IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dfr23 Hello
dfr23 Tomorrow my daughter get married
parrot hey hey hey!
dr|z3d what up parrt
dr|z3d *parrot
parrot i'm back
dr|z3d hi parrot
dr|z3d all good?
dr|z3d welcome back parrot, for the third time of trying!
parrot it's the 3rd time? i don't know whats going on with my router
dr|z3d third time I've attempted to say hi today.
dr|z3d check help/faq in your console and see if your ping timeout can be set higher.
parrot oh okie dokie. i haven't received anything
parrot i don't know how to change it on this messenger
parrot hello
parrot i'm back
dr|z3d try hexchat, perhaps, parrot.
parrot i am using hexchat
dr|z3d then you can tweak the ping timeout value.
dr|z3d i2p+'s faq tells you how.
dr|z3d should be more stable online now.
parrot should work now
dr|z3d obviously it won't help with you deciding to randomly disconnect mid-conversation :)
parrot i think i got it to how i like it now
parrot i'm back
parrot hexchat won't auto connect to the irc network
dr|z3d it should, configured correctly.
parrot ok, what do i need to do to make sure it will connect correctly
dr|z3d if you attempt to reconnect too fast you may be throttled. check the network logs for i2p.
parrot well what i mean is when i first start up hexchat it goes connecting to irc network, but it doesn't go into that, i have to manually put in /server localhost 6668
parrot i might have to restart my router
dr|z3d top menu -> hexchat -> network list.. you can figure it out from there...
dr|z3d hey NarratorZ
dr|z3d all good?
senpaiNikolai helloo guys
albat hi all :)
albat hi dr|z3d you are there?
dr|z3d hi albat
albat i have problems with my i2p+ over my windows
albat right now i'm over my vm
albat it seems that it's an adressbook pb
dr|z3d ok. how so?
albat i added subscriptions
albat but for example, it doesn't recognize my irc adresse and such
albat tunnel is green, it's strange
dr|z3d what doesn't recognize your irc address?
albat hexchat for example can't connect irc (
albat same for torrenting
albat i can't update my i2p+ version also
albat it says update is avaible, but i can't download it
dr|z3d have you configured hexchat to use a proxy?
albat no, i changed nothing
dr|z3d is it running now?
albat it says connection has been given up
albat yes, but it can't connect
albat do you want a screenshot?
dr|z3d not right now.
albat same for torrenting or updating i2p+
dr|z3d can you try updating i2p+ again from the sidebar? sometimes it takes a few hits of the button..
albat i added subsciptions
albat ok wait
albat it says "mise à jour"
albat the update torrent doesn't run
dr|z3d sometimes subscriptions can take a while to successfully pull for the first time.
albat i2pwinupdate.su3
dr|z3d no idea what that is.
albat ok i will wait then
dr|z3d that's not an i2p+ update.
albat it is
dr|z3d no, it isn't.
albat version 1.9.0_6+
dr|z3d there never has been an update for i2p+ named i2pwinupdate.su3
dr|z3d and that version string also looks wrong to me.
dr|z3d and you'll never see the update version reported in the sidebar, either. it'll show you a date.
dr|z3d (for i2p+ updates)
dr|z3d what's the update url you're using, albat_, on /configupdate ?
dr|z3d I'm just wondering if you installed the i2p from the easy bundle installer?
dr|z3d and then updated to i2p+...?
dr|z3d > what's the update url you're using, albat_, on /configupdate ?
dr|z3d > I'm just wondering if you installed the i2p from the easy bundle installer?
dr|z3d > and then updated to i2p+...?
albat bad?
dr|z3d installer, fine. update url, wtf is that?
albat i don't know :/
albat can you give me the correct one?
dr|z3d have you previously installed the i2p easy bundle?
albat not sure what you mean
dr|z3d there's an all-in-one installer idk maintains. maybe you installed that before. no matter. can you look on /info and see where your config dir is?
albat ok wait
albat Config Dir: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\I2P\
dr|z3d ok, so stop i2p+ and then rename that folder to I2P_old or something. then start i2p+. should create a brand new install.
albat ok wait :)
dr|z3d there's your hint...
albat update url has changed
dr|z3d skank.i2p ?
dr|z3d Blinded message
dr|z3d what about under unsigned updates at the bottom?
dr|z3d ok. good. don't go installing idk's easy installer bundle again.
dr|z3d you should be on notify only for updates, so you can install updates whenever you feel like it. recommended to update to 10+
albat ok thank you for your time :)
dr|z3d should all be working as expected now. may take a few minutes for the address book subs to pull, but you don't need to add any more.
dr|z3d bear in mind you have a new router id and port, so if you need to open the i2p port, do so. and don't forget to set bandwidth and whatever else.
albat yes i did so
albat already
albat good news, my eepsite server works now :)
albat it works now
albat hey itsjustme :3
albat how are you bud?
RN w0oot! Albator!!!!\
albat hi RN :3
albat how are you?
RN I'm hanging in there
albat going to sleep, see you around tomorrow?
albat bye :)
itsjustme hey RN :D
RN oi