IRCaBot 2.1.0
GPLv3 © acetone, 2021-2022
dfr22 Greetings
dfr22 dr|z3d: I got i2p+
dfr22 The webui is nice
dr|z3d hi dfr22. congratulations!
dr|z3d oh, you're enjoying it? great! :)
dr|z3d any issues?
dfr22 No issues
dr|z3d perfect.
dfr22 Is cool features to see?
dr|z3d there's /help/ which you might find useful.
dr|z3d you've got various configuration options in i2psnark, not least a torrent filter bar.
dr|z3d 4 console themes, 7 i2psnark themes.
dfr22 Yach schemas how
dr|z3d > /configui
dr|z3d and the configuration page for i2psnark
dr|z3d also, various pages you'll find autoupdate if you leave them open and have javascript enabled.
dr|z3d > /tunnels /jobs /logs etc
dr|z3d also, if you look at /profiles you'll now see your peers are graded based on latency.. green tick good, red cross and they won't be used for local tunnels.
dfr22 What is local tunnels?
dfr22 Client tunnel?
dr|z3d tunnels for your own use, either clients or servers. sure, you could call them client tunnels if you like.
dr|z3d new pages, too.. /info is i2p+ only, as is /tunnelsparticipating and /tunnelpeercount
dr|z3d you'll also find the tunnel manager auto-refreshes, so if you stop or start tunnels, the status will change automatically.
dr|z3d some of the tables will allow you to sort columns, for example the country column on /netdb
dr|z3d also, if you want to expose more of the ui, add routerconsole.advanced=true to your ~/.i2p/router.config file and wait a few moments..
dr|z3d you'll know when it's active as you'll see a new section in the sidepanel called "Congestion"
dr|z3d what else can I tell you, dfr22?
dr|z3d you can customize any of the themes by placing an override.css file in the relevant theme dir.. there are some example overrides in some of the console theme dirs.
dr|z3d you may also want to configure updates on /configupdate
dr|z3d for a "rolling release", enable unsigned updates, notify only policy, and use the /dev/ url listed there.
dfr22 I interested for stable
dr|z3d ok, release version you can configure there also, it's the default setting, you just have to enable unsigned updates.
dr|z3d and set update policy to "notify only" so you choose when to update. I2P+ updates will always say I2P+ in the sidebar, vanilla I2p updates will say Release update.
term99 dr|z3d i got that taken care of for you
dr|z3d thanks term99
dr|z3d all good over there?
HaruCode btw, how's peer list persistency working? did you test it?
dr|z3d just about to, HaruCode
dr|z3d are you confident it works? if so, I can put up the dev build for others to try.
HaruCode it worked for me, but I've used my own build, plus replaced the files in webapp archive manually. would like to see how it works in your environment
dr|z3d sure, well, it's up on the /dev/ url now if anyone else wants to take a look.
HaruCode a dev build is a good idea in any case
dr|z3d not always, at least not usually for untested code. but I have confidence in your testing now you're not just throwing untested shizz in my direction :)
dr|z3d are you having fun yet?
dr|z3d you can admit it, no shame :)
dr|z3d anyways, brb.
HaruCode I mean for this change. and just to be sure: does the version of refreshTorrents you got have a call to initFilterBar at line 129?
HaruCode as for fun - I've been in IT for too long for this to be extremely funny. I do like finding solutions within existing frameworks as well as planning and architecting new ones of course, if that's what you mean
dr|z3d yeah, fun, rewarding, not funny. funny is different :)
HaruCode contentment from having solved a problem
dr|z3d that's the one
HaruCode line 129. does it have initFilterBar?
dr|z3d I pulled the js about 10 minutes ago..
HaruCode then it should have
dr|z3d if (typeof bar !== "undefined" || bar) {
dr|z3d initFilterBar();
HaruCode no, another script, refreshTorrents.js
HaruCode 10 minutes ago it was already in place anyway
dr|z3d thead.querySelector("th.peerCount").addEventListener("click", toggleShowPeers, false);
dr|z3d initFilterBar();
dr|z3d I can currently report that it's not broken.. waiting on peers to connect.
HaruCode I've tested it myself, the only thing I'm worried about is possible uncovered differences
dr|z3d sure, have peers now, let's see how she behaves.
dr|z3d so far so good
dr|z3d good stuff. chocolate star for HaruCode :)
dr|z3d it does jump around a bit when you browse to config and back, but it's tolerable.
