PARABO
parabo anyone seen albat lately?
parabo anyone seen albat lately?
dr|z3d he's around and about.
dr|z3d got a new nas, 20TB or something. he was letting us know the other day. synology.
parabo he's a data hoarder
dr|z3d that he is
parabo I dunno what apps I need for my MacBook
parabo I feel like I need more apps
dr|z3d little snitch fo' sure.
parabo what's that?
dr|z3d app firewall.
parabo Yeah I got VisualStudio Code, Xcode, PyCharm...
parabo I'm set
dr|z3d ok, good.
parabo Okay, I'm going to sleeop
parabo sleep
dr|z3d sleep well o/
RN Aw dayum! I missed my favorite geometrical figure. :(
dr|z3d he'll be back, he can't stay away for too long :)
Lightning_tmp wonder if he's still a convert
T3s|4_ dr|z3d: indeed, a concise, nice review of cake.i2p by notbob :D
dr|z3d T3s|4: notbob aka website curator :)
parabo dr|z3d
parabo i2p blewup
dr|z3d how so, parabo? also, hi!
T3s|4 lols dr|z3d - as do you mean a non-peer reviewed, self assessment of his own site?
dr|z3d :) T3s|4
dr|z3d how so, parabo? also, hi!
dr|z3d parabo: /configupdate -> get on the dev branch and pull the latest, -16+
T3s|4 dr|z3d: are you thinking maximum 48 hours before .56 is released? It will be great to see the majority of network running ssu2 soon!
itsjustme Good morning
albat hey itsjustme :)
albat how are you?
itsjustme hey albat :)
itsjustme I'm doing alright. how about you?
albat i'm fine :3
itsjustme good :)
albat what are you up to for today?
parabo hello
parabo dr|z3d itsjustme
itsjustme hey parabo :D
itsjustme how was your day?
parabo it was good itsjustme. How about you?
itsjustme It was good overall :)
parabo I bought these spicy corn chips but they aren't spicy enough
itsjustme you like really spicy stuff?
dr|z3d throw some crushed birds eye chilli in there, parabo, they'll spice up.
dr|z3d itsjustme: did you see notbob's love letter to you? :)
itsjustme I did not yet
dr|z3d parabo: albat's here!
parabo hey albat!