HaruCode it replicates the existing behavior when user clicks the hyperlink button. I've made it switch the peer display regardless of having peers, btw. you can see it from line 128, for example. just to be able to switch it without waiting. and that's why I don't like hiding UI elements
dr|z3d now, let's see if I can do something about your close/toggle icon size complaint.
dr|z3d sure, that's ok, if you're filtering then that's an acceptable compromise.
HaruCode that's strange thing. the close button should be the topmost element
dr|z3d not so strange. you're dealing with firefox's new inline scrollbars.
dr|z3d there's a preference under general -> browsing in firefox -> Always show scrollbars
dr|z3d besides, the browser "chrome" doesn't obey z-index, not for the page's css, anyways.
HaruCode nice. browser compatibility. that's why I prefer backend
dr|z3d do we want the message log toggle to behave like the filter bar and the state to be set with local storage?
dr|z3d there's probably other optimizations to be had there, it's a bit temperamental, occasionally toggle doesn't work.
dr|z3d probably the event listener could use some tweaking.
HaruCode um... closing log so that it shouldn't reappear on new message?
HaruCode *won't
dr|z3d no, that's standard behavior. it only reappears if new events are logged. the toggle size state.
HaruCode that's not the event listener itself, that's the dom mutation process not yet finished by the time you click again, I guess. I usually tend to disable the initiating control until the completion callback is called, just didn't know if you approve of such things
dr|z3d wait for DOM ready?
dr|z3d or DOM loaded, or whatever? I thought that was already happening, but it's been a while since I've looked at the scripts.
HaruCode yes, something like this. as I said, the refresh logic can be improved to avoid such state
HaruCode the scripts just replace some elements' subtree based on what is being refreshed
dr|z3d well, you've got all the js files there, see what you think can be improved if you like. the only thing you'll definitely not want to touch is the iframeResizer stuff.
HaruCode so they can be improved. and they look like it was a work in progress abandoned, unused variables repeating each other and stuff
dr|z3d I wouldn't say abandoned, but doutbless they can be improved.
HaruCode well, let's say "incomplete"
dr|z3d they were a learning process for me, and the second pass would have happened sooner or later if you hadn't appeared :)
dr|z3d they functioned more or less as intended, though I was fully aware when I wrote them that someone with more javascript nouse would probably look at them with a certain suspicion/derision :)
dr|z3d and more's the point, I hoped that the same person that brought some critical analysis to the party would also want to help improve them. and here you are :)
dr|z3d re the current patches, a couple of things.. I'm getting prolonged UI freezes now, and the toggle log size button mostly doesn't work now.
HaruCode it looks like you've missed some initialization stuff, dunno if in the servlet or in scripts. sometimes things work after refresh
HaruCode you can have freezes, because the filterbar reinits on every list refresh, because the refresh logic causes it to be replaced in certain circumstances. there are ways to make it better, and the first is to avoid full page reload when toggling peer list visibility
dr|z3d 4571 is probably where you want to look in the servlet code.
dr|z3d yeah, the freezes are more likely when you've got 100+ torrents on page, less like for 2 or 3. if you can mitigate the freezes, please do.
HaruCode will need more serious rewriting
dr|z3d I have every confidence you can get the whole UI singing :)
dr|z3d yeah, I'm getting total lockup for more than a minute with snark embedded. not even the parent frame responds.
dr|z3d and it's showing the torrent count when it does manage to update, we never want that to happen on refresh, only when the radio's checked.
dr|z3d of course the other way to do things is to use a query string instead of javascript to filter. that was always the long term goal.
dr|z3d HaruCode: even without filtering active I'm now getting UI lockups.
HaruCode it doesn't depend on whether filtering is on
dr|z3d if all torrents are being shown, we don't want the script active. just wastes cycles, and potentially freezes the ui.
dr|z3d what I mean is, there's no sense iterating over all the table rows if show all is active.
Irc2PGuest40951 wow, galera looks complicated
HaruCode dr|z3d, I'm thinking about some modifications
dr|z3d HaruCode: performing some magical surgery there? :)
dfr22 Hello
dfr22 what is good torrent place in i2p